fifty eight

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"How have you been? We haven't seen you in ages." says James, playing with my white bedsheets, sitting at the end of my bed.

"I've been feeling much better. Just need a break but I'll be back in no time." I smile, reassuringly.

"Good. We're missing you."

"I know." I smirk.

"Okay, let's not get too ahead of ourselves." he laughs.

"James," I start.

"Yes, Bianca?" he smiles.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"What is it?"

"Please be honest with me," I say as he nods at me "do you know who my 'secret admirer' is?"

"Yes." he laughs, nervously.

"Have you known this whole time?"


"Why'd you lie to me about it?"

"Because, I made a promise to somebody. It's not up to me to tell you."

"But, James." I sigh, I needed to hint to him in a way that I can't be having secret admirers when I have a baby. Not everyone can take that and I would never put a responsibility of a baby on someone like that. I wouldn't want to be starting something with someone in the situation I was in. It wouldn't be fair for all parties. "I can't have a secret admirer. I don't approve of it. I need to talk to whoever it is."

"Soon, Bianca. Soon." he smirks.

"How's Drew and the other boys been? Thought I'd get a visit but I guess not!" I say.

"Didn't think it'd long for you to ask about him." James says under his breath as I give him a disapproving look.

"Ahem! What's that supposed to mean?" I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Look, B. Everyone knows that you two have gotten super close." he smirks again.


"You guys are always flirting and touchy with each other."

"What!" I laugh "No, we're just good friends."

"Are you blind?!" he blurts, pretending to spit out his water "He likes you!"

"No he doesn't." I deny.

"Bianca." he says, shaking me "He's so damn into you. We all know it."

"Aha!" I blurt "So he's my secret admirer!"

"Nope." he laughs.


"I guess more than one person likes you, B." he smirks.

"Well," I sigh, getting a bit serious "I'm not looking for a boyfriend.. I'm still-"

"inlove with Marcus." he teases, putting quotation marks around his name.

"Not cool, James. Not cool." I frown.

"Just kidding." he says, giving me a hug.

Yes, it was still too soon. It will never not be. Not for a while anyway. I'd forgotten him for a while, I really did. But, he's come back into my life again. When will I ever get away from this boy? I'm going to have to see him - in a romantic way or just a friend way regardless.

Beau insisted that I have a think about my decision because he felt that I was rushing it. Should I just stay for another four months and then go back to Australia and give birth? Would I even be allowed to fly that far along? I haven't told anyone. Only Beau knew. I didn't really want anyone to know before Marcus - with an exception of my family. I didn't want to tell him over facetime either. That wasn't just the time.

I walk down stairs, rubbing my belly over the oversized shirt I was wearing to hide my bump. I make my way towards the door and pick up the envelopes as I flicked through them checking if any were important.


I tell you everyday how beautiful you are,
I don't lie when I write,
You'd make any boy happy,
including me.
I wish I could tell you about how much I think about you,
but for now I just have to write.

Yours Truly,
Secret Admirer.

I sigh at the letter almost feeling guilty that I had a secret admirer even though I had no control. I couldn't have one, it wouldn't be right for the person. I'm not looking for a boyfriend, who would want a pregnant girl?

"James." I yell, followed by a sigh.

"Yes, B?" he yells back as I hear his footsteps come down the stairs.

"I can't keep having these come. I can't." I say, waving the envelope in my hand.

"Now, that I don't have control over." he says, putting his hands up in surrender.

"James, I can't." I sigh, feeling myself get teary. My emotions have been a roller coaster during this pregnancy.

"Woah, Woah, B." he says, taking a step closer to me and pulling me into a hug "I didn't know it bothered you this much."

"I'm sorry, it's just I can't."

"You can't what?" he says, his eyebrows meeting in the middle.

"I just can't say-" I say, before getting interrupted by the doorbell.

"I'll get it." whispers James, pulling away from my grip. I wipe my tears away as I take a deep breath. I hear the commotion begin to make its way into the living room.

"Hey, B." says Drew, giving me a hug. My perspective on our friendship has changed now that everyone saw it as more than a friendship. I felt like I had to be a little more cold towards him which I didn't want to do because I had grown so close to him in the short time I've been here.

"Hey." I flash a fake smile.

"Are you alright? You look a bit flushed." he says examining my face.

"Yeah." I flash another smile.

"You don't look good, I mean you always look good you just don't look we-" he says, talking fast as I laugh at his embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'm okay." I smile, giving him a hug.

"Ahem." coughs James walking into the room as I pull away.

- -

Hey guys!! I apologise for not updating yesterday! I've been so busy with school and work that it ran from my mind :( I'm sorry if I haven't been able to read your guys' story, I will definitely be getting to that when I get a day off! xx

How was this chapter? Do you guys know who the secret admirer is yet? *smirk* Can't wait to share more with you x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now