141. you try to find out if he has a crush on you

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Liam: "C'mon, Niall! I know he tells you everything!" you poke Niall with your toe and he looks up from his slice of pizza. "Does he like me or am I completely deluded?" you ask again. Niall shrugs and chews. "Not telling you anything! I promised!" he says firmly. "Niall, but please please," you plead. "I'll bake you coooookies." He raises an eyebrow. "The chocolate brownie ones?" You nod. "Sure, the chocolate brownie ones. Now, spill! Does he like me or not?" Niall sighs and shrugs. "He MIGHT have mentioned MAYBE that he really likes you," he says quickly. "But you didn't hear it from me." You smile brightly and give him a hug. "Eeee! Thanks Nialler. Don't worry, you'll get those cookies, promise." 

Harry: "Louis, what were you and Harry talking about before?" you raise an eyebrow at your blue-eyed friend curiously. "Huh? Oh, we were talking about you," he says casually, scrolling through his phone. "Oooh, what about me?" you lean in closer and shake his arm. "Uh, um," he scratches his neck and looks at the floor, a sure sign he's lying. "Your boobs?" You roll your eyes. "Although that answer is believable, I know you're lying! Spill, Lou! Does Harry...does he have a crush on me?" Louis sighs and smiles. "All right, fine. He does, okay? But don't tell him I told you 'cos Curly will kick my ass." he says after a moment. 

Niall: You lean into Zayn's shoulder, your feet on Harry's lap during movie night and yawn sleepily, you and all the boys tired from a long day at the beach. "Gonna go get more pop corn, (Y/N), you want another soda?" you nods at your empty Coke can and you shake your head. "No thank you." Niall leaves the room and you sit up quickly. "Okay! Spill! Is it just me or does he have a crush on me or am I going crazy or..." you whisper, the other four boys leaning in close to hear you. "Do you even have to ASK that?" Louis rolls his eyes and smiles. "Please, he's head over heels," Liam says quietly with a smile. "Really? Is he?" your eyes glitter with excitement. "Not supposed to tell you, but he's planning to ask you out this week," Zayn adds right before Niall returns with a bowl of popcorn. 

Zayn: "Did you ask him, did you, Li?" you plop on Liam's tour bus bunk and look at him with your puppy dog face. "You know, your lucky you're my good friend," he sighs. "And that face..." He shakes his head and you motion for him to continue. "Does he like me, does Zayn like me?" you ask, bouncing like an anxious school girl. "Don't tell him I told you, he'll never tell me anything again!" Liam says seriously. Then his face falters into a smile. "But yeah, he totally fancies you." 

Louis: "I will tape you to the wall and kick you in the nuts until you answer me!" you threaten Harry jokingly, pressing him for answers. "Please? Does Louis feel the same way?" Harry sighs and shakes his head. "You know you're completely crazy, right?" Your face falls. "But, yeah, he totally likes you." He smiles and goes back to his magazine. "Now, don't go telling him I told you, he'll go crazy sassy diva on me, all right?" You nod happily and give your curly haired friend a hug. "Thanks Haz, you're fabulous." 

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