215. Keeping It Quiet

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Niall: "What'd I say?" He spoke between breaths as he leaned over your back with his grip on your hips tightening surely to leave bruises, "Not a sound right...that's what I said." He groaned into your ear as he slammed his hips a little harder making another moan slip past your lips. "Maybe we should keep your mouth busy..." He whispered letting his thumb sweep over your bottom lip as his other hand gripped harder around your hips, "Suck it." He continued in a low tone his hips coming to a still. "Have to keep you quiet somehow babe."

Zayn: He bit down on his lower lip pushing the groan threatening to leave his lips back down as you squeezed around him. "Fuck..." He groaned turning his head into the pillow and biting down on it. His hands fell from your waist so he was now gripping at your hips as he let out muffled moans. You squeezed around him once more as you leaned forward latching your lips to his exposed neck. His dull nails left crescent marks into your skin as he pushed down another groan as he felt himself twitch inside of you, "[Y/N]...shit."

Louis: His hand came down hard on your already reddened butt with a loud smack, "Quiet [Y/N]." He spoke through clenched teeth as he pulled you back against him. A low moan left your lips as his thrusts quickened only making him smack your bum once more, "You're not being a good girl for daddy." He groaned slowing down until he was motionless inside of you, "Maybe I should just stop since you can't be quiet...wouldn't want t wake the kids." He spoke under his breath as he traced the evident handprint with a smirk.

Liam: You let your head fall back against the couch cushion as he slid in another finger with a smirk planted on his lips. You bit down on your lower lip as it was becoming difficult to keep breathing in control and so a moan wouldn't escape. He curled his fingers forcing a moan to leave your lips and the smirk only grew as his eyes stayed glued to movie playing on the television. "Alright [Y/N}?" Niall asked with a raised brow from his spot on the couch adjacent to you. Biting down on your lip harder you sent him a quick nod before your gaze trailed over to Liam. "Quiet...don't wanna interrupt the movie babe." He said with a teasing smile.

Harry: He presses his lips to yours roughly stumbling a bit as he pressed you up against the closet door with his hands holding tightly at your thighs. You let out throaty moans into his mouth as he continued to thrust into you. His lips ventured from yours as he lowered his face into the crook of your neck with low grunts muffling into your skin before nipping at the spot and sucking at it lightly but enough to leave a mark. His nails dug into your skin as he pressed deeper into you, forcing his name to leave your lips in a loud moan. He pulled his lips away from your neck shooting you a stupid grin before pressing his lips back to yours, "None of that...my mum's next door." He spoke against your lips.

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