230. You call him in the middle of the night.

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Harry: He rubbed at his eyes pressing the phone to his ear, "You alright babe?" He asked, his voice filled with sleep. "I-I just couldn't sleep and I wanted t hear your voice." You muttered hugging your pillow tightly to your body as you heard him let out a small yawn. "You missed me huh?" He said between another yawn but you could hear the smile in his voice. "Yeah...guess I did miss you a bit Harry." You said letting out a small chuckle and he scoffed. "You missed me more than a bit babe."

Zayn: "Whaddyado want babe?" His voice was muffled as he was lying face down on his pillow with his eyes still shut. You let out a chuckle as you balanced the phone between your shoulder and ear while you toed your shoes off, "You told me t ring ya when I got off work babe." You reminded him and you heard some shuffling. "Its 2 in the morning [Y/N] and you're just getting home...you should have called me earlier I would have picked you up." He ran his hand over his face.

Liam: "M'up." He grumbled wiping the sleep from his eyes as he sat up in the bed blinking slowly, "What's up?" He asked fighting off a yawn as his eyes trailed over to the clock sitting on the table beside him. "I wanted t talk t you." You shrugged running your thumb over the picture of the two of you, "When are you coming home again?" You asked taking your lower lip between your teeth and he let out a sigh. "Was going t surprise you, but I'll be home this weekend babe." He spoke softly a tiny smile taking over his lips.

Niall: "Hmm?" He pressed the phone to his ear tiredly as he buried his face further into his pillow, "Babe what?" He mumbled into the phone prying his eyes open slowly to stare over at the bright illuminated lights on the clock and it read 3:12. "Wait...is it the baby? Do you need me t come home because I can-" "Niall." You cut him off with a small giggle, "I just wanted the baby t hear your voice because it calms him down and he'll finally stop kicking." You said rubbing your hand over your rounded belly. "Him? A boy? We-we're..." "Yes babe we're having a boy."

Louis: "Hey babe..." He said between a loud yawn as he ran his fingers through his tousled hair, "what are you doing up?" He questioned pushing the blanket off his body and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "Can-is it too late for me t come over?" You asked chewing on the corner of your lip. "Want me t come get ya? Is something wrong?" He asked as you shook your head. "No...I just don't want to sleep alone tonight Lou."

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