222.'Its not your fault.'

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Liam: "Its not your fault." He held the bag of frozen peas to his eye as he leaned back on the bed, "I mean it is kind of your fault but its my fault too. I know you don't like being tickled." He shrugged as you bit down on your lower lip staring over at him from your spot at the foot of the bed. "Didn't mean to hit you in the eye babe." You muttered fiddling with your fingers as your eyes trailed over to the bag of peas he had pressed to his face. "Its really okay [Y/N]...at least I didn't end up in the hospital this time." He shot you a smile as a groan left your lips. "You said it wasn't my fault that time." You grumbled burying your face in your hands and he shrugged. "Oh...it wasn't."

Harry: "Its not your fault." He whispered as he cupped your face in his hands with a smile on his lips as you frowned up at him, "I distracted you so its my fault the cake burned." He shrugged a bit only making your frown deepen. "But Harry...the cake's for your birthday. What the hell are we going to do with a burnt cake. You whined and he let out a chuckle. "S'fine [Y/N]. We can still eat it. Just um...I dunno cut the burnt parts off or something." He leaned forward pressing his lips to yours, "Thank you for making me a cake." He spoke against your lips quietly before pulling away and turning his attention to the cake on the counter. "You don't even notice the burnt...it's chocolate right?" He asked with a tilted head as he continued examining it and you let out a groan. "No."

Niall: "Its not your fault." He sniffled bringing his hand up to wipe at his nose quickly before encircling his arms tightly around your slightly trembling body. "He...what if-what if he doesn't make it?" You sobbed into his chest as you clenched the sides of his shirt. "Don't talk like that." He swallowed the lump that sat at the back of his throat. "Niall he-he has cancer...Caleb...its my-" "Don't. Just stop it [Y/N]." Niall squeezed his eyes closed as he felt a few tears make their way down his cheeks, "Fucking stop it. If...if its your fault then its my fault too [Y/N]." He spoke through the sobs he was no longer holding back. You continued to grip tightly onto him until the doctor beckoned both of you into the room.

Zayn: "Its not your fault." He shot his fingers through his hair quickly, "I know you and I know that's probably what's going through your head." He shook his head before peering over at you and taking in the bruises that ran along your neck. "And its not your fault. I-I..." He let out a shaky breath dropping his face into his hands as he silently began to cry. "Why...why would some do this?" He whimpered into his hands, "This wouldn't have happened if I were there. I should have been there...I could have stopped him...I..." His body shook as he looked up from his hands to stare at your motionless body and he let out a sob. "I swear I will kill this guy man...I will fucking kill him when I find him."

Louis: "Its not your fault." He glanced over his shoulder at you as you groaned in pain from your spot on the couch, "Actually...s'kinda my fault." He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly as he held an ace bandage in the other hand. "I mean the floor was wet because I spilled water and I was putting off mopping it. So...yeah m'the reason you fell." He mumbled taking a seat by your feet and gently lifting your throbbing ankle up to wrap it tightly and you let out another groan. "This time around your clumsiness isn't the reason to you getting hurt." He shot you a sheepish smile once he finished wrapping up your ankle and you narrowed your eyes at him, "Sorry babe." He leaned over to pressing his lips to your cheek quickly.

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