202. One of your kids has cancer.

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Liam: "C'mon tell Santa what you want for Christmas." Liam sent Noah a reassuring smile as the little boy finally tore his eyes away from his father to look up at Santa. "My big brother." Noah whispered into Santa's ear before moving away a little to stare into the man's eyes, "Make him better." He continued whispering a small frown tugging on his lips. The man dressed as Santa nodded his head slowly, the smile no longer on his lips as he promised something he knew he shouldn't have. Nodding back Noah sent him a tiny smile before slipping off his lap and taking his father's hand pulling him away from crowd of people waiting for their kids to meet Santa. "Well did you tell Santa what you wanted little man, I mean since you wouldn't tell me?" Liam asked glancing down at his son who nodded subtly as Liam waited for Noah to at least hint at what he wanted, but nothing came after that. "Can we see Cam today?" He asked instead, "I made him something in art and...and I want him to have it." "Course we can Noah, we can go now if you want. Maybe pick up something to eat on our way to the hospital."

Zayn: Aubrey tossed the small teddy bear in the air a few times as Rory giggled from his spot on the hospital bed. "I want you to have it little brother." She said smiling over at him placing the stuffed kitten beside him and watched him pull it closer to his thinning body. "You give me Timmy." Rory spoke softly shooting his older sister a toothless grin before she nodded her head shrugging her shoulders a bit. "I don't need him anymore I'm a bit old for Timmy yeah." She proclaimed letting out a small chuckle as she leaned back in the chair beside his bed. "You know you have to get better soon so we can go camping again. You had fun last time right?" She asked watching him nod his head still smiling over at her, "Well then we're going camping but you have to get better Rory...think you can get better and go camping with me." Aubrey bit down on her lower lip the sadness returning from its brief absence. "Can Timmy come camping too?" He asked only receiving a nod back in response, "Okay I get better soon Bee." He promised sticking his thumb into his mouth after letting out a small yawn. She knew he had no control over whether or not he'd get better; she just hoped he could pull through this.

Niall: "I can stay with him dad." Caleb shrugged looking over his father's shoulder into the room where his little brother slept, "Go home." He let his eyes wander back to his dad. "You sure Cal? I really have no problem sleeping here tonight." Niall ran his hand over his tired face and Caleb nodded. "Yeah go get a proper rest...s'not like you won't be here early in the morning any way." He said letting out a small chuckle in which Niall returned nodding his head. "Plus I want to be here when he wakes up...I always seem to come when he's asleep. He probably thinks I never visit him." Caleb mumbled shoving his hands into his pockets as his eyes fell from his father and onto the shiny floor beneath his feet. "Conor knows you visit Cal...he just gets a bit sad that we never wake him up when you're here that's all." Niall sighed pulling his older son into a tight embrace and pressing his lips to the side of his head before pulling away and slipping on his jacket. "He'll be up in a bit," Niall reminded Caleb, "so I can only imagine the look on his face when he wakes up and you're there beside him rather than your mum or me." Niall smiled looking between his two boys.

Louis: Maddie's grip on Louis's hand tightened as she entered her sister's room, "Daddy...is Sophie gonna be okay?" She whispered not being able to tear her eyes off her older sister, who was staring back with a tired smile. "Let's go ask her." Louis spoke quietly sending a smile over to his eldest child as he led the younger one closer, "Feeling any better today Soph?" Louis asked flopping down in the seat beside her bed and pulling Maddie onto his lap. "M'alright just a bit tired." Sophie shrugged staring over at her father momentarily before her gaze landed on Maddie, "Hey Mads..." Sophie grinned sitting up slightly in the bed and patting a spot for her sister to sit, which she did with some help from her dad. "I missed you." "I miss you too...when can you come home?" Maddie asked chewing on the inside of her cheek, expecting the same answer she'd gotten every other time she'd ask the question. "Soon." Sophie sent her a promising smile before pulling her into a small embrace. "Did you bring the bracelets you made for Sophie, Madison? You were up really late with mum making them." Louis spoke up with a smile on his lips. "You made me something?" Sophie asked with raised brows as Maddie nodded reaching into her pocket and pulling out four beaded bracelets.

Harry: Charlie absentmindedly ran her hand over her younger brother's head as he laid on his bed looking tired, "I miss your little curly locks Danny." She mumbled leaning closer to the bed and he let out a small chuckle. "Mum said it'd grow back Charles...s'like you're more sad about my hair than I am." He joked brushing her hand from his head causing her to pout a bit, "Stop pouting Charlie you look like a pup." He said between a yawn. Ignoring his remark she rested her chin on her hands that laid flat on his bed, "How are you? And I mean really how are you none of that crap you feed mum and dad." She asked letting her eyes shut as she waited for a response. "I dunno Charlie," He shrugged, "m'fine. I just want t get out of here. I wanna be home with you guys. I wanna go back to school and..." His voice trailed off a bit as his glazed over a little, "and not have to worry about whether or not I was gonna die from this." He mumbled soon feeling his sister's hand closing over his. "I'm fine though." He whispered biting down on the corner of his lip.

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