227. Admitting his feelings

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Niall: He pulled you through the mass of dancing bodies until it was just the two of you in a dingy bathroom, "Can't do this anymore." He shook his head as you stared up at him with questioning eyes. "What?" You asked tilting your head to the side, "What are you going on about?" "This [Y/N]...I don't want us to be friends anymore." He rushed out sending his fingers through his hair quickly. "You taking a piss right? What do you mean you don't want to be friends?" You asked biting down on your lower lip to stop the frown from being noticeable. "M'serious...I don't-I lied before when I said I didn't want a relationship." He sighed leaning back against the sink as his eyes fell from your face, "I want to try it out." He shrugged and you continued to chew on your lower lip. "Niall...what?" "Us. I want to try us out, I want more than just being friends with you, [Y/N]." You felt heat rise to your cheeks, "But you said-" "I know what I said, it was bullshit okay. I want this."

Liam: "If I didn't know any better I'd think you two were a couple." Louis said with a grin as his eyes roamed over the two of you pressed closely together on the couch. You scoffed rolling your eyes at his comment before putting some space between you and Liam, which only caused Louis to laugh a bit. "We could never be a couple...Liam said so himself a while back." You shrugged your shoulders. "You two are mental..." He said under his breath between his laugh as he returned his eyes to the movie playing on your television. "I did say that once huh?" Liam mumbled glancing over at you as he took his lower lip between his teeth and you nodded in response. "Well that was a while ago...and I-I don't see anything wrong with us being a couple." He spoke quietly and you stared over at him with furrowed brows as you took in his words. "Honestly...I like the thought of us as a couple."

Louis: He circled his arms around your waist with a teasing grin set on his lips, "Who are you getting all dressed up for babes? " He asked resting his chin on your shoulder as his eyes raked over your attire from your reflection in the mirror. "M'dressed up for myself and I'm going out in a bit so I'll see you later Lou." You shot him a smile through the mirror before you brushed his arms off you and easily slipped your feet into your shoes. "Going out with who? And how come I wasn't invited?" He narrowed his eyes at you as you shrugged your shoulders. "Dunno...its just going to be me and a few girls. Didn't think you'd want to come." You muttered turning your back to him as you went to gather the rest of your belongings. "Well I'm going...we can spend some time together or something yeah." "Louis you've been here since morning how-how much time are you trying to spend with me." You said letting out a chuckle and he shrugged. "If I could I'd spend every day with you."

Harry: He pressed his lips to your cheek before the flash went off on the camera and you scrunched up your face, "Geez Harry can we not take a normal picture together." You shook your head giving him a light shove and he let out a chuckle. "We take normal pictures, we have a ton of them actually." He shot you a dimpled smile after you scoffed. "I don't even remember the last time we took a picture and you were just smiling at the camera." You rolled your eyes and he shrugged with the smile still on his lips. "So what? I like kissing ya." He muttered causing you to furrow your brows up at him. "Don't start this again Harry." You frowned a bit as a sigh left his lips, "You said what you wanted to say the last time this conversation came about I don't want to hear it again." You mumbled wiping your hand over your face quickly. "What if things changed though...what if I want it. I-I want to be with you and I'm not scared to say it anymore."

Zayn: He held onto your hand as the two of you made it back toward the party, "Sure this is alright Z, wouldn't want to ruin your chances tonight." You joked and he scoffed. "Oh come off it [Y/N]. If I had plans on making off with some bird I wouldn't have came with you." He shook his head as he bumped his shoulder into yours. "Well s'not like we're together or anything Z, we've discussed this ages ago and you said it wouldn't work." You smiled up at him and he nodded running his tongue over his lower lip quickly. "I think we could make it work if we wanted it to." He bit down on his lip, "I mean if its what we both wanted then I don't see why things couldn't change. I like you yeah and I would like to think that you like me as well [Y/N]." He said with a hint of laughter in his voice, "So how about we forget past conversations about this and see how things go."

(A/n 50 vote and I will up date )

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