158. He notices/sees your baby bump for the first time.

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Liam- 'I can't wait to see you babeee :)' You texted from the airport parking lot, as you waited for Liam's flight to come in. Liam was away on tour for the past three months and being you were pregnant it was best that you just stayed home and away from most of the madness. 'Me either!! I am getting off the plane now!! Cant wait to see our little one either! :D' Liam quickly replied as you sat nervously and excitedly. You were a little bit nervous being Liam hadn't seen your baby bump in person yet, because when he left you were only a few weeks pregnant, but now you were really showing it. You waited, and waited for Liam while you rubbed your belly. Finally you saw a tall and muscular body coming towards your car and you knew it was Liam, you got up and jumped out of the car as he dropped his suit case and ran to you. "(YN)!" Liam called as he grabbed you and hugged you tight. "Li I missed you so much." You said as you buried you head in the crook of his neck. "I love you." Liam said as he planted kisses all over you. "I love you too!" You said as you backed away from Liam so he could see your bump. "Oh my god, Its real!" Liam said as a huge smile grew across his face. "Ha yes it's real." You said chucking at Liam who was starring at your belly. "Wow.." He said still smiling from ear to ear. "What?" You asked curiously. "Well in pictures it doesn't actually seem real.. Now its just like.. 'Wow my child is living inside of you and I am actually going to be a dad." Liam said as he kissed your belly. "Actually your son is living inside me." You corrected happily. "My what?" Liam asked with an even bigger smile, "Your son, Its a boy!" You said as Liam pulled you back into a hug. "IM HAVING A SON!?" Liam asked again. "Yes Li, It's our son." You said with a chuckle at how cute he was. "C'mon lets get home and I can show you the ultrasound pictures!" You said. "I can see his little willy?" Liam asked immaturely. "Oh my god Liam.." You said with a laugh, "I've missed you." You said as you two got in the car to head home.

Niall- "Wow.." You said to yourself as you looked back at the mirror as you stood in your sports bra and shorts. "You're really in there!" You said with a little giggle to your baby. You got so into looking at your bump you didn't even hear Niall walk into the bedroom. "(YN)..... (YN).....(YN)!" Niall said before you finally noticed him. "What the hell are you doing?" Niall asked. "I've been in here for like two minuets and all you've done is look at yourself." Niall said not understanding what you were doing. "Niall Look." You said as you turned sideways towards him. "What?" He said confused. "Look at my bump.." You said getting slightly annoyed. "And.. wow." He said ass a smile grew across his face. "It's really getting big!" He said excitedly. "I guess I never really noticed it yet.. actually." He said. "Can I touch it?" He asked like a child. "Niall oh my god, I let you inside of.. ok never mind, Yes you can touch my belly." You said causing Niall to laugh at you. "Just checking!" He said as he walked in closer and placed his hands on your stomach. "Holy shit.. this is surreal." Niall said with a big smile. "Niall no swearing in front of the baby!" You said half jokingly and half seriously. "Shit sorry." He said still holding on to your stomach. "Niall.." You said with a chuckle. "I will work on it okay!" He said, "I've still got 7 months!" He said. "Yeah but they will fly by." You said. "You're right, I can't believe in 7 months I will be daddy." He said sweetly. "Me either." You said, "Me either..."

Louis- Tonight was the first time you and Louis would be going out together since you found out you were pregnant, and needless to say you were both a little bit nervous about peoples reaction. You had already told your close family and friends but the rest of the public still didn't know. Personally you could see a small bump forming and you knew Louis' fans would too, being they notice everything. "Jesus." You mumbled as you tried to slip on a tight dress you would be wearing to the charity event you would be attending tonight. "This is fricken, tight." You said as you squeezed the dress over you small but noticeable bump, compared to your typically flat belly. "Lou can you bring me my black heals?!" You yelled through the house. "Sure love where are they?" He yelled back. "By the front door." You replied back. Soon Louis was walking into your bedroom with your shoes and said, "(YN) are you sure these are good for you to be wearing being... WOW!" He said as his eyes went strait to your belly. "What...?" You asked cautiously. "It's just.. I guess it just clicked, like you're really pregnant and there is really a baby inside of you." Louis said with a smile from ear to ear. "and your bump is the cutest little baby bump I have ever seen." He said with a smirk. "Oh why thank you Tommo." You giggled. "How do you think your fans will take it?" You asked worriedly, being you always got so much hate from the fans. "Some of them will accept it and be extremely happy for us, and the rest of them will be assholes and rude about it but fuck them, you're the one holding my child, not them." Louis said. "You're the best mother to my child I could ask for." Louis said, causing you to have a few tears come to your eyes. "Lou.." You said softly as a tear fell. "It is true, I couldn't ask for anyone better than you." He said as he hugged you. "C'mon no matter what happens tonight I will be by your side the whole time!" Louis said as he ok your hand and you two headed for the event.

Harry- "Paul! How are you!" You said as he walked over to your car as you pulled up to the boys venue for tonight. You were coming to surprise Harry in general and to surprise him with the news that you were expecting and you had been planning this for weeks with Paul and the other boys! "I'm good (YN), how are you feeling?" Paul asked as he helped you out of the car. "Pretty good, I'm very excited to tell him!" You said as Paul took your bags out of the car. "Well, I will take you backstage real quick so you can set things up with the other boys, then We will get you out in the crowd. And he is working out with Mark so he will make sure he doesn't see you before the show!" Paul said as you two walked into the dressing room where Liam, Zayn, Niall & Louis we're in. "Thanks Paul" You said as you gave him a quick hug, "I'll be back in a few so we can get you out there." Paul said as he left you with the other boys. "(YN) WHASSUP" Niall said as he and all the other boys hugged and kissed you and congratulated you on the pregnancy. "So what is the plan?" Liam asked as you all sat down. "Well I will be out in the crowd up by the second stage with a sign that says 'I am pregnant.' and when you guys get over there, If one of you could point out the sign to Harry and the rest of the crowd, that would be perfect!" You said getting excited. "Sounds awesome!" Zayn said. "Yeah But this is a lot of responsibility!" Louis joked. "You guys will be fine!" You said s Paul came back to take you out to the crowd, "Ok (YN) Lets go, and boys you need to get ready because the show is in 20." Paul said, as you said goodbye to the boys. Soon you were out in the crowd with your sign and the boys had just reached the second stage and you were going crazy with excitement, when Liam looked your way and gave you a quick wink meaning he was going to point you out any second. "Now before we do this next song I would like to point out this very special sign I see out here." Liam began, "What is that Payno?" Niall asked, "Liam you always have to interrupt us, this time it better actually be good." Louis joked. "Well this is sign says "Harry I am Pregnant on it and I wondered if Harry had so explaining to do..." Liam said as the other boys chucked, along with the oblivious crowd. "Whaaaat?" Harry said confused. "I didn't get a fan pregnant!" Harry said getting confused. "It's not a fan!" Zayn said, as he pointed you out to Harry and a big spotlight pointed on you. "OH MY GOD!" Harry said shocked. "No way!" He said with a big smile, as you turned sideways and showed your small bump and the crowd erupted in cheers and the boys all gave Harry a big hug, "Well I guess this will be my first song as an expecting Dad?" Harry said. "Yes it will!" Louis said as they began to sing again.

Zayn- "ZAAAAAAYNN ZAYN ZAAAYYYNNN!" a crowd girls cheered as Zayn walked off the plane the boys took back from promo in Australia. You were waiting in the airport all day to see Zayn for the first time since you had a visible baby bump. "CAN I HAVE A PICTURE?" Many girls yelled to Zayn but he kept walking past them and came strait to you. "(YN)!" He yelled as he ran into your arms. "Zayn! I missed you." You said as you two hugged for a very long time. "WOW! It is so big!" Zayn said as he pulled away from your hug to plant a kiss on your belly. "I can't believe it!" He said happily. "My child is in there!" He said as a few tears came to his eyes. "Aww Zayn why are you crying?" You asked as you still stood in he middle of the airport. "Well It's just the first time I have really been able to look and see 'Our baby' I guess!" Zayn said as you wiped away his few tears. "C'mon lets go home I can stare at your belly without getting strange looks!" Zayn said as you two began to walk to the front of the airport.

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