161. He checks out another girl and you get jealous...

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Liam: You rub the sleep out of your eyes as you fall back onto the settee, reaching out for the TV remote to turn it on to the right channel. The boys were being interviewed about their upcoming tour on one of the breakfast programmes, and you made a point of always watching their interviews out of proudness in what they were achieving, even if it required you to get up at this ungodly hour. You get up to make yourself a cup of tea while the TV presenters are discussing with an expert the increased risk of snow the coming weekend, dashing back with your drink when you hear them announce One Direction's presence. You grin like an idiot the entire time, despite the generic and repetitive questions. Conversation changes their celebrity crushes as the presenter teases, "So what's this about Leona Lewis?". "Ah," the boys chuckle looking between eachother before Louis explains, "That's more Liam's forte,". You watch as Liam rolls his eyes, smiling slightly, "Well she's a very talented and attractive woman,". At the same moment as Liam speaks you catch sight of yourself in the mirror opposite, your scruffy hair in a knot on the top of your head, your baggy unflattering pyjamas, and the noticeable bags beneath your eyes from your lack of sleep. It's a second later when you dive for the remote, switching the TV off so you don't have to hear anymore - usually comments like that never got to you, but today the comparison was startling. You mill around the house for the rest of the day in a mood, not able to get the comment out of your head. It's around tea time when Liam finally gets home after his day of promotion, and he finds you in the kitchen preparing tea and he wraps his arms gently round your waist, leaning around kiss your cheek. "Hello," he mumbles kindly, pulling back to shrug off his coat. "Good day?" you ask politely, your jaw tense. "Not bad, very long though," he sighs, sitting down at the dining table. "So Leona Lewis," you comment before you can stop yourself, turning to face him, "Very talented and attractive eh?". Liam's head tilts to the side his eyes narrowing slightly before a smirk spreads across his face, "You're not jealous are you?" you don't say anything, and he chuckles, "Did you watch the whole interview?". "Obviously," you scoff, nodding. He gets to his feet, moving closer towards you, "So you saw the bit where I said I don't really pay much attention anymore because I already have my gorgeous and incredible girlfriend back home?". A blush spreads across your face as he leans down to give you a sweet kiss, before mumbling, "Ok, I might have missed that part,".

Louis: "Look at her," Zayn whistles after the girl who'd just passed by your group were lounging in the park. "She's got some right legs on her," you chuckle, peering after her from your position lying down, your head resting on Louis' stomach, "How tall must she be,". "Who cares," Niall laughs loudly, "She's rocking those shorts - I would,". You roll your eyes, turning your attention back to the magazine in your hands unsurprised by their animalistic behaviour - typical boys. "Tell me about it," Louis chuckles above you, and you sit up straight to look at him in utter disbelief, he looks at you in surprise, "What?". You let out a frustrated huff, pushing away his outstretched arm as you get to your feet, muttering, "At least wait til i'm not here," before stalking off in the direction of the cafe. Behind you you can hear the laughs from the other boys and Niall's tease, "Oou, looks like someone's in trouble Lou Lou,". In truth it only bothered you so much because of how stunning and modelesque the girl they'd been talking about had looked, and you sigh as you get into the line at the ice cream van. "Babe," you hear quietly behind you, and you turn to find Louis stood there, "I was just joking around, she has nothing on you,". You look up at, still frowning slightly as you point out, "Yeah but I don't have legs up to my shoulders,". He grins, his hands resting on your hips, "I'm glad they don't because that'd be kind of strange. I love you the way you are,". You roll your eyes at his cheesiness, but allow him to kiss you sweetly as he leans his head down. "Want something?" you ask moments later, gesturing towards the ice cream van, and he shakes his head. He stays with you in the queue, and on several occasions you look behind you to watch him, shaking your head and chuckling as he hums along to the tune of B.O.B's 'Nothin' On You' in your ear.

Harry: Harry's giddy as he drags you along to the studio - you were getting to see the earliest preview of their newest music video, not due to be released for weeks yet. "I hope it's ok, we all think it's good," he mutters as he leads you up the stairs, more to himself than to you. This music video would be the first of theirs with a message, to be serious, a great distance from their usual jokiness in previous videos. He pulls you onto his lap to watch the video, despite their being a whole settee of space for you. As you watch the screen you can feel Harry's gaze intently on your face. "So..." he trails off, looking at you expectedly, "What did you think?". You turn to look at him with a grin, "Harry it was great, fans are going to love it! I'm proud of you babe," you gush, kissing him quickly. When he pulls away he looks at you with a slight frown, "Well if it was so good, why did you have a weird look on your face the entire time then?". You blush, looking away - you knew why that would be the case, you wouldn't say you were a fan of how handsy the actress playing Harry's love interest had been, not to mention how beautiful she'd been. After much begging, you eventually confess your jealousy, to which he just grins back at you smugly. "What's that look for?" you pester, poking his dimple lightly. "Maybe I just like the fact you were jealous," he teases, squeezing your waist slightly, "Not that there's any need to be... It's just nice to know I have the same effect on you as you do me,". "What?" you look at him taken aback, "You get jealous because of me?". He rolls his eyes, "Of course I do, you blind girl - I love you though,".

Zayn: The two of you had only been in the restaurant for approximately half an hour and you'd already thought of close to fifty things you'd like to say to this overbearing waitress. You were aware that your boyfriend was ridiculously attractive, more than aware actually, but that didn't give anyone the automatic right to flirt with him when he was so obviously on a date with you. A glance over Zayn's shoulder tells you she's heading back over here, and in a desperate attempt to get her to back off, you reach across the table and grab his hand. "Ah, I'm really sorry love, but i'm afraid we've actually run out of diet coke, can I get you anything else?" the waitress addresses Zayn - she's stood with her back to you - despite you both having ordered diet cokes. "Damn," Zayn laughs, shaking his head, "That's the diet out of the window then,". You glare at the back of her head as she lets out an over the top laugh as Zayn explains just normal coke will be fine. As she leaves you sigh, leaning back in your chair. Zayn looks over at you with concern in his eyes, "Are you ok babe?". You take this as your opportunity, "Can we just leave? I can safely say i'm not going to enjoy watching you and that waitress flirting all night,". He looks taken aback, "I was only being friendly,". You smile slightly, "I know that, but she certainly doesn't," you roll your eyes. He squeezes your hand across the table, "I'm sorry babe, we'll go find somewhere else if you want,".

Niall: "Celebrity crushes, go!" the presenters shout, and you join in with the laughter from the studio audience from your seat on the front row. Niall is the last boy they get to, but he's sure of his answer, "Katy Perry definitely, always had a soft spot for her,". His answer doesn't surprise you because you're aware of it, but it doesn't stop you from feeling a tad jealous - you were essentially the complete opposite of Katy Perry. At the end of the show you catch up with the boys backstage, and when Niall catches sight of you he jogs over, pulling you in for a kiss, leaving his arm around you waist when he pulls away. "Have I told you already today how great you look?" he asks you teasingly, knowing that he's already complimented you wearing the top he'd bought you for your birthday several times already that day. You roll your eyes, a smirk on your lips, "You might have - but i'm no Katy Perry after all,". He throws his head back in laughter, used to your joking behaviour, "Yeah and i'm no Taylor Lautner or whatever other 'fit' lad you go on about," he teases back, kissing the end of your nose playfully. You just laugh back - he had a point, you did go on about good looking guys quite often. "But," Niall adds once his laughter has subsided, moving himself behind you so he can rest his chin on your shoulder, "I'd pick you over Katy Perry any day - you're the only kind of girl I want,". You chuckle, turning your head to press a kiss to his cheek, "Good because i'd only ever choose you too,".

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