210. Too Far Away.

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Zayn: "Why are you all the way over there?" He asked with furrowed brows after watching you take a seat at the other end of the couch. You tore your eyes from the television to glance at him with questioning eyes, "Does it really matter where I sit Z?" You asked returning your gaze back to the kitten commercial now on the screen missing his little nod. "Yeah...I'd like it better if you were right here." He shot you a tiny smile as he patted the spot beside him, "You're a bit far away don't you think." "Well I'm not moving so if you want to be close to me I suggest you bring you butt over 'ere." You mumbled as you brought your knees up and hugging them to your chest. Before the next commercial began he was already beside you, his arm draped over your shoulder, and your head now resting in the crook of his neck.

Niall: He let out another nasty cough sitting up on his elbows with a frown on his lips, "Can you just lay with me babe? I'm fine." He said between a sniffle and you glanced over your shoulder with a raised brow, "I mean I'll be fine once you're next to me." He muttered letting his head drop back onto the pillow. You let out a sigh pushing away from the desk as he continued to whimper your name and made your way over to the bed and lying beside him, "Happy now?" You asked glancing down at your sickly boyfriend only to see him shake his head. "I'm cold." He spoke quietly looking up at you through his lashes and you groaned. "You have like 10 blankets on you babe and you're still cold...do we need to go to the doct-" "No I just want to cuddle." He cut you off with a small grin, "I know I'm sick but you were really far away and I just want you next to me."

Harry: "I miss you." He mumbled into the phone as he stared up at his hotel ceiling through the darkness, "I didn't mean to wake you." He sighed as you let out another yawn, you shrugged although he couldn't see. "S'fine Harry. I miss you too so I don't mind you waking me up in the middle of the night to tell me that." You said with a smile growing on your tired lips, "I'm shocked you're even up right now." You continued and he chuckled. "Yeah me too honestly." He confessed bringing his hand up to wipe at his droopy eyes, "I wish you were here ya know..." He breathed letting his eyes fall shut as slumber was starting to get the best of him. "So we could sleep together and waking up with your body tangled with mine." He continued to talk as your breathing was becoming steady through the phone and he knew soon you'd be asleep. Its something you two did from time to time, sleeping on the phone, it was good for the both of you. It made it seem like you two were in bed together minus the actual contact but you didn't feel as far away from each other.

Liam: He sat up quickly with a fresh coat of sweat glazed over his chest as his eyes roamed through the darkness in search of you, but nothing. He kicked the blanket off, easily slipping out of bed straight into the living room to find you seated on the carpet with your homework scattered around you and he let out a relieved sigh. You glanced up at him with raised brows and he shook his head in response, "I thought...nothing doesn't matter. When are you gonna be done?" He asked running his fingers through his disheveled hair and you shrugged. "Dunno...I really need to get this project done." You groaned letting your pen fall from your hand to take a swig of your can of coke. "I can help if you want..." He suggested but he didn't really want to help. He just needed to be near you after that horrifying dream, and even after dropping down beside you with his thigh pressed to yours he still felt too far away.

Louis: "You're really not coming to bed?" He asked with a raised brow as he leaned over the couch to stare at you curled up with a sheet draped across you. "You can't seriously still be mad [Y/N]...I already said sorry." He mumbled crouching down and resting his elbows on the top of the couch, but you didn't respond. After sitting in silence for a few moments he let out a sigh, a frown taking over his lips, "Can you please just come to bed? I don't like sleeping without next to me." He spoke under his breath reaching out to brush his fingers over the exposed skin that the sheet hadn't covered. You peered behind you taking notice in his saddened face before a sigh left your lips as well, "I just don't want to fight anymore." You muttered turning to lie on your back and he nodded in agreement. "Alright...now lets go yeah. I didn't like how the bed felt with you not in it."

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