238. Pretending to sleep

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Niall: He glances down at you with a smile on his tired lips as your head's placed on his chest and your limbs are tangled. "[Y/N]..." He murmurs even though he's pretty sure you're still asleep due to your steady breathing, "we have to get up." He continues to speak softly, letting his fingers trail up and down your back in attempt to wake you. But you're not sleeping; you just don't want to get up. You wanted to spend all day in bed with your bodies tangled and his arm draped over you, but you knew that wasn't going to happen because you both had other obligations...so if pretending to be asleep got you a few more minutes with him, then so be it.

Liam: With a smile on his lips and his eyes still shut his grip around you tightened as you shifted a bit to slide out of bed. You let out a low groan as your back was pressed to his chest, "Li I have to take a shower." You whined, but all he did was nuzzle his nose against the back of your neck and the smile on his lips only widening. After lying there for a few you realized he wasn't letting go so you turned in his arms so you were facing him and narrowed your eyes as you caught sight of his smile. "You're a jerk you know that...what if I had to use the bathroom." You poked at his chest and he let out a small chuckle prying his eyes open. "I would have let you go." He shrugged leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours quickly.

Zayn: The both of you lied motionless as the sound of your alarm filled the room, neither of you were asleep but you continued to hold onto one another as if you were. A sigh fell from his lips as he lifted his arm from your waist to shut off the alarm set behind him before shooting his fingers through his flat hair and prying his eyes open to stare over at you. He brought his hand down to smooth his thumb over your cheek with a tiny smile pulling at his lips before he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, "Alright babe...I think we've laid here long enough." He whispered against your lips, rubbing circles into your cheek.

Harry: You idly traced his features with your fingers as he laid in front of you breathing steadily. As your finger traced over his lips he fought back a smile and continued to lie there unmoving. You bit down on your lower lip as you moved your face closer to his making it so you two shared a pillow. You'd stopped tracing and let your hand rest on inked over chest. "You're cute when you're asleep." You mumbled a tinge of pink creeping up your neck as you realized how creepy it probably sounded. But that thought fell from your mind as you watched a smile grow on his lips, "You think so?" He whispered with his eyes still closed.

Louis: He nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck controlling his breathing as you flipped through the channels absentmindedly. He's been awake for some time now; he'd just been too comfortable being that close to you. And he was aware that once he made it known that he was awake you'd be up and doing whatever it was you had intended on doing before he fell asleep on you, literally. He pressed his body closer to yours, getting rid of any space left between your bodies and a small sigh left his lips. He knew he couldn't pretend to be asleep for much longer, but he really didn't want to let up because he liked it better when the two of you were that close.

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