165. Youre paul/simons daughter and you fall for each other

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"Daddy can I please meet them please please pleaseeeeeeee" you begged your father. You were the daughter of one direction's manager and you still hadn't met them after 3 years!! "You always call them the 5 sons you never had, don't you think your daughter should get to meet her brothers?" You questioned. "They're more like the crazy 5 sons I never asked for" he muttered jokingly. "I don't understand what's stopping you from saying yes." You said crossing your arms. He sighed, "They're only a year or so older than you and the last thing I need it one of them to hit on my daughter" he said. "I'm not asking to marry them!! My god dad!!" "Alright alright fine..." He gave in. You met them all on separate occasions, they had some time off work this week so they weren't always together. You met Louis first, he was just as funny as everyone said he was. Then you met Liam and Zayn, who were both so sweet to you. Next you met Niall, he was funny and he seemed like he was a good time. Lastly you met Harry, who was your favorite. "Harry this is my daughter (Y/N)" Paul said after Harry arrived at the house. "Hello" was all you could really say. "Hi, love. It's good to meet you" he said hugging you. "You too" you said. He smelled so sweet. "Paul's always talking about you on tour" Harry said. "Oh god, I hope he didn't tell you anything too embarrassing" you said slapping your hand to your forehead and turning to look at your father. He laughed nervously and went upstairs, trying to avoid the question. "Nothing too bad...but he did show us some baby pictures." "Oh no..." You blushed. "Oh don't be embarrassed..." He started, pulling you in his arms, you hid your embarrassed face in his chest."...you were a cute baby" he went on. You pulled away, "And what am I now?" you said jokingly, an eyebrow raised. "Now, now your gorgeous" he smiled. You smiled at him. "Can I get your number?" "How could I say no" you chuckled. He saved you number and instead of putting your name, he put "gorgeous".

You stumbled off the bus and started to walk up the long driveway which lead to the "mansion" as everyone called it. To you it was just home. You knew your father was rich but you weren't the spoiled brat everyone expected you to be.You got to the front door and scanned you finger on the finger print scanner. "Scan matched" the automated voice said, and the door unlocked. You walked in and heard lots of noise. "Dad?!" You said confused. "I'm in the kitchen, dear" he called out. You followed his voice along with the other five you heard. He smiled at you. "How was school?" He asked hugging you quickly. "It was fine" you said, your eyes wandering over to the five gorgeous members of one direction. There was an awkward silence...you widened your eyes looking back and forth between your father and the boys. "Oh right. Sorry, (Y/N) this is Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam. You smiled at each of them. "This is my daughter (Y/N)". "Oh I didn't know you had a daughter Simon!" Liam said. "Ouch dad! I guess you don't talk about me much" you said. "W-well I don't like to talk about my personal life you know..." He tried. "Sure sure" you said. "Well it was nice meeting you five, but I've got some homework to do and a guitar to practice." You said smiling at the boys. They waved and you made your way to your room. You threw down your bag and started practicing the music your instructor gave you to practice. But as usual, you got bored of that stuff and started to play your own tune. That tune quickly turned into a song. You started to sing the verse you had just written when you heard someone outside your door. "Yes?" You said. There was no answer. "I know someone's there, I heard the footsteps." You chuckled. "I'm sorry I could help but listen in" Niall said as he walked into your room, a bit embarrassed that he was caught. You smiled "it's ok.". "That was a beautiful song I love the fingerpicking you used with the guitar." "Thank you, I've only been playing for a year". "Well you're doing really well, but hold your hand like this, so that's it's easier to change chords" he said repositioning your hand. You smiled to yourself at his and touching yours. He looked up at you and his eyes took in your beauty. "Beautiful" he muttered subconsciously. "What?" You said snapping him out of his trans. "Oh nothing" he said taking his hand away from yours and blushing. "Niall," you put your hand in his. "What did you say?". His eyes found yours "I said you're beautiful" he said. You smiled and kissed his cheek. "Maybe you could help me finish this song?" You wondered. Niall agreed. The two of you finished the song which was about the start of an unexpected relationship.

You and Liam had been dating for 6 months and today was your anniversary so you went out to dinner. "I can't believe it's already been six months!" You said. "I know! I feels like it was just yesterday that Paul introduced us." "Yeah...was that weird for you? To have your manager try and set you up with his daughter?" You wondered, remembering the day. "Yeah at first it was, but after I saw how beautiful you were and got to know you and all, it doesn't really matter." He said. "Aww" you smiled. "(Y/N)?" Liam said. You raised your eyebrows. "I have good news and bad news, which do you wanna hear first?" "Bad" you replied nervously. "We're going on tour". You frowned, you hated when they went on tour because not only Liam was leaving, but your father too. "So what's the good news?" You wondered. " I want you to come....if that's ok with Paul and everything." He said. "Really!?! Yay!!". When you got home from dinner, you asked your dad if you could come on tour. "Come on tour? Of course sweetheart! Is it because you want to spend more time with me?!" He said. "Um...yeah of course dad" you lied. "Liam invited you didn't he?" He asked. You nodded. "Ok sweetie but don't forget to spend time with me too" he said. "Of course, dad" you said kissing his cheek.

"You have to be kidding me." You said. "No I'm not kidding. the boys are coming over for dinner whether you like it or not." Your dad said. "Ugh" you huffed. Stomping to your room. You had originally planned to go to go out with your friends tonight, but now you had to have dinner with one direction. You had no idea why you had to go, you didn't even like one direction. Why did you have to meet them. Or couldn't they reschedule? Interrupting your thoughts, the doorbell rung. Shit. "(Y/N) they're here!!!!" Your father yelled. You made your way downstairs and saw the five boys who you had heard way too much about. You didn't hate them, you just weren't happy with your dad. "Hey Paul!" They greeted him. "Hey boys, I'd like you to meet my daughter (Y/N)" he said. "Hi, it's nice to meet you" you said politely. You all sat down and the dreaded meal began. Throughout the while dinner you actually got to know them pretty well. They were an amazing group of people. But one stood out to you. Louis had you laughing your ass off all night. And you seemed to be making him laugh too. He waited until the two of you were separated from the group to say, "You seem like an amazing girl, it's too bad we didn't get to meet sooner.". "Well maybe we can meet again?" You said confidently taking his hand in yours and playing with his fingers. He smiled. "Definitely".

"Hey!" Someone said from behind you. You turned around. It was Zayn from one direction. You had first met Zayn and his four other band members when your dad, Simon, had invited them over. When you first heard they were coming over, you weren't really too excited. To put it simply, your father had hundreds of clients, and the one direction boys were just five more names on the list. Of course they were probably the five most successful names on the list, but you weren't one to get starstruck easily. After meeting them, you decided Zayn was your favorite. He seemed so down to earth, so easy going, not to mention you both had so much in common... It was only noon, you had just woke up and had to run a quick errand, when Zayn noticed you. If you had known you were gonna see Zayn you would have tried to look a bit better. "Hey Zayn! Its good to see you again." you said smiling and hugging him quickly. "You too, you know I never really got to talk to you much last time" he said shyly. "Yeah you're right." you frowned. "Maybe we could have dinner sometime and go and get to know each other more?" he offered. "That sounds great." you said smiling.

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