180. You sneak out to see him

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Louis: Your heart pounded as you sat on your bed, contemplating what to do next. Your father had absolutely no right to say those things because they couldn't be further from the truth. Louis is not a monster and he never will be. You needed to leave this house and be as far away from your dad as possible and there was that you knew you could go. You quickly snuck down the stairs, careful not to make any noise to give yourself away. You were only halfway from your house when you realized that you had absolutely no clue where Louis even lived. Thankfully, you noticed a payphone across the street and ran over to it. You dialed his number quickly and anxiously awaited for him to answer. "Hello?" He mumbled, his voice full of sleep and you felt slightly guilty for waking him. "L-Lou? Can you please come pick me up?" After him agreeing and you telling him where you were, Louis pulled up next to you 10 minutes later. "Baby," He said as soon as you climbed into his car. "What happened? I was waiting for you to text me when you got inside like you said but I guess I fell asleep waiting for you." Louis reached over and griped your hand in his, noticing that you were slightly shaking from the harsh air. "My dad," Louis' hands tightened around yours as soon as you mentioned him, fearing the worst. "He saw you drop me off and he went berserk. He kept saying these awful things and I-I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave." As soon as Louis pulled into his driveway, he got out to open your door. "C'mon, baby girl," He mumbled, his hands on your waist as he lifted you out of the car. "You can spend the night with me because I think we have a few things to talk about in the morning." You nodded as he led you to his front door.

Liam: "What the hell happened tonight?" Liam said as his car pulled up next to you. You quickly climbed into the passenger side before, once again, Liam sped off. You wiped another tear from your eye as you tried to think of something to tell him. "Please tell me, y/n. You called me up crying your eyes out and I came her a quick as possible." "My dad found out." You trembled, wrapping your arms around your body tightly. "Found out? Found what out? Did he hurt you? I swear to fucking god, if he hurt you, I'll-" Liam grip on the wheel tensed though you pretended to not notice it. "No, Liam, He found out that we're dating. H-he said that I either have to break up with you," Luckily, you were on a deserted road because, at this point, Liam slammed on the breaks, pulling over to the side of the road. "He what?!" "I either have to break up with you or move out of his house. I-I don't want to do either though." Liam reached over, wrapping his hands around your waist as he pulling you to straddle his waist. "You can move in with me." He grunted as his tongue played with his lip ring nervously, his hands slipping up your shirt while he massaged your hips slightly, "I don't care what other people will think about us moving in together at such an early age. I can't lose you-I-I won't! Just, please, answer me because I think I might have a heart attack if you don't answer me soon." "Yes, I w-" His lips connected with yours before you could even finish your sentence.

Niall: "Just jump. I promise that I won't let you die, y/n." Niall said from your backyard as he watched you with careful eyes as you leaned against the window ledge. "Did I ever tell you that I have an awful fear of heights?" "Just jump if you want to leave here. There's no other way for me to get you, baby. If you jump, I promise that I will catch you and we can leave. Maybe you'll explain to me why I had to walk here in the middle of the night to 'rescue' you." You closed your eyes as you released your grip on the ledge, stepping off of the window sill. Your eyes finally opened a few minutes later when you realized that you had made it to the ground without any pain involved."Told you I'd catch you, baby." Niall smirked, his tattooed arms wrapped tightly around your body. He gently placed you back on the ground before he intertwined his hand with yours, leading you down the street. "Sorry we have to walk back to my place." "It's okay, Ni. I just don't want to stay there anymore. My father is being completely irrational and I need to leave. Thank you for saving me, by the way. There's no way I would've been able to sneak downstairs, past my parents." You knew that you would have been crying by now but it seems that all of your tears have dried up from earlier. Niall, noticing your restlessness, wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you to rest against his chest. "Just calm down. You already had me worried enough when you called me in tears asking me to come get you. Let's just go back to my house where you can relax for a bit." He pauses for a moment to press his lips against yours, before he pulled away, his hand still resting against your cheek. "When you're finally calm, we can talk. Okay?" You released a quiet sound of agreement before allowing Niall to lead you towards his home.

Zayn: As soon as you entered your room, you called Zayn, needing to be rescued even if it was only for one night. "I'm on my way, y/n." He said and you heard a car door shut and the engine start."Just try to get downstairs without being noticed. I'll pick you up at the corner of the street so that they don't notice me either." You followed his orders, managing to sneak out since your parents had gone to sleep already, and waited at the corner for him. While you were waiting, you couldn't help but reply the things that your father had said to you in your mind. "Hop in baby!" Zayn interrupted your thoughts as he pulled up in front of you. You let out a small laugh, mostly trying to distract yourself before you began to cry again, as you climbed into the seat next to him. "Do you wanna tell me what he said to you sweet heart so that I know if I have to go teach him a lesson?" You would have laughed again but you knew that Zayn meant everything that he was saying. "Well, I'm grounded now." "That's it? Parents never mean it when they say you're grounded so you have nothing to worry about." You shook your head, cause him to pull the car over when he had noticed that you'd begun to cry. 'I didn't mean it like that, baby. I'm sorry I upset you. I can be an asshole sometimes but I didn-" "You're not making me cry, Zayn." You interrupted his apology. "It's just I can't stop thinking about how my own father called me a slut." "He what?" Zayn growled, pulling into his driveway before pulling you to sit on his lap. "You are the farthest thing from a slut on this planet baby and he has absolutely no right to call you, his only daughter, that. I'm going to carry you inside and we're going to get some rest. You look like you truly need it."

Harry: "Baby?" Harry said, pulling you into his arms. "You okay?" You nodded your head, feeling comfort just from his embrace. "I'm fine. Just a little shaken up." "Yeah," He said, moving his arms down to your waist as he led you up the stairs and towards, what you presumed to be, his room. "What was that about? I just get a text from you, almost an hour after I dropped you off, asking for my address." Harry mumbles, sleep still clear through his voice, as he lied back onto his bed, pulling you down next to him. His ink-covered his arms instantly wrapped around your waist and pulled you to rest on his chest, his long fingers tangling through your hair. "Well, let's just say that my father beat me home and he wasn't particularly in the best mood.." "What'd he do? He didn't hurt you did he? I'll fucking k-" "No," You cut him off, focusing on the patterns of his dark shirt rather than your words. "He was just being an asshole and said some selfish things to me. I needed to leave and I figured that you'd let me come here. I can leave, if I'm annoying you. I didn't re-" Harry turning your head to face his, pushing his lips down to meet yours. "You're fine, sweetie. I want you here. I love having you next to me at night because I know that I can keep you safe. Now, It's currently," He paused to shirt his head to look at the clock. "4 in the morning. I think we should take a nap then we'll finish this conversation in the morning."

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