316. You Watch A Scary Movie Together

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Liam: You and Liam were snuggled up on the couch trying to decide on a movie, like you usually did on Sunday nights. Liam looked at you with a goofy smile "Toy Story?" you looked dead at him "Liam, sweetheart, if I watch that movie one more time this weekend I'll break the DVD." you could tell he was slightly offended so you gave him a quick kiss before suggesting "How about a scary movie?" After much arguing, you finally agreed on The Amityville Horror. You had never seen it before, but Liam knew what to expect, since he'd seen it a few times. Hence, as he was watching the film with no reaction as if it was no big deal, you were literally hiding behind him. After screaming in his ear for the third time, he flipped the channel to Toy Story. "You can come out now." he said with a giggle. You slowly peeked your head over his shoulder. "Ah. Woody, Buzz. You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys right now." you said relieved "Toy Story doesn't sound so bad now does it?" he asked with a smirk. "No, no. Favorite movie of all time." you said still semi-petrified before he kissed your forehead and the two of you spent the rest of the night finishing the Toy Story series.

Louis: You and Lou were sitting at home on a Friday night trying to think of something to do. "How about we go see that new movie Sinister?" he suggested "Eh, I don't know." you shrugged "Is somebody scared?" he asked raising an eyebrow at you "What? No. You're ridiculous, let's go." you argued. Halfway into the movie you were watching it only between your fingers, you and Lou were practically sharing one seat, and you had bit all of your nails down to the buds. By the time the movie was over, you had pulled the hood of your jacket over your eyes and were repeating "It's just a movie, it's just a movie." As the credits appeared on the screen, and the lights turned on Louis pulled the hood away from your face "You alright baby?" he said with a sniffle. "Yeah I'll be.. Wait a second, are you crying?!" you asked suddenly feeling a lot better. "What? No! That's nonsense!" he claimed while quickly wiping his face. You stood up out of your chair and laughed at him, he stood up and began to chase you out of the theater. You made it out before him with a few seconds to spare, so you stood behind the door. When Louis sprinted out you screamed "Boo!" startling him and making him scream as well. "You are sooo getting it when we get home." Lou said while trying to laugh it off. "Oooh I'm scared." you joked.

Harry: You and Harry had this little tradition. Every Friday night you would put your iPod on shuffle and listen to the first song that came on. Whatever idea you got from that song, is what you would do that night. Tonight, Jizz In My Pants happened to be the first song. Harry looked at you with a cheeky smile. "Oh come on, you know we're gonna do that anyways, let's get an actual idea." you said quickly. You were about to change the song when the line "last week I saw a film, as I recall it was a horror film" came on. You and Harry looked at each other with the same idea in mind. You both ran to grab your coats before heading to the car. As you got in Harry's car he was going through his phone "There's a drive-in theater a few blocks over playing The Devil Inside in 15 minutes, wanna head over there?" he suggested. "Let's do it!" you agreed. After 30 minutes into the movie, which was basically half the movie, you were practically crying into Harry's shoulder. You felt him jerk back and noticed the car was moving. You lifted your head up and looked around "Why are we leaving?" you asked "I'm not gonna make you sit through a movie that's going to scar you for life, plus it was kind of freaking me out." he said with a half smile. He wiped your tears and continued to drive. On your way home you came across an ice cream shop that looked pretty busy. Harry pulled in and you spent the rest of your night laughing and trying a whole bunch of different flavors together.

Niall: When it came to scary movies you were definitely a wuss, but Niall really wanted to see the new Paranormal Activity movie. It took a lot of convincing, but you eventually agreed to go with him. You were sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to begin and you were clearly really nervous. "Are you gonna be okay?" Niall asked while squeezing your hand "Hopefully." you answered "Listen, if it starts to get too scary for you, just tell me and we'll get out of here." he said as the lights began to go out. You nodded and cuddled up to him as the movie started. The first 10 minutes weren't so bad, but it seemed to get more scary as the movie continued. The movie had about 15 minutes left, and you had been told those were the scariest moments of the film. To you it seemed foolish to leave with only 15 minutes left, so you decided to suck it up and finish the movie. There were 5 minutes left and you were in Niall's lap with your head pressed against his chest. He was holding you tight and you felt safe. When the movie was over you and Niall ran out of the theater and raced to the car. You both sat in the car out of breath Niall turned to you "You okay?" he asked "Yeah, let's just go home." you said "Sounds good." he agreed before kissing you and pulling out of the lot.

Zayn: You and Zayn were going through your Netflix skimming through all of the scary movies. You came across Insidious and Zayn was explaining how insane it was "I've never seen it." you said "What?! You have to." he demanded as he pressed play. The scary parts would come so randomly you would jump and scream every time, as Zayn laughed at your fear. "Stop laughing at me you jerk, this is scary!" you said playfully hitting him. "Shh, just watch." he instructed "Why, is a scary part coming up?" you asked "No, this is an important part of the movie though." he claimed. Just as you were intently starring at the screen, this devilish man pops out of nowhere. You jumped up on the couch and screamed "TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!"  you begged. At this point he felt some sympathy for you and turned off the movie. You sat down and punched him as hard as you could right in the arm. "Ouch!" he said while giggling and holding his arm. "That wasn't very nice of you." you said with a pout. "I hate you a lot right now." you added. He passionately kissed you "I'm sorry, I won't do it again." he said with a puppy dog face. He accidentally hit the resume button with his knee and a scary part instantly popped up. "Zayn!" you shouted and covered your eyes. "I'm sorry it was my knee I didn't mean to!" he explained. You made a mad face and slapped his knee as he continued to laugh at you.

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