236.'i miss you'

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Niall: "I miss you." He bit down on the corner of his lip pressing the phone to his ear, "M'sorry for calling you so late." He mumbled after hearing you let out a small yawn. "No its...I miss you too Niall. So much." You whispered as you looked over at the sleeping child beside you before you stood and left the room quietly, "Caleb misses you too. He's even taken to sleeping on your side of the bed...says he does it so I won't sleep alone but I know he really does it because he misses you." You said with a small giggle. A sigh slipped past Niall's lips as he ran his hand over his face quickly, "I really do miss you both. I-I just can't wait t come home t see you."

Harry: "Harry what is-" "I miss you." He cut in running his fingers through his unruly hair and he heard you let out a sigh from the other end of the phone, "I know I said I wouldn't call to make it easier for the both of us but-but it's really hard you know. It's hard to go from being with you and talking to you every day t not talking to you at all [Y/N]." He sighed letting his head drop back down onto his pillow. "I dunno maybe it's just a phase or something, but I just miss you so much. I miss what we had." He mumbled shaking his head, "Look I-I'm sorry I called."

Liam: He let out a groan as you squeezed your arms around him tightly, "I'm gonna miss you." You spoke into his chest making him laugh a bit because of how muffled your words were. "I miss you already." He muttered before pressing his lips to the top of your head and giving you a bit of a squeeze, "But then I think about how you're coming to see me in a few of weeks and then things aren't that bad." He pulled out of the embrace to cup your face, "S'not that bad knowing I'll get to wake up beside you in a couple of weeks," He pressed his lips to yours quickly, "But I always miss you, even when you're just going to Tesco." He said with a hint of laughter in his voice as you cracked a smile.

Louis: "I've come to conclusion that I may miss you too." You said with a hint of laughter in your voice as he scoffed. "Oh please, you know you're probably curled up in bed with one of my jumpers on." He boasted, stretching his legs out on the bed as he held up the phone with his shoulder. You rolled your eyes as laughter sputtered past your lips, "Shut up Lou." "S'alright babe don't deny it." He joked with a slanted smile on his lips, "No but seriously [Y/N], I miss you." He mumbled staring up at the blank ceiling through the darkness. "I know I was just kidding...I miss you too Louis."

Zayn: You glanced back up at your computer screen rolling your eyes a bit, "Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked scrunching up your nose and you watched him shrug his shoulders. "I miss you...that's all." He admitted shrugging his shoulders once again and you shook your head feeling your face start to heat up. "Well I...I miss you too, Z." You shot him a tiny smile before pulling the laptop further up your legs, "When are you coming home again? I mean I-I know you just left and all but when's the next time you're coming back?" You asked resting your chin in your hands.

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