176. Your dad doesn't like him

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Zayn:Zayn was meeting your parents for the first time and all seemed to be going until you noticed how rude your dad was being towards Zayn. After dinner you followed your dad into the kitchen why Zayn was talking with your mom and your siblings.
"Why are you being so rude to my boyfriend" you ask your dad.
"He is not a good guy for you! I don't like all his tattoos" your dad replied.
"You always told me to get to a know a person before you judge them but now you are doing the complete oppsite" you snapped.
"Is everything ok in here?" your mom asked as her and Zayn entered the kitchen.
"Everythings fine, I think me and Zayn are going to head home though" you replied. Zayn looked at you questionably but agreed.
On the way home you told Zayn about everything and that you love him not matter what anybody says,

Harry: "Excuse me I need to use the loo" Harry says.
"Last door on the right" you say. You start to help your dad with the dishes. Harry has just met your father and you three had a lovely dinner. At least thats what you thought. You father stops washing dishes and turns to you.
"I don't like him, I read the paper I know he has a reputation" He says. Your jaw drops open.
"What?! Dad you can't believe everything you read" You say still shocked.
"I forbid you to see him" your father says in a rude tone. Harry walks back into the kitchen. His face show a expression that was not pleasant.
"Sir, she is right you can't believe everything I love her more then anything in this world and I would never hurt her" Harry says. You smile and walk over and give Harry a kiss. You grab your purse and grab Harrys hand. You both leave the house without saying a word because there is no words that need to be said. Harry and you will never be breaking up.

Liam: "Honey are you ready to go to my house for dinner with the family?" You ask Liam as you put on your bra.
"Almost, and hey I like your bra!" Liam says and winks at you as he walks out of the bathroom.
You two walk out of the flat and get into the car. You tell Liam about how your family is pretty easy going and your dad can be very judgmental because he doesn't like the fact that you are growing up and getting ready to settle down with someone.
Liam says, "Don't worry as long as you love me they will love me."
"Ok whatever you say sweety." You say to Liam and give him a kiss on the cheek.
You two walk into your house and your mom already has the food on the table.
"Hi everyone I am home with Liam!"
Your mom runs into the room and hugs you and Liam. As well as your father but of course he doesn't hug Liam. You can already tell your dad doesn't really like Liam. But that can change.
Your mom calls everyone in to sit down and eat dinner. Liam pulls out your chair for you and your mother, the two ladies in the family. Acting like a total gentlemen. Liam doesn't take jokes to well unless they are from you and then you remember your dad loves to joke around.
"Ummm may Liam and I be excused for a minute I forgot my bag in the car?"
"Umm yes but what do u need that is in your bad?"
"Oh umm my pills it will be very fast."
You pull Liam outside.
"Okay good thing I remembered my dad likes to joke around a lot so don't take everything to serious."
"Don't worry I got this." Liam says smiling.
You are kind of worried now of what might happen because you know how your dad is and you know how Liam is.
You try to rush threw dinner, you eat fast and try to throw yourself out of the house.
Later that night you got a text from your mom that says, "Call Me ASAP!!"
So you call them and find out your dad doesn't like Liam because of how responsible he is but he is happy that you are happy which is all that matters.

Niall: You and Niall are in the car on the way to a family dinner. It is the first time you are letting Niall meet your dad. And your dad really loves his food.
"Honey we are almost there and I need you to know that the only way my dad will like you is if you don't eat everything!! Like always."
"Okay honey I won't eat everything."
You walk in your parents flat and yell, "We are here!"
"Come in the kitchen the food will be done in just a few." Your mom says. "Hello Niall I am (Y/N)'s mom tell me about yourself."
"Hello it is nice to meet you and I was born in......" Niall talks about how he was raised and how much he loves you and how he likes living with you.
Soon it is time for dinner. Niall eats a lot but he couldn't stop himself. You and your family catch up then soon you and Niall went back home. But before you leave your dad pulls you back,"Honey are you happy with this boy?"
"Yes dad very!" You say.
"Well he ate all my steak but I guess he is ok for my little girl to date."
"Thanks dad it means a lot.
"Yup now get home so you aren't up to late."
You hurry home and get to bed and you are happy your dad might not like Niall but he approves of your relationship.

Louis- You and Louis were visiting your parents and siblings in America. Louis was a perfect gentlemen; he wasn't to sassy, but he was still his funny self. Your mom loved how caring he was to your younger sisters, and your sisters absolutely adored him. Then dinner, itself, went perfectly, he even offered to help your mom clean up. the thing was, your dad was keeping his distance from Lou, you were getting annoyed with your dads behavior, so you confronted him when Louis was helping clean up,
"Dad, what is the matter? You have barely said a word to Louis all night!"
"Honey, I don't really don't like Louis," "What? Why?" You asked completely stunned. "I know his type, the funny- take everything as a joke type, he is just going to talk your love as a joke and break your heart. He is not the perfect guy for you," you look at your father, stunned by what he just said,
"Daddy, your wrong. You don't know Louis, he would never do that! He is perfect for me!" You said between your teeth,as you got up and walked into the kitchen, "Louis, I am not feeling well. Do you think we could go back to the hotel." You told him as he finished cleaning up. The two of you said your goodbyes and went back to your hotel room. On the way back, Louis was rubbing your hand before he finally spoke,
"Your dad doesn't like me does he?" He asked. You sighed,
"I am sorry Lou, my dad thinks you are going to take our love as a joke, or whatever, and break my heart," you looked up at him, and without missing a beat he looked you in the eyes, smiled and said,
"Don't worry Love, we'll prove him wrong,"
Five years later you did prove him wrong, as he walked you down the aisle about to give you off to your soon to be husband, Louis. Before he gave you off, he looked you in the eyes and said, "I was wrong, Louis is perfect for you."

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