216. Baby Duty

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.Harry: He sluggishly made his way into Charlie's room wiping the sleep out of his eyes as he grew closer to the wailing child, who grew louder once Harry'd came into view and she made grabby hands. "What's wrong Charlie?" He asked between a yawn reaching down to lift her out of the crib and hold her to his chest. "It's...four in the morning." He mumbled after glancing up at the mounted clock as her cries were muffled as she placed her face in the crook of his neck. He bounced Charlie on his hip until her wails turned into sniffles and he pulled her away a little to sweep his thumb over her flushed cheeks, "No more crying Charles okay...you know I don't like it when you cry babe." He spoke quietly as she let out a small yawn before placing her thumb into her mouth. "Tired? How about you sleep with me and mummy tonight? I think you'll like that...can you nod?" He asked with a tired smile forming on his lips as she just continued blinking slowly before lowering her face in the crook of his neck once more.

Zayn: "Wait... Gav don't run." Zayn called out with widened eyes as Gavin took off giggling still dripping with water. Zayn muttered swears to himself as he quickly stood gripping the towel tightly as he followed the trail of water and came to a halt when he caught sight of Gavin in front of the stairs, "Don't." He said in a warning tone as Gavin shot him a playful grin over his shoulder, but Zayn took bigger steps easily catching the toddler and wrapping him in the fluffy towel as he continued to giggle. "You catch me daddy." He said with a grin and Zayn nodded fighting off his own smile. "You could've gotten hurt Gav." He lifted the boy in his arms as he headed back into the bathroom, "And you made a mess...don't look at me like that you're helping me clean it up before your mum gets back." Zayn spoke with a hint of laughter as the little boy jutted out his lower lip. "Now c'mon lets get you dressed, no more running around the house naked."

Louis: "You've almost got it Soph." Louis said with a grin as she struggled to stand on her own before plopping down on her pamper covered bottom once more. Her lower lip began to tremble as Louis crawled over to where she sat pulling her into his lap. "Hey...it's okay Soph. Don't cry baby." He spoke softly as he rubbed her back soothingly, "C'mon lets try again and I'll help you this time." He smiled down at her using his thumb to sweep away the bit of tears that'd escaped. He placed her on the ground in front of him as he rose to his knees before standing her up with his hands on her waist as he walked her closer to him slowly, "See you can do it babe." He said pressing his lips to her cheek quickly and she clapped her hands happily, but Louis was pretty sure she only clapped because he kissed her. "Soon enough you'll be running around the house hiding from me." He said chuckling a little as he continued to help her walk around the living room.

Liam: Liam scrunched up his face as he wiped the spaghetti sauce off his cheek, "This was a bad idea." He said shaking his head at Noah, who was covered in spaghetti sauce himself. The little boy continued to giggle as he scooped up some noodles in his hands and messily putting it in his mouth with a smile on his lips. "Ghetti." Noah spoke with a giggle scooping another handful of noodles as Liam shook his head. "Use the fork Noah." He said chuckling a bit as he reached over picking the fork up for him only to see Noah shake his head before he shoveled the food into his mouth. "You're a mess...I should have fed you before giving you a bath now I just have t give you another one." Liam said running his fingers through his hair quickly as he reached for another napkin to wipe away the sauce that covered Noah's hands and face. "At least you're not sticky again. I should probably make a list of foods not to make," Liam said as he tossed the filthy napkin into the bin, "pancakes and spaghetti are definitely on that list."

Niall: He laid on the couch with Caleb on his chest as they both stared at the movie playing on the television, "Nemo." Caleb pointed at the screen as Niall glanced down at him and he was staring intently with widened eyes. Niall rubbed at his back as he let out a small sniffle after seeing Nemo getting taken, "S'alright Cal its just a movie...Nemo's alright." Niall said with furrowed brows as he made the little boy look at him, "Don't cry...want to watch something else. We can watch the Lion King...no never mind that's just as bad." Niall grumbled but Caleb just shook his head. "Nemo." He spoke quietly as he rested his head back on Niall's chest and turning his focus on the movie with his thumb now in his mouth. They watched the movie about halfway through before the both of them fell asleep with Niall's arm wrapped tightly around Caleb, holding him closely to his chest.

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