194. "I need you"

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Liam: You stood with his arms circled around your waist, he stared down at you with a smile on his lips, "Being with you never fails to put a smile on my face." He spoke softly, leaning forward and pressing his forehead to yours. "I probably sound really cheesy...but I never want us to end, I need you with me always babe." He said under his breath as the smile on your lips grew wider. "So cheesy." You whispered before pressing your lips to his softly. "So what...you still love me." He smiled letting out a small chuckle.

Niall: His teeth lowered down on his bottom lip just as another groan made its way past his lips. "You're such a tease." He groaned as your fingers raked over his bare chest. Your fingers trailed down to the top of his jeans, "I'm no tease," You spoke under your breath unbuttoning his jeans, "I'm just not rushing into it tonight." You smiled down at him only resulting in another groan slipping through his lips. "I need you now...none of this slow shit [Y/N]." He growled pulling you down onto him.

Harry: Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared down at Harry's sleeping figure. "Please don't leave me, [Y/N]." He whispered, the arm around your waist tightening. "I need you babe...I didn't mean for it to happen." He breathed and you brought your hand down on his shoulder, shaking him gently. "Harry wake up..." You murmured, "I'm not going any where." You sunk down into the bed, draping your arm around him. "I'll never leave you Harry...no matter what happens." You continued speaking to his sleeping figure.

Zayn: "Don't go [Y/N]." He repeated once again, grabbing a hold of your elbow just before you reached the front door. "I really want us to work this out..." He turned you toward him, "So stop trying to walk away from us." He finished, the corners of his lips dipping down. "I'm not..." You muttered biting down on your lip. "I'm really tired of fighting [Y/N]...and honestly I don't know what to do anymore." He spoke under his breath taking your face in his hands gently. "All I know is that I need you...and I don't mean to take things out on you. I'm trying here [Y/N], I just need you to meet me halfway." He let his eyes bore into yours.

Louis: He let out another shaky breath as he held on loosely to your hand as you laid motionless in your hospital bed. "I wish you'd wake up, love." He spoke quietly, letting his thumb run over your skin. "Lily misses you...I'll bring her over when she's finished with school, she misses her mummy." He mumbled, the corners of his lips slightly turning upward. "She needs...we need you [Y/N], just-just please wake up. You don't know how hard it is to wake up and you not being there." Louis ran a hand over his face slowly. "I need you so much [Y/N]...I really do."

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