206. Disastrous Date.

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Harry: "I'm so sorry [Y/N]." He rubbed the at the back of his neck as he handed over another towel. "S'alright Harry." You spoke through chattering teeth and he shook his head in response with a frown taking over his lips. "I didn't think it'd tip over and I for sure didn't know you couldn't swim babe..." He mumbled a bit frustrated at the fact that he didn't know that about you, "How come you didn't tell me?" He asked with knitted brows as he began to help warm you up by running his hands up your arms. "Dunno honestly." You shrugged your shoulders sending him a sheepish smile before he pulled you into a tight embrace. "Well I'm just happy you're alright babe...and I'm sorry this date went so badly." He spoke into your wet hair.

Liam: "You alright?" He asked biting down on the corner of his lip as you laid in the hospital bed. "M'fine Li..." You said glancing down at the bee sting on your calf and he quickly ran his fingers through his hair letting out a sigh. "All because of a bee sting?" He questioned and you could see the confusion on his face. "M'allergic Liam." You pointed out and he nodded in response. "But you couldn't breathe I...I didn't know what was going on. Do you have to stay overnight?" He asked with a raised brow taking your hand into his, "I mean I can stay with you if you do." "Liam I can go home, everything's taken care of." You said sending him a tiny smile. "So next time I'm inspecting the entire area for bees before I set up a picnic...or maybe we can have it in the backyard or something yeah."

Louis: "Guess this means we can't go skating together anymore." He mumbled staring down at your newly casted arm, "I don't get it though...you had it babe." He groaned gently lifting your arm up in his hands as a frown easily took over his lips. "Yeah...I thought I had it too." You said with a small chuckle and shrugging your shoulders, "Can't lie it was fun though." You admitted causing his frown to falter a bit. "It was," He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours quickly, "but I don't think I'll be teaching you how to skate again. Can't risk another broken arm." He muttered resting his forehead against yours and you let out another chuckle. "It was my fault Lou. You didn't make me fall remember."

Niall: He winced as the ball collided with your head before he ran over to where you were now laid out, "Jesus [Y/N] m'sorry." He choked out as he dropped down beside you and picking your head up off the grass gently. "I thought you were gonna move babe...why would you watch the ball coming toward your head?" He asked with widened eyes as you blinked slowly with your eyes focused on him. "I was trying to do that move you just did babe." You admitted sheepishly and he let out a chuckle. "Does your head hurt? I know the ball hit you kinda hard." He said rubbing his thumb gently over your forehead where the ball hat hit. "I'm good Ni," You shot him a smile as you began to sit up, "lets keep playing." "Nah...I think we're done playing. How about we just eat dinner now? I made you cake.

Zayn: "I swear I didn't mean to shoot you in the face." He promised as you continued to whine over the pain, "I'm sorry [Y/N]." He spoke softly taking your face in his hands and examining the bruise forming on your cheek near the yellow paint splat, "Why was your facemask off anyway?" He asked chewing on his lower lip while staring down into your glazed over eyes. You brought your hand up to where the paintball had hit, wincing as you rubbed over the spot, "I couldn't see...this little twat kept shooting me in the face so I took it off." You explained with a frown planted on your lips. "Well I think our fun here is done yeah. So we should probably get out of here and go home." He shrugged pressing his lips to yours softly. "Wait...I want to get that kid back." You said with narrowed eyes and he shook his head. "[Y/N] no. We're leaving." He said with a small chuckle slipping past his lips.

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