306.While you're Sleeping

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Louis: He is watching you, staring gratefully at your sleeping face because you have lit up his life like no one else could. You always managed to provide him with exactly what he need: a shoulder to cry on, a reason to hold on, selfless encouragement, and so much more. He couldn't help but lay beside you and marvel.

Zayn: He's getting dressed trying to make a quick exit before you wake-up; it's nothing you did though. He likes you, he wants to stay and that's the problem- he is absolutely terrified that you won't feel the same. So, he's saving himself the heartache and going before you get the chance.

Liam: He's sleeping too; exhausted from tour and from seeing you for the first time in weeks. Your head is on his chest and his arm is around your waist. There's a tiny smile twitching the corner of his lips because you're in his arms and in his dreams.

Niall: He is in the kitchen struggling to make you something edible because that's what you would do for him. He wants to prove that he can take care of you and treat you right; but he can't cook worth a shit.

Harry: He's cuddling closer to you, wrapping his self around you because he needs to feel you and know that you're still there. The media spreads lies about him all the time and apart of him is just waiting for the day that you start believing them. He's insecure and afraid he'll wake-up to find you gone because you figured out you could find better.

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