307. he meets your gandmother grandfather

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"i haven't seen her in so long." you whisperas the two of you drive to the retirment home your grandmother is in. "well you get to see her today." he says. you nod. the two of you walk hand in hand to the front desk where a woman escorts you to your grandmothers room. "y/n! my dear!" she smiles making her way over to you. "hi nana." you smile giving her a hug. "oh, you've grown so much." she says softly. you just smile. "this is my fiance harry." you introduce. "nice to meet you." harry smiles. "you chose well y/n" she winks at you making both you and harry blush.

the two of you knock on the door of your mums house. "hello love!" she smiles letting you into the house. "your papa is here." she tells you. you smile. you used to spend wekkends and summers at your grandparents house. "zayn you have to meet him." you say dranging him through the house to the living room. "ah thre you are!" you granddad says. "hi papa." you say giving them each a hug. "this is my boyfriend zayn." you tell him proudly. "finaly someone to watch football with around here!" you granddad chuckles. "wait you do like football. right lad?" he asks. zayn nods. "join me!" your granddad says.

funny story. your grandmother scored tickets to ellen one day. now she had no idea you were dating the world famous louis tomlinson. the boys were performing on ellen that day and you were there with them. you took your seat in the front row watching your boyfriend perform when someone tapped you on the shoulder. "gran?" you asked looking at her. "what are you doing here y/n?" she asked. "my boyfriend is performing." you chuckled. "wait he's in that band there?" you nod pointing to him. whene they finished the song louis looked over at you. "who you taking too y/n?" he asked chuckling. "my grandmother." you yell over to him. "hi y/n's gran!" he said waving earning laughs from the crowd.

your granddad was always kind of carefree...but strict when it came to boys. so you were nervous going to your home town with niall to visit your graddad. you knocked on the front door and he opened the door. "hello love." he smiled giving you a hug. "hi papa. this is my fiance niall i was telling you about on the phone." you said with a soft smile. "it's nice to finally meet you lad!" your granddad smiled. "nice to meet you too sir." niall smiled. "wow i didn't believe you when you said he was irish...i mean i didn't relize he was from ireland...i thought it was his background!" your graddad chuckled. "where abouts in ireland are you from?" "mullingar." niall replied. "nice place." and that was the begining of their very long conversation about ireland...

your nana has been sick for a while so you decided you needed to go vist her. liam decided he was comming with you. when you got to her room she looked weak and misrable...you introduced her to liam and all of you got talking. she really took a liking to him. she was smiling and laughing. she loved the beatles so after a conversation about them he agreed to sing her favorite song to her. she couldn't be happier. a week latter she was feeling alot better. you and liam went to visit her all the time after that.

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