245. High school

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Louis: You groaned with your nose scrunched up as you were pulled into a tight embrace, "Lou c'mon..." You pushed against his sweat-covered chest and he let out a chuckle only holding you tighter to his chest. "I thought you liked me sweaty and filthy babe." He rubbed his mucky cheek against your neck before dropping his arms from around you with a smirk. Another groan fell from you lips as you brought your hand up to wipe away the dirt he'd smeared onto your neck and flung it back at him, "You're gross Louis." You swatted his arm rolling your eyes only to see the smirk on his lips broaden. "You love me though [Y/N]..." He leaned forward pressing his lips to yours chastely, "m'gonna shower I'll be quick." He muttered as he backing up toward the locker room. "You always are." You grinned as a scowl took over his lips.

Niall: You continued reshelving the books you'd gathered from the cart when thunderous laughter filled your ears. It was him again, the loud blond kid. You quickly shoved the books back onto the shelf and made your way over to the table he'd been seated at with his laptop in front of him, "Um could you maybe...I dunno keep it down a bit?" He looked up at you with furrowed brows before plucking the ear buds from his ears, "Huh?" "You're a bit loud...and this is the library after all." You fiddled with the hem of your shirt and he shot you a toothy smile nodding his head. "Sorry bout that...s'just my mate sent me this video and it's mad." He chuckled sending his fingers through his hair quickly, "Want t watch it with me?" He asked plucking his bag from the chair beside him. "Oh I can't...I have more books to put away." You pointed over to the cart and he frowned a bit. "Promise its not that long then-then you can get back to work."

Zayn: "Why do you even come to class if all you do is sleep?" You grumbled rolling your eyes after kicking the leg of his chair hard enough to wake him up. "I'm not doing this project alone Zayn." You narrowed your eyes pushing the assignment onto his desk as he ran hand over his face. He let his head fall back down onto the table after skimming through the assignment, "You're not doing it alone." He mumbled letting his eyes fall closed, "Just tell me what parts you want me to do babe." He let out a small yawn and you looked on as his back began to fall and rise at a steady pace. "I want you to stay awake Zayn god..." You groaned kicking the leg of his chair once more with a slight frown on your lips and resting your chin in your hand, "and maybe talk to me through this boring class." You muttered turning your gaze back to the teacher. You felt a hand a fall into your lap, fingers tracing small patterns into your thigh, "Nap with me then."

Harry: You pushed the textbook off your lap with a groan, "You're not even paying attention Harry." You huffed narrowing your eyes at him, "You said you needed help with English...so here I am trying t help and you're not paying attention." You felt the ends of your lips dipping down a bit as he let out a chuckle. "I am paying attention." He sent his fingers through his unruly hair, "Its just...I dunno I like listening to you talk." He shrugged his shoulder letting his head fall back against the headboard, "You get excited when you talk about this stuff...its cute." He mumbled and the red flush crept up the length of your neck, "You're cute [Y/N]. " He smiled a tiny smile, his smile, the smile with his dimples showing, "And I don't need help in English...I lied." He glanced over at you shrugging, "Sorry. I just wanted t spend some time with you and-and now that I think about it I should have just asked you out instead of this huh."

Liam: He shot you a tiny smile as he made is way over to you, "Hey." He leaned against the locker beside yours with his hand holding his backpack up on his shoulder, "So you know how in history class we have t work in pairs for that project...well uh I wasn't here the other day and-and um..." He stammered and you couldn't hold back the giggle. "You want to work together?" You asked shutting your locker after pulling out your jacket and he nodded letting out a small cough, "Okay want t start on it today, I don't have anything going on today." You shrugged. "Oh...your house? Today? Um well I have practice in a bit but it's only until 6...so can I come around then?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck and you nodded. "As long as you shower before you come over Liam." You patted his chest before stalking over toward the school exit, "And expect to stay for dinner my mom will insist...plus I might enjoy your company. So yeah see you later Liam." You shot him a smile over your shoulder.

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