147. you two are friend and have a moment part 1

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Harry: "You always do these silly quizzes," Harry laughs and snatches the magazine from your palms, his eyes scanning the bright text. "I like quizzes! They're fun, I want to know what eye shadow is best for me," you nod towards the open page and grab for the magazine but Harry moves it out of your reach. "I'll quiz you," he reads the first question about your skin color and answers it with no problem. "Next question, which color is your eyes?" He reads off the choices and you answer. He sets the magazine aside and leans close and stares into your eyes for a few moments. You feel your heart starting to pound and your cheeks turning hot. "What are you doing?" you ask, staring right back into his emerald orbs. "Just making sure you're not lying to me," he says with a small smile, leaning back once more, his cheeks turning pink. "Right. Next question." 

Niall: "This sucks, putting on make-up with no mirror is a disaster," the car moves quickly over the bumps and curves of the road. You and Niall are in the backseat, the driver taking you both to the recording studio bright and early. Niall had invited you to come with him, he wanted your opinion on the new single so far. You'd been happy to agree, but you'd woken up late and now you were forced to do your make-up in the car. "You don't need it," Niall says, watching you slide coral lipstick across your lips. You shrug and wince as the car jerks, causing a line of lipstick to smear just under your bottom lip. "Damn!" you exclaim, desperately wishing you'd brought a mirror. "Here, I got it," Niall leans forward and reaches out and smudges the stray line of lipstick off with his thumb. His hand is extremely close to your lips, not to mention his lips are close to yours as well. You both freeze for a second and he quickly pulls away, his cheeks turning red as your own. "Thanks, um," you mumble shyly, capping your lipstick and shoving it in your back. "Yeah, sure thing..." he replies, looking out the window. 

Liam: "This is going to be so fun," you exclaim, both you and Liam heading to the bike rental shop. You'd both decided to rent bikes and go for a ride, although he'd insisted to pay (and you let him, he made about a million times more than you did after all, and he was your best friend). "I know!" Liam replies, his face lit up with excitement. He goes to place his hand on the handlebars of a blue bike and you reach out for the bike at the same time. Your hand ends up on top of his and you both look up, catching each other's gaze. It feels like time freezes for a second, where his hand is touching yours is sending chills through your veins. "Oh, you can have this bike, I'll get another one," he says shyly, pulling his hand away and turning towards a different bike. "Thank you," you reply quietly, your hand still warm from where yours had both touched. 

Louis: "What the hell is that?" you look over at your best friend's 'bow tie' and laugh. It was knotted in a manner that certainly resembled anything but a bow tie. Louis sighs and throws his hands up in defeat. "I don't know how to tie a bowtie, they're not my 'thing', they're Harry's!" Louis sighs, un-knotting the thing and frowning. "Here, I'll do it," you set down your cup of tea and walk over, going on your tip-toes to reach. You carefully tie the bow, your hands brushing the stubble on his chin a few times, making you blush. You were both extremely close together and he's watching you with interest and amusement. He leans foward a bit, but you finish tying the bow tie and step back. "There you go," you say quickly, returning to your tea and magazine. He looks slightly embarrassed as he admires the bow in the mirrors. "Stunning. Thank you," the blue-eyed boy smiles, grabbing his car keys and nodding good-bye as he heads to the event. 

Zayn: "Whoop! Whoop!" you cheer, you and Zayn doing your craziest and silliest dance moves among the sea of people. Your cousin's wedding was shaping up to be a fun night. Since you had no date, your cousin insisted you bring Zayn. She happened to quite like him, and she wanted to make sure you had someone to hang out with...considering your family isn't much around your age. "Twirl!" Zayn grabs your hand and laughs as you spin in a circle ballerina-style, the pop music thumping in the background. The two of you keep dancing until the song switches over to something slow and soft. "Alllll right everybody! All couples to the dance floor!" the DJ bellows, causing you and Zayn to freeze. "Um...do you want to?" Zayn looks around at the now-slow dancing couples and then to you shyly. You blush and shrug, taking his hands and swaying to the music. "Well, it'd be weird to just leave the dance floor in the middle of a song, plus we'd have to interrupt a lot of people," you trail off, noticing the two of you surrounded by couples on all sides. "Right," Zayn replies quickly, wrapping his hands around your waist as you place your hands on his shoulder.The two of you sway slowly to the music, closer than you'd ever been before.

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