219. He Calms You Down.

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Louis: "[Y/N]...breathe." He spoke quietly letting his thumbs sweep over your tear stained cheeks, "S'alright." He continued to speak in a hushed tone as he stared into your glazed over eyes. "Deep breaths [Y/N] c'mon." He instructed still cupping your face as you let your eyes flutter close and a few more tears fell from your eyes but he quickly swept them away. "Look at me babe..." He whispered pressing his forehead to yours. After a moment you opened your eyes and stared back into his comforting one, "Nothing bad's gonna happen t ya." He shot you a tiny smile before he gently pressed his lips to yours. "I would never let anything bad happen to you, you know that. So please stop crying. " He leaned in to press another small kiss to your lips. "Remember that alright...nothing's going t happen while I'm here."

Liam: He draped his arm over your waist, pulling your body closer to his before his lips pressed to the back of your neck gently. "We can talk about it if you feel like it [Y/N]." He spoke against your skin, but all he got was silence in response. "Or we can just lie here..." He sighed letting his nose rub against the back of your neck, "You know I'm here right? Like I'm always going t be here for you [Y/N], I'll never walk out on you...I won't be like everyone else." He spoke softly as he let his fingers trail to your exposed hip where he proceeded to rub small circles into your skin. "I love you and you should know that whenever you're ready, we can talk about this." He spoke under his breath as you continued to lie there motionless with your eyes focused on a spot on the wall ahead of you but you nodded your head slowly a few moments later.

Niall: "C'mere." He sighed taking in the frown upon your lips as you sluggishly made your way into your room. He encircled his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace as you let out a breath you didn't remember you were holding and the tears you'd been holding back easily made their way down your cheeks soaking the front of his shirt. He ran his hands up and down your back as you fisted his shirt with your body trembling a bit, "[Y/N] it'll be alright." He muttered before pressing his lips to the top of your head, "It was a bad day yeah...but you're here now and you have me." He spoke into your hair as he pulled your body closer to his if possible. He continued to whisper things into your hair while he held onto you tightly in the middle of your bedroom until your tears came to a halt and even then he didn't let you go.

Harry: He flopped down on the couch beside you draping his arm around you in the process, "[Y/N]...what's wrong?" He spoke softly only receiving a shrug of your shoulders in response. "You've been acting pretty off for a few days and I...I dunno. I just want you happy." He let his nose brush against your cheek. "M'alright Harry." You sighed letting your head fall to his shoulder and he scoffed. "Right...you haven't even smiled these past couple of days [Y/N]." He frowned taking his lower lip between his teeth. "Harry..." "I understand though...d'you think if we watch Lion King you'll smile? I mean you really like that movie even though you're a bit old for it." He cleared his throat trying to mask his chuckle, "So what'd you say up for it? We can watch a bunch of movies until you fall asleep. I don't care how late it gets...I just really want you to smile tonight." He eased up off the couch and made his way over to the stack of DVD's shooting you a smile over his shoulder.

Zayn: "Is this better?" He asked tearing his eyes off the darkened sky to glance over at you as you nodded slowly. "I know everything's been bothering you lately...so I figured you'd like this. Ya know...get away from everything...everyone." Zayn sighed letting his focus return to the sky. You found his hand, locking your fingers with his as you stared up as well, "Thank you." You whispered. "I come here a lot. It's easier for me to think here..." He shrugged as his thumb brushed over the back of your hand, "and I wanted to show you this place so if anything you can come here, without me, whenever you need to." He let out a deep breath before his eyes fluttered closed and listened to your even breaths and the sound of crickets. "I won't...I won't come here without Z. But thank you for bringing me here...." You spoke in a hushed tone before you mimicked his actions and let your eyes shut.

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