163. Your child has a nightmare

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Harry- "Mummy! Daddy!" you're daughter screamed, jolting the both of you from your sleep.

"Darcy," Harry muttered to himself, slipping out of bed and bolting out of your room. You quickly followed, hot on his heels. Her cries grew louder as you drew closer to her doorway. There was a lump in her sheets were she had curled up underneath them, her hands holding the hem tight over her head. Your husband sat on the edge, drawing back the top of the fabric. Small fingers gripped it though, shrieks becoming more intense as she struggled to keep it in place.

"Sweetheart, it's daddy," he cooed. "It's just daddy." With those words she let go and peered out, her emerald eyes glistening as they darted around.

"Mummy!" she squeaked frantically. "Get on the bed! The monsters will get you! Please, mummy!"

"Hey, hey, hey," Harry murmured as he picked her up and set her in his lap. "It was just a dream. I wouldn't ever let anything happen to my girls."


"Of course I promise, honey..."

Liam- "Daddy? Daddy, can I sleep with you and mummy?" a soft voice whispered, thick with what sounded like tears. Liam propped himself up on one arm and ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes squinted as he observed his little girl. Her teddy was hanging limply from her hand and her cheeks were rosy, little glistening paths streaking them.

"What's wrong, darling?" he asked a bit groggily, holding out his hands in a signal to pick her up. She stepped into his hold and he easily lifted her, setting her to straddle his bare torso. "Why's my babygirl crying, huh?"

"I had a nightmare," she sniffled, rubbing her nose with her sleeve. "The monster took you and mummy away from me. I w-was all alone." A soft palm cupped her cheek, the warmth making her sigh.

"It was just a dream. Your mum and I aren't going anywhere, alright?" he reassured before gently tugging her body down to lie across him. Her hair splayed out across his chest, her bear being tucked under her arm as a thumb was brought to her mouth. Liam softly hummed, the vibrations of his chest gently lulling the toddler to sleep, her dad warding off any nightmares.

Louis- You were awoken by the sound of your husband's murmurs echoing through the room.

"Wha-?" you mumbled groggily, wiping the sleep out of your eyes. When your vision focused, you caught sight of Louis sitting on the edge of the bed, cradling your son to his chest.

"What's wrong?" you croaked, pushing yourself to a sitting position. A smile was sent your way as the soft cries of your child died down.

"He just had a small night fright," he said softly, pushing the sweaty hair off his dozing son's forehead. "Just go back to sleep, love. I've got him." You smiled slightly as he continued on to quietly sing, your eyes closing on their own accord to the sweet sound.

Niall- "She's such a daddy's little girl," you giggled, taking in the sight of Niall holding the sleeping toddler close to his chest.

"You know it," he winked and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She suddenly whimpered and grasped his shirt tightly, her body twisting uncomfortably.

"Please," she mumbled, a tear slipping from her closed eye. Niall's brow furrowed and his hand went to rest on her cheek, his thumb gently rubbing the flustered skin.

"You're alright, princess. Daddy's here," he soothed before quietly singing her favorite lullaby, smiling as she stilled and cuddled into him again, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Zayn- "Bud, there are no monsters under the bed, I promise," Zayn sighed, setting your son back in his bed. "Now, go back to sleep."

"But I saw them, daddy! They're gonna eat me!" he protested loudly. With a small grunt, your husband dropped to the floor and looked under the bed.

"See? No monsters," he stated. "Now please go back to sleep. It's two in the morning."


"Sleep, bud."

"Okay," he grumbled, a pout set on his lips as he shut his eyes. "But if the monsters eat me it's your fault..."

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