243. Lifeguard au

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Harry: "[Y/N] stop staring." Your friend giggled from beside you with a shake of her head. You sighed still not tearing your eyes away from the lifeguard, "I...I can't help it." You stammered your eyes growing wide as you watched him lift his arms above his head to stretch and your eyes raked over the various tattoos spread over his chest and arms. Allowing your eyes linger on his chest for a few more seconds than needed you let them trail back up to his face and a hint of pink crept up to your cheeks as his eyes were staring back into yours with a dimpled grin. "Oh god..." You sunk into your seat sheepishly only causing your friend to laugh louder. "Told you to stop...but on the plus side now its 'im that doing the staring. Go on [Y/N] wave at him...fall in the water or something so he can pull you out because I refuse to come to the pool every day just so you can stare."

Liam: You scolded the group of boys for what seemed to be the 10th time since you started your shift. Letting your eyes scan the rest of your section, a content sigh fell from your lips; everyone followed the rules. Everyone but that group of course. Once your eyes fell back upon the rowdy group you slipped out of your chair pinching at the bridge of your nose before your approached them. "Look I understand this is what you lot consider to be fun but you're really gonna have to stop. One of you are gonna end up getting hurt and then what?" You stood over them. "Then you'll save us obviously...it is your job." One of them spoke rolling his eyes. "Lou shut up..." Another spoke wiping the water from his face as the one name Lou scoffed and proceeded to swim away, "sorry for all the trouble we've caused you today." He mumbled shooting you a puppyish smile, "Promise we'll follow the rules from now on, lifeguard." He shot you another grin before swimming toward his friends.

Niall: You looked on from the stand where you were seated as he placed his hat over his now dripping hair glancing over his shoulder at you with his lower lip between his teeth. Hesitantly you tore your eyes away from him to glance down at your watch and noticing your last shift for the summer was nearly over so you gathered your towel and slid off the chair heading toward the changing room. A sigh fell from your lips as sadness washed over you, this summer was actually quite fun for you minus the few near death incidents with a few of the kids. Plus you got quite an eyeful of the Irish kid who'd shown up to the pool every day since you started. Not that you spoke to him...of course not...you just- "Sorry." You quickly apologized as your shoulder slammed into someone else's. "S'alright..." An Irish accent filled your ears making you look up at the grinning face. "Hopefully I'll see you next summer [Y/N]." He continued to grin as he made his way past you.

Louis: "Fall in and pretend you're drowning so I can take you back to the cabin." He smirked against your ear as you walked back to your post. "I'll probably lose my job being that I'm supposed to know how to swim Louis." You pointed out with furrowed brows and he groaned. "No fun. That's what you are." He scoffed turning his nose up at you. "Oh please...I'm a lot of fun ask your kids. They love me and I'm just the lifeguard Louis." You stuck your tongue out at him jabbing your elbow into his side and he let out a small whimper instantly bringing his hand up to rub at the spot. "They don't love you more than I do though." He spoke softly leaning in and pressing his lips to your cheek since the kids were around, "Now go do your job and make sure these little punks don't drown or else I'll have you written up."

Zayn: He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly with the floaties around his arms, "Should I wear these?" He asked as he followed behind you toward the pool and you peered over your shoulder at him with a raised brow before shaking your head. "Nah you don't have to...today we're just gonna try to get you to float a bit." You shrugged as you lowered your into the water. A small giggle slipped past your lips as you glanced up at his nervous expression on his face as he lowered his foot into the water, "Hey look, don't be nervous m'not gonna let anything happen to you I swear. But if wearing the floaties make you feel more comfortable then you can wear em." You shot him a tiny smile watching him inch his body into the waist deep water fully and a deep breath left his lips. "I've got you alright Zayn..."

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