209. Play fighting

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Niall: His laughter subsided as he pinned your arms down beside your head and he straddled your waist, "You didn't stand a chance against me babe." He grinned down at you as you rolled your eyes while you struggled under his weight. "Get off me Niall." You grumbled trying to wriggle from underneath him, only causing him to laugh some more. "Make me." He whispered with his lips falling into a teasing smirk and you let out a groan simply because that's how you ended up in this position in the first place, "Oh that's right...you can't make me get off huh? You couldn't get me off even if you tried [Y/N]." He smiled with a raised brow as he let your arm go to run his finger across your jaw until he slowly ran his finger over your bottom lip.

Liam: "Oh my god...put me down." You said through a fit of giggles as he slung you over his shoulder and ran around the house. "Liam." You called out as your grip tightened on the back of his shirt, "Down." You ordered giving him a whack on the butt causing him to let a hearty laugh. With a smirk on his lips he nodded before quickly tossing you down on the couch and falling on top of you. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours quickly, "You lost." He spoke against your lips and you scoffed. "Only because I can't pick you up Liam. I had you." You narrowed your eyes up at him and he let out a chuckle as he nodded his head. "Oh yeah you definitely had me...but I got you now so game over yeah." He quickly ran his tongue over his lips before pressing his lips to yours once more.

Harry: "You...you cheated." He said between laughter as he swatted at your hands but you continued to tickle him. You looked on as his eyes fell shut and his laughter grew louder when you pressed your fingers harder into his side. "Stop." He choked out prying his eyes open to stare up at you with glazed over eyes and that only made the smile on your lips widen. "Say it and I'll stop." "Alright...alright," He said between gasps, "you win yeah." He finally grabbed a hold of your hands releasing a shaky breath and you nodded your head childishly as you slid off him and laid beside him on the floor. "Finally I beat you." You boasted and he rolled his eyes giving you a slight shove. "Only because you cheated [Y/N]."

Zayn: You hopped up quickly from your spot after smacking him and ran straight into your room with him following closely behind. His arms encircled your waist before he pulled you down on the bed and the two of you rolled over a bit fighting for control until he had you pinned underneath him. "You hit me then run? Didn't know you were so much of a punk?" He said with a smile playing at his lips as you dug your nails into the hand that was holding yours into the mattress causing him to hiss a bit. "Oh shut up Z. I'm not a punk and I'm definitely not scared of you." You said giggling a bit as he leaned in closer so his lips were pressed to your ear. "Well since you weren't scared why'd you run? And its safe to say you lost this round babe."

Louis: You laid face down after being tackled into the grass and Louis let out a loud cackle as he stayed put on top of you, "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you." He spoke loudly between his fit and leaned off you to turn you toward him, "S'rude." He pretended to glare down at you. "Well excuse me for not wanting to listen to your crap." You said rolling your eyes with the corners of your lips turning up as his mouth fell open in shock. He gathered a handful of grass letting it fall in your face and you struggled underneath him since your arms were pinned to your sides between his thighs. "Oh god let me up Lou...what if something crawls on me." You shivered at the thought of the insects living in the grass you were lying on and he shrugged. "You'll live. Take back what you said and I'll let you up. " He said as you scoffed shaking your head, "Now now [Y/N] just think about all the little spiders crawling around..." His voice trailed as your eyes grew wider.

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