201. He watch you sleep

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Louis: A smile made its way to his lips as he glanced down at your sleeping figure. Your legs tangled with his as your hold on his shirt tightened pressing your body closer to his, if possible. With a small shake of his head he too tightened his arm around your bare shoulder giving it a light squeeze before he pressed his lips to your forehead. "M'not going anywhere." He whispered to your slumber figure before tearing his eyes off you and back to the muted television only occasionally glancing down at you when your grip on him adjusted.

Niall: He stifled a giggle as he watch you begin to drool a bit over your pillow. Most people would have found it to be a little gross, but he thought you drooling was actually rather cute. He reached over and gently wiped at your lips with his thumb clearing away the saliva before it left a trail down the side of your cheek and wiping it on the side of his sweats. He brought his hand back to your cheek brushing strands of your hair away from your face and grinning down at you.

Liam: Rubbing at his stinging eyes he stared down at you contemplating on how he could slip into bed without waking you. A small chuckle spilled past his as he watched you moved around in the bed searching for comfort. He shook his head once noticing you'd spread out taking up the entire space with a tiny smile on your lips as you continued sleeping. "Again." He mumbled rubbing at the stubble on his cheeks as you'd done this before even with him lying right beside you. He lightly pushed your leg over before taking his spot on the bed with a tired smile on his lips.

Harry: A yawn slipped past his lips as he stared over at you, you clutching the ratty teddy bear you'd had for years. He let his finger trace over your features lightly, smiling when he traced over the curve of your lips. His eyes watered as he let out another yawn and he retracted his hand brushing away the few tears that fell from his eyes before he draped his arm over your waist and pressing his lips to your nose gently. He blinked tiredly letting his head fall besides yours on your pillow and finally letting his eyes shut.

Zayn: He ran his tongue over his lower lip before taking it between his teeth and chewing on it lightly as his eyes raked over your relaxed face. He glanced down at the arm you had draped across his bare stomach, your fingers brushing the skin along his hip. He brought his face closer to yours taking notice that the only time he's ever seen you relaxed was when you were asleep. He let out a small sigh as his eyes traced the purplish bags that'd formed underneath your eyes somewhat matching his own. He pressed his head back down on his pillow lacing his fingers with yours as he tried sleeping.

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