214. Emergency Room

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Niall: "What happened?" He asked running his fingers through his hair quickly, "Is she alright?" He rushed out with worry in his voice as he pulled you into a tight embrace and you nodded against his chest. "Lily's fine...just broke her arm. You would know if you didn't hang up on me." You said pulling away from the embrace and he shot you a sheepish look. "M'sorry. I just had to rush and get here ya know...make sure my little girl's alright." Niall said jutting out his lower lip, "Can I go see her? How'd she break her arm anyway?" He questioned letting his eyes rake around the ER. "Trampoline...think its time we've gotten rid of it. First Caleb now Lily." You grumbled encircling your arms around his waist and he let out a small chuckle. "Yeah I think so or else it might be one of us next."

Louis: "I'm fine...I'm fine its just a few scratches." He muttered swatting the hand away from his face, "Is she okay? I...is she going to be okay?" He asked feeling the tightness in his chest and breathing was soon becoming a challenge. He stared ahead at the doctor's lips as they moved quickly, but he couldn't hear anything yet he nodded his head nonetheless and soon enough Liam was by his side, leading him over to an empty seat. "I-I don't know what happened Li...I just-I just know I can't lose her. [Y/N]'s all I have left." Louis spoke quietly swallowing the lump that sat at the back of his throat, "What if she doesn't make it? Liam what if she dies...it would be my fault." He whispered, his vision blurring as his eyes coated with tears and he glanced over at Liam whose lips were moving. But he still couldn't hear anything other than the sound of smashing glass that kept replaying in his head.

Liam: He wrapped the towel tightly around your arm with clenched teeth, "I told you to order out...and this happens." He frowned as you let out a small whimper from the pressure, "Why didn't you listen babe?" He continued to frown as the blood seeped through the towel, coating his hand a bit. "I wanted to make you something you know...for our anniversary." You said bringing your hand up to your face to wipe away the fallen tears, "You forgot didn't you?" You asked biting down on the corner of your lip as he lead you over to the car shaking his head. "I didn't forget [Y/N]. I just planned for us to do something tomorrow. The entire day, but now you need stitches and we probably can't do anything." He mumbled helping you into the car before rushing over to the other side. He grimaced glancing down at the blood smeared on his hands, wiping them quickly on his dark jeans. You let your head fall against the window groaning, "Happy anniversary Liam...remember to never let me handle a knife in the future."

Harry: He held the towel to his chin as he adjusted in the seat beside you, "How's your head?" He asked with a hint of laughter in his voice as he peered over at you holding an ice pack to the side of your head. "Never again Harry." You mumbled with narrowed eyes only making him giggle a little. "It was an accident...you pushed me down and out of habit I grabbed onto you." He said shrugging as you stayed silent, "You can't be mad at me babe this is your fault." You groaned in response because he was right, it was actually your fault. "Yeah...sorry." You mumbled between a wince as you pressed the ice pack harder onto the knot on your head from hitting the end table. "I think I might need stitches." Harry sighed letting his head fall to your shoulder, "I'm gonna look like an idiot." He whined.

Zayn: He encircled his arm around your waist as he lead you through the sliding doors, "You'll be alright." He mumbled glancing down at your purplish ankle as you hopped on one foot, "You should have let me carry you." He sighed pulling your body closer to his and you shook your head with tears in your eyes. He helped lower you into the seat, gently resting your foot on the chair in front of you to level your swelling ankle. You let out a hiss as you stupidly tried moving your foot, "Why does this always happen to me?" You asked with a frown taking over your lips and he let out a small chuckle rubbing at the back of his neck. "Well because you're clumsy babe....you're really clumsy actually." He said shrugged draping his arm over your shoulder as he pressed his lips to the side of your head. "At least you'll get crutches this time and you can live on the couch and I'll be taking care of you. I bet you like that don't you."

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