255. Undressed

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Niall: "Does it always take you this long t get undressed?" He asked peering shoulder at you with a raised brow once he'd turned on the shower, "Need some help?" He bit down on his lower lip as he inched over toward you until he was standing right in front of you and placed his hands on your hips, letting his fingers toy with the top of your underwear, "Because I'd really like t help you out." He spoke softly with a grin on his lips. "I can do it." You whispered placing your hands over his and slowly pushed down your underwear until they were pooled around your feet and you stepped out of them looking up at him through your lashes. "Guess we should get in the shower now huh?" You spoke in a soft tone as you made your way around him and into the shower.

Louis: "I never liked this shirt." He whispered into your ear with his chest pressed to your back as his fingers worked slowly to unbutton your shirt. "How come?" You asked with a quirked brow glancing up at him through the mirror before letting your eyes follow his hands as he finished unbuttoning your shirt. But he didn't' respond and you looked on as he brought his hands back up to tug at the sleeves until the shirt slid off completely. "You were better off showing up like this." He mumbled, his lips brushing against your earlobe as he spoke, "S'not like it hid much tonight anyway." He continued staring back at you through the mirror with a smirk on his lips before pressing them to your neck and nipping at it a bit. "I wanted to get that thing off you the second you walked into the party." He spoke against your skin as his fingers traced small patterns into your stomach.

Liam: You toyed with the hem of his shirt, casting quick glances up at him with your lip tucked between your teeth and he let out a small chuckle. "Want me to take it off?" He asked leaning in so you could hear over the music with a raised brow and you shrugged your shoulders trying to mask the fact that you did indeed wanted the thin material gone. And he knew that. So he brushed your hands away and slowly lifted his shirt up, exposing the dark trail of hair from his belly button to his nether regions. You bit down harder on your lip to push back the groan that threatened to leave your lips as he pulled his shirt up higher only making you want to smooth your hands over his skin. With a shake of his head and a chuckle leaving his lips he let his shirt fall back down, "Maybe we should wait until we get home." He chuckled leaning in to press his lips to yours quickly.

Harry: "Take it off." He spoke softly as he said up in the chair and you shook your head walking toward him with a small smile on your lips. He let out a tiny frustrated sound before grabbing you by the waist when you were close enough and pulled you into his lap. He bit down on his lip as he nuzzled into your neck, "You've been teasing me all day...and now we're alone." He mumbled into your skin, the ends of his hair tickling you a bit causing you to let out a small giggle. "I wasn't teasing Harry." You shook your head pulling away a bit to look down at him and he let out a small huff. "You were...and-" You cut him off by pressing your lips to his gently and you felt him lowering you down onto the couch making sure not to separate your lips. His hands slipped up your shirt and pushed it up a little letting his fingers brush over your skin, "Take this off." He repeated against your lips.

Zayn: He looked up at you with glossy eyes and a playful smile on his lips after you'd pushed him down on the bed. "Think you can get your own boots off?" You asked with a questioning look and he shrugged bringing the palm of his hand up to wipe at his eyes, the smile on his lips still present. With a small sigh you went to undo his boots, tossing them aside and sitting on the bed to take off the rest of his clothes. "Trying to get me naked? Is it because it's my birthday?" He slurred between giggles and you rolled your eyes trying hard to stop yourself from smiling. "Z...lift your arms up so I can get this off." You tapped at his side and he shook his head taking his lower lip between his teeth. "Take your clothes off too." He said giving you a slanted smile taking your hands in his as you'd already pushed his shirt up his chest. "Once you're undressed I'll take mine off Z." You wiggled your brows and his hands were no longer on yours and were raised up, making it easier for you to pull his shirt over his head.

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