213. Letting Go.

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Harry: Liam sighed running his hand over his face slowly, "M'not trying to be mean but [Y/N]'s not going to text you back, mate." He mumbled letting his hand fall from his face to glance over at Harry, who continued fiddling with his phone. "You don't know that...she replied last time." Harry spoke under his breath making Liam shake his head in response before reaching over and snatching the phone from his hands. "Harry...stop. I get it I really do-don't give me that look man because you know if anyone it'd be me to understand. You can't keep texting her and getting your hopes up...you're just hurting yourself more." Liam let the phone fall between the two of them. "I just-I just want to be friends with her again...talk to her like we used to. Before we dated." Harry frowned raking his fingers through his unruly hair tugging at it slightly, "I miss her Li and I-I know I shouldn't but its hard. I loved her, I mean I still do." He spoke in a shaky voice as he began gnawing on his lower lip. "I know its tough Haz, but if you want t talk...talk to me, or any of the other lads. Stop looking to her, she's not in the picture anymore and I know you still want her to be, but she's not. So you have to let her go mate, stop doing this to yourself alright because you're hurting yourself and that's hurting me and the lads."

Niall: Zayn scrunched up his face after being released from the embrace, "You're rank mate." He said with a small chuckle that Niall dully mimicked with a small shrug of his shoulders. "Yeah...I've been busy." He reasoned sending his fingers through his grimy hair. "Busy? You've been cooped up in this house since-" Zayn's voice trailed off as he shuffled on his feet and Niall nodded. "Since [Y/N] left...yeah I know. Just not up for going out that's all." Niall shrugged as he began toward the living room with Zayn not far behind him, "What are you doing here anyway? Checking up on me again? Because I'm fine." Niall sighed glancing over his shoulder before dropping down onto the couch that'd become his bed. Subtly nodding Zayn's eyes trailed around the room, taking in the filth, "Yeah you're fine...right." Zayn mumbled with his eyes now pinned on Niall, "I-I know you're not fine, look at you mate. You look terrible right now and you expect me to believe you're fine." Zayn said with a dry chuckle, "She's not coming back...so stop waiting around for her. That's what this is. You're waiting for her, but Nialler she's not coming back. And you're just gonna have t accept that." Zayn finished, getting a nod in response. "She...she isn't right? I-I just don't understand Z. I dunno what I did t make her leave, I don't-" "You didn't do anything, just go take a shower and then we can talk yeah...talking's good so that's what we'll do. It'll make things easier, it'll help letting her go easier."

Liam: "S'not working anymore is it?" You asked quietly as you stared out the window blankly from your side of the bed. "What?" He tore his eyes off the muted television to glance over at the back of your head with knitted brows, "What are you talking about?" "Us. I'm talking about us. We're not the same anymore so...so why are we still together?" You asked swallowing the lump that sat at the back of your throat, "Be honest with me Li...why-why are we still holding on to this?" You whispered, tightness filling your chest as you didn't receive an answer other than a sigh. The two of you laid in silence for a few moments before he cleared his throat, "Because I-I figured things would work out soon enough. That we'd be back to normal in a few months or so, but I think I dunno." He sighed once more not concentrating on the movie playing on the screen, "I just don't know anymore. I want to be with you, but there's times when I find myself thinking I need someone different. Someone not you." He bit down on the inside of his cheek, chewing on it a bit after the words slipped past his lips. "Okay." Was all you could get out as you held your eyes shut tightly. "That doesn't mean I don't love you [Y/N] because I do...I always will love you, I just think we've grown apart and I think you feel that too or else you wouldn't have asked." He ran his hand over his face slowly. "We-we should stop holding on." You mumbled and he nodded in response. "We should."

Louis: "Fuck..." He mumbled running his hand over his face after leaving his daughter's room. It was like looking at a mini [Y/N] and it bothered him. It bothered him so much that she'd been staying with his mother since [Y/N]'s death. It hurt to look at the only person that he'd have around for the rest of his life. He sluggishly made his ways back into his room, dropping down heavily on it with his face buried in one of the pillows as he let out a muffled groan. He rolled over with a sigh leaving his lips in the process, "What the fuck am I gonna do?" He asked himself under his breath rubbing at his tired eyes. He hadn't felt this lost in a long time, and he honestly didn't know what to do with himself. With his daughter. But he knew he couldn't keep sending her off to stay with his mom just because she looked so much like [Y/N]...he knew he couldn't do that anymore. "[Y/N]'s gone...she's never coming back. But I have Sophie and-and she's not going anywhere. I'll always have Soph." He mumbled swallowing a lump that was making it hard for him to breathe, "I-[Y/N]'s not coming back." He repeated. He continued to mutter it to himself until he could accept it because it was true. She wasn't coming back no matter how badly he wanted her to, so he had to let her go. There was a little girl he was pushing away because of it.

Zayn: "You sure you want to Z?" Harry asked with a raised brow as he watched the shots being lined up. "Yeah...I need to have a bit of fun." Zayn shrugged encircling his fingers around one of the shot glasses and inching it over to him as Harry nodded in response. "I mean yeah you should have fun but-but getting pissed won't make you forget." Harry mumbled lifting a shot to his lips and wincing as the tequila burned his throat, "Hell it might even make things worse...you'll probably end up in a corner drunk texting [Y/N] and telling her you miss her." He said letting out a small chuckle as he reached for another shot but not before casting a look over at Zayn who was nodding with the shot glass pressed to his lips. "I haven't spoken to her in a while." Zayn muttered placing the glass back on the bar as he scratched at the scuff along his jaw, "You have no idea how hard it is for me not to ring her sometimes. I-I saw her the other day and I just wanted...I just wanted to wrap my arms around but I can't do that anymore. I can't call her when I feel alone. I can't text her randomly that I love her. Its fucking driving me insane Harry. I don't know what I'm supposed to do because she's always fucking around. In my head." He frowned slumping over in his seat, he felt his throat growing tight, "I don't want to think of her anymore Haz...I want to move on already."

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