246. Tiny couch

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Liam: He pulled your body closer into his, catching you before you'd rolled over the edge, "Alright...maybe we should get up now." He chuckled as a groan fell from your lips in protest, "I won't be able to catch you from falling if I fall sleep too babe." He spoke into your hair as he ran his fingers slowly up and down your back. You pulled back a little so your face wasn't nuzzled in his neck to look up at him, "You wouldn't let me fall even if you were asleep Li." You shot him a tiny smile and he rolled his eyes, it was the truth. "You're right...but can we still move to the other couch. This one's making my back hurt babe."

Harry: You stifled a giggle as you spotted Harry lying on the smallest sofa in your living room with his legs hanging over the arm of the couch. "Didn't make it to the bed I see?" You shook your head letting your bag backpack fall from your shoulders and onto the floor before making your way over to him. He let out a yawn bringing his hands up to wipe at his eyes shooting you a sleepy smile, "I wanted to wait for you." He shrugged reaching out to tug at the hem of your shirt once you were close enough, "Lay with me." He mumbled and you shook your head. "There's hardly any room for you on here Harry." You chuckled, "But we can get in the bed...I'm pretty tired myself."

Niall: He quickly pulled you down onto the couch with him before you had a chance to slip back into the room, "You can't go to bed yet." He whined tightening his arms around your waist. You let out a sigh leaning back into his chest, "Fine." You mumbled knowing he wouldn't let you just leave anyway, "Can we at least move to that couch...I don't like this couch it's just too small for the both of us." You suggested but he shook his head. "Nah just means we have to be really close to fit." He smiled pressing his lips to the nape of your neck. A smile made its way to your lips as you rolled your eyes, "Even on the bigger couch we'd be this close to each other Niall." He shrugged with a small chuckle, "I know."

Louis: He slid in behind you on the small couch circling his arm around your waist, "Are you feeling a little better yet?" He asked softly looking down at you, taking notice in your slightly reddened nose and puffy eyes, but you nodded nonetheless. "Are you lying to me?" He asked letting out a chuckle and you nodded once more. "I can't breathe." You frowned pressing your body into his, the warmth he'd been giving off was helping with the chills you were having. "Want me to get you anything?" He asked and you shook your head coughing a bit and bringing your hand up to wipe at your nose. "You've done enough Lou...just stay here with me yeah." You mumbled letting your eyes fall shut when you felt his lips press to your cheek.

Zayn: "Why do we still have this couch?" You mumbled glancing over your shoulder at him, "I mean it's small...and definitely not all that comfortable as it used to be." You pointed out and he shrugged his shoulders. "I like this couch." He muttered with furrowed brows, "And it is comfortable...what are you going on about babe?" You let out a chuckle rolling your eyes, "Zayn quit lying." You turned over in the couch so you were facing one another, "You know this couch is done for." You smiled pressing your lips to his quickly after taking in his small frown. "We can even get a new couch just like this one except you know...it'll be comfortable and small." You grinned.

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