226. You wake up beside him for the first time.

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Harry: You rolled over onto your back blinking slowly as you stared up at a white ceiling that clearly wasn't yours. You peered over to the figure beside you, rolling your eyes as he was already awake and staring at you, "Don't be a creep Harry..." You mumbled running your hand over your face slowly and he let out a tired chuckle. "M'not being a creep. I'm just shocked you're still here s'all." He shrugged sitting up in the bed and stretching out in front of him and you let out a huff. "Want me t leave or something?" He shook his head with a smile tugging at his lips, "Nah I like waking up with you here. Can get used to that."

Louis: You woke up once you felt yourself being pulled into another body, your eyes trailed down to the hand arm wrapped around your bare body tightly before you pried the arm off you. Quickly noticing you weren't in your room you glanced down at the person who the arm belonged to and groaned. "What the fuck?" You grumbled swinging your legs over the side of the bed and grabbing the clothes that were scattered around your feet and easily slipping them back on. Once you made it over to the door you glanced over your shoulder to see a smiling figure, "Not even a kiss goodbye after last night?" He questioned wiping the sleep from his eyes as you rolled yours. "Go to hell Louis." You grumbled causing him to let out a laugh. "I like it better when you're asleep beside me." "That was the first and the last time I'd ever wake up in a bed next to you."

Liam: You bit down on the corner of your lip as your eyes raked over your best friend's face while he slept and a blush crept to your cheeks. Sure you've seen him asleep before, but never with him lying directly in front of you in your bed. The blush on your cheeks darkened as his arm came around your waist, "Oh god..." You mumbled nervously as you felt a bunch of tiny butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. "Li...Liam." You whispered as his breath washed over your face, "Li...wake up." You spoke softly again and he began to stir a bit before he pried one eye open to look peek over at you. "Um we should probably get up...you know for like breakfast or something." You shrugged and he nodded slowly before his arm slid off you and he rubbed at his eyes. "We should have more sleepovers...your bed's comfortable as hell." He spoke tiredly.

Niall: Rubbing at your tired sore eyes you glanced up at Niall and he shot you a tiny smile, "Think you're alright now?" He asked rubbing at your back a bit before pressing his lips to the top of your head. "M'fine." You spoke softly and he nodded hugging you to his chest. "Good, I don't like you crying." He smiled once more tearing his tired eyes off you to stare at the muted television. "Did-did you even sleep Niall?" You questioned with furrowed brows and he shook his head in response. "Nah...I wanted to stay awake incase you needed me or something." He shrugged a yawn slipping past his lips. "Niall..." "S'nothing babes. I can sleep later, I just needed to know if you were alright. But go back to sleep yeah, I know you're still tired."

Zayn: Your eyes widened after taking in the boy asleep in front of you before you went to untangle your body parts. You pushed the blanket off you and quickly slipped out of the bed before your eyes trailed back over to Zayn's stirring figure. "Aye..." He muttered with a yawn sending his fingers through his hair slowly, "did you sleep alright?" He questioned letting out another yawn as you made your way over to the door, "You fell asleep on the couch and I know from experience that it does some damage to your back so I moved you in here...hope that's alright." He ran his tongue over his chapped lips. "Thank you..." You mumbled biting down on your lip and he nodded. "Just so you know...you hug rather tightly in your sleep [Y/N]." He let out a small chuckle after noticing the pinkish tint taking over your neck.

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