310. The other girlfriends don't like you

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Louis: "Babe we're going to be late," Louis complained nudging your half-asleep figure; referring to the lunch date the boys had planned. You groaned slapping at his hand. "We aren't going to be late; you are going to be late. I'm not going," you corrected your sour attitude on full display. "(Y/N)," Louis whined flopping down beside you on the bed. "Don't be a b- like this." You growled at him knowing he was about to call you a bitch. He sighed, "I'm sorry babe." He rubbed comforting designs onto your back through the fabric of your shirt. "Why won't you go?" He questioned, it was your turn to sigh. "They don't like me Lou." You turned to face him before continuing, "And I don't feel like listening to them nitpick at every part of me they don't like. You go and have fun." He shook his head, "I'd rather stay here with you anyway." A suggestive smirk took over his innocent features as he slipped his hand under your shirt making contact with your bare back.

Zayn: The boys shifted uncomfortably as the tension grew between you and Harry's girlfriend. It had gotten to the point where, if asked, you wouldn't be able to give a legitimate answer as to why you hated her- you just did. Zayn swore the whole thing started over a miss understanding, an accident. You were positive whatever had happened, the tramp did it on purpose. Louis and Niall pulled away from each other quickly, having been muttering quietly- a too sweet smile on Niall's face and a mischievous grin on Lou's. "I know what you two need," Louis declared standing up. You watched him closely, knowing he was up to no good. "And what's that," you questioned. "A time-out." Before you had time to process, what that meant the older boy had you slung over his shoulder and was dumping you in the hall closet. Niall followed close behind with Harry's screeching girlfriend dangling from his arms, the door slammed shut, and you stared wide-eyed at the girl across from you, her expression mirroring yours. "This can either be a fight to the death or the start of a beautiful friendship the choice is yours," Louis called through the door and you could hear the smile in his voice. "Either way neither of you get out till one of you is dead or your holding hands and singing together." Lovely.

Niall: You hugged your knees to your chest trying to comfort yourself as tears slid down your cheeks. Niall set beside you gently running his hand through your hair, trying to soothe you. "What's wrong love?" You sniffled shaking your head, declining to answer. He's eyes clouded with sorrow before he begged, "Please." You hated the sound of his voice, laced with hurt and disappointment. "They hate me," you confined softly. "Who," he questioned puzzled; you smiled lightly loving how cute and innocent he looked when he didn't understand something. "The other girls, they hate me." His face softened in understanding. "They just don't know you yet," he disagreed. "Give it time." You nodded, even though you knew it was still going to hurt- every rude comment or disapproving gaze. Niall kissed your temple then the tip of your nose before settling on your lips. "Don't let them get to you, you're perfect," he ghosted against your lips.

Liam: You gave Liam an irritated glace; the other girlfriends thought they were being sly, whispering behind your back but you could hear every word. You could tell that Liam hated it as much as you did, but that did nothing to comfort you. "That's it," you declared, tired of their childish behavior. Liam didn't even try to stop you as you left him to confront the gossiping group of girls. "Hey ladies," you greeted with a tight smile that pulled your lips into a thin line. "I get it, none of you like me, although none of you have had the courage to say that to my face, I've gotten the message loud and clear. Nevertheless, from now on, if you have something to say- say it to my face. The three of you can stand around and run your mouths like you're better than me, at the end of the day you'll still be ugly cowards and I'll still be happy with myself; because frankly I don't give a damn what any of you think," you ranted, furious. Turning on your heel you returned to a smirking Liam proud of yourself and feeling a little lighter.

Harry: You struggled to be polite and kind, smiling at every off-the-cuff remark and ignoring every rude gesture the other girlfriends tossed your way. However, your struggle did not go unnoticed by Harry; he hated how mean they were to you, knowing you were too pleasant to ever return the behavior. He wasn't though- for every comment they sent your way he sent one right back making it clear he would not stand for them treating you that way.

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