279. You catch him looking at you

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Harry: You always spotted Harry looking at you from across the room or even when you were gathered with your small group of mutual friends. You'd only talked to him in group conversation but you notice the way his mouth would cock to the side and his eyebrows would raise sometimes as he watched you. "Hey." He finally spoke his first words to you alone as you leaned over the punch bowl, filling yourself a cup. "Hey, what took you so long to finally talk to me?" You're completely forward with him. He blushes a little, running a hand through his curls. "I just never knew what to say." He seems bashful, something you never thought him to be. "Well the looks are nice but talking would be better." You comment, the beginning of your first conversation.

Louis: It seemed that he hadn't taken his eyes off of you since the moment you entered the room on your wedding day. For the entire ceremony his eyes remained on yours, capturing your beauty. As your vows were spoken and you moved to your reception you sat, barely eating as to keep your dress clean. People all around came to congratulate you, but you caught Louis looking at you even as other people talked to him, his eyes never leaving his new wife. "I see you looking at me." You finally laughed, the conversation you were having ending so you could finally look back at him. He only smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I don't care. I'll spend forever looking at you."

Niall: Back and forth. He thought you didn't see the way he looked at you until you glanced up at him, his head turning quickly, trying to act as though he wasn't. His cheeks would redden a little as he tried to move back into his conversation but as soon as your head turned away his eyes were back on you. Even after a year the attraction and love he felt for you remained a part of him and he couldn't pull away. Finally he gave in, asking for you back, still under the impression that his staring had gone unnoticed, when in fact you'd been staring back at him the entire time.

Liam: You sit in the crowd, your dream come true as the lights dim, the five boys who's personalities and music you love arriving on the stage for your entertainment. You stand along with the thousands of other girls, your arms waving and hips shaking as you dance along to the music. You never could have imagined but you could have sworn Liam was looking at you. Just as you caught his eye he glance back into the crowd leaving your gaze. Still you watched him the entire time, hoping for another chance to catch his eye, and so you did.

Zayn: It's constant. You'll feel his eyes on you, giggling to yourself as you avoid glancing back. His mouth turns into a smile when you finally give in, sending a wink your way. Even when he's sitting right next to you or lying in bed snuggled beside you he'll be caught staring at you. In the mornings when you wake he'll already be up, a hand stroking your hair, his eyes gazing down at you. Even when you're stuck in a crowd full of people his eyes will find you, unable to detach from you and every time you look back at him he can only utter, "You're so beautiful."

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