277. He becomes jealous after a threesome with one of the other boys.

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Harry: You'd noticed that since the night you'd had a threesome with Harry and Zayn that he'd been a little more overprotective of you. Whenever you were around Zayn he would grip your waist a little tighter, show his affection a little more to prove that you were his. For a while it seemed funny that he was jealous but you couldn't understand why until you hugged Zayn goodbye one afternoon and he expressed himself. "I don't want you touching him." He gritted his teeth. "Harry, you're overreacting. You said you thought it would be fun to have a threesome and now you're acting like this." You replied. "I wouldn't be acting like this if you hadn't been looking at him like that." He snarled as he drove home. "You're jealous of the way I was looking at him? Really? I was looking at him like I was having sex with him and you can't even see the difference in the way I look at you two. I look at him like that and I look at you like I'm making love to you." You see his mouth turn up at your words. "Making what?" He asks, glancing at you. "Love." You answer simply. "Yeah?" He needs clarification, the first time you've used that word with him. "Yeah." You confirm, grinning as he responds. "I love you too."

Louis: "Have I been too rough with you?" Louis pulls you close to him as you lie in bed, his hand reaching to run through your hair and down to your cheek. "Not at all. Why'd you ask that?" You wondered, your eyes drooping a little from tiredness. You and Louis always had an open and honest policy and tonight was no exception. "Harry was just so gentle with you and you seemed to like that. It made me think I was too rough or something, that maybe you liked the way he did things better." His voice got quieter as he spoke the last part. "Are you jealous?" You giggle, your white teeth showing in the dark. "Do I have a reason to be?" He continues his questioning. "Not at all. You're rough with me sometimes and I like that. You're also gentle with me and I like that too. I get both of those things with you. Tonight was good but really, no one can do better than you."

Niall: Louis - You walked with Niall back to your hotel room, still completely aroused from the encounter you'd just had with both him and Louis. You grabbed his hand, welcoming him into a warm shower for the both of you but he seemed wary about touching you, even kissing you. "What is it?" You asked, concerned, your fingers running over his wet chest. "I've just never seen you like that, so loud and everything. It made me a little jealous of him to be honest." He bowed his head at his confession. "Niall, I love you okay. Being with him and being with you are completely different feelings." You reply but he still doesn't seem convinced, his eyes narrowing a little, eyes darkening as he turns you around. "Well then let me show him who's girl you are, or rather let him hear so he doesn't mistake tonight for something more." He groans into your ear, the wall between the bathroom and Louis' bedroom a thin barrier where he will hear as Niall claims you as his.

Liam: He'd been a little quieter, more distant since that night. Initially, you let it go but once you'd gone a week without barely talking you couldn't hold it in anymore. "Liam, talk to me please. You've hardly said anything to me all week." You comment. Instead of speaking Liam only shrugs. "Please stop being so stubborn." You walk over to him, attempting to hold him in his place but he quickly escapes, walking right past you into the living room. After hearing you scoff, ready to give up on getting through to him he speaks. "I just felt like you were ignoring me for Niall." His statement is simple but you can sense the jealousy in his tone. You walk over to sit in his lap, his body rigid, keeping himself from touching you. "I knew it was a bad idea. You don't like to share. I'm yours okay and that night isn't going to change that. I thought you wanted to share me with him." You cocked your head to the side. "I thought I did but then I realized I just want you all to myself." He pokes his lip out. "Liam, I'm yours and you don't have to share me. Remember that." You state, pressing your lips to his as he finally relaxes into you.

Zayn: Zayn had been quiet every since you both left Liam's house, riding home in complete silence. You felt comfortable with the situation but could tell that Zayn was holding on to something. "What's wrong?" You finally asked as you stepped into the house you shared, Zayn remaining quiet for a moment before expressing his feelings. "Do you like him?" He asked, making you laugh a little. "What would make you ask that?" You responded with a question, your lack of an answer to his making him feel even worse. His head dropped. "It's just, I saw the way you responded to him and how loud you were and just, do you like him?" He repeated his question, both of you moving through the house, pulling off your clothes and getting ready for bed. As he laid down, waiting for your answer you climbed on top of him, wrapping your arms around him tight. "No, he's attractive but not like that. Liam or anyone could make me feel the way you do. It was just new tonight but you're the best." You smiled, watching as a grin spread on his face as well. "The best?" He asked to which you nodded, giving him the reassurance he needed in his moment of jealousy.

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