225. Drunken Confession

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Harry: "I...I never wanted to end things." He let his head fall to your shoulder as you held him up against the wall. "I was-I was scared." He said letting out a chuckle with his hair tickling your neck as a sigh fell from your lips. You pressed his body up against the wall with your hands planted flat on his chest, "Harry I'm gonna go get one of the boys to take you home." You mumbled staring up into his glazed over eyes and he shook his head. "I was just scared...I...[Y/N]." He stammered his head slumped against the wall as he blinked slowly, "Being in love with you scared me and...and m'sorry. "

Liam: "I...you're really pretty [Y/N]." He grinned with his head still resting against the arm of the couch, "Really pretty...like beautiful pretty." He repeated raising the beer bottle to his lips and taking a big gulp of the liquid before letting out a tiny giggle. He let the now empty bottle slip from his fingers into the spot on the couch beside him before placing his hand on your bare leg, "wish you could see just how beautiful you are." He mumbled idly brushing his thumb over your skin. You placed your hand over his patting it softly, "Liam c'mon drink this water yeah...and we can head back to your place. Still having that sleepover right?"

Louis: He pulled you by your waist pressing your chest to his and his lips brushed your earlobe as he swayed your bodies to the thumping music, "[Y/N]." He slurred hooking his fingers into the loops of your jeans, "I...you have no idea how badly I..." He whispered unhooking his fingers and placing his hands flat on your hips, "S'always been you...you know that don't ya." He spoke slowly before letting his head come down to your shoulder where he continued to rest while the two of you danced in the crowded room. "Lou...what are you going on about?" "I've always wanted t be with you [Y/N]." He spoke against your skin.

Niall: His lips ghosted over your neck as you walked the both of you away from the bar after downing a couple of drinks, "I want you out of this thing." He mumbled into your neck as he pulled the hem of your dress. A chuckle made its way past your lips as he continued to tug at your dress with complaints falling from his drunken lips. "Want to do things to ya...right in the middle of this shit party." He slurred closing his hand around your thigh, "I want ya loud enough for everyone t hear over the music..." He spoke slowly between the trail of kisses he left along your neck, "only I can do that...only I can get you that loud." He muttered causing another chuckle to make its way past your lips. "Niall...babe...be quiet before someone hears you yeah."

Zayn: "You know what's funny?" He mumbled letting out a dry chuckle as his eyes trailed down to the drink he had in hand, "You're funny [Y/N]." He lifted the glass to his lips downing the remaining liquid and looking over at you. "M'not funny Z." You rolled your eyes mimicking his actions and downing your drink as well. "Yeah you are...you ran. You asked how I felt but once I told ya, you left." He chuckled shaking his head as he watched a small frown take over your lips. "Why are you even here tonight? You haven't spoken to me since that night but here you are...at my party." He let out another dry chuckle, "Did it really scare you that much when I said I loved ya? If it did just forget I said anything."

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