153. your child doesnt want to see him/want him any more part 2 (his pov)

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Its been 2 months since I seen Avery. Two long months that have been filled with dull silence and empty space. I haven't heard much from her or her mother but I guess I deserved it. I had tried to call Avery and Y/N but they were always out and busy. SO know instead of being out im wallowing in my own sadness, the sadness of not having Y/N anymore and the horrible feeling of no longer having Avery. I heard a knock at the door and ignored it thinking it was some sales man trying to get me to sign a paper. The knocking continued and I groaned getting up from the spot on my couch. I opened the door telling who ever it was to please leave until I saw a set of familiar eyes.
"Y/N?" I asked opening the door more and letting her walk in.
"Hey Harry, how are ya?" She asked looking around the house
"Not well, and you?"
She broke down in tears right hen and there and automatically bring her into my arms holding her close.
"Babe? Whats wrong what happened?"
"Its Avery. She wont talk to me, she ignores me and I cant take it anymore! We used to get on so well! But a few weeks ago she just stopped communication with me! I cant take it anymore Harry." She whispered
"do you want me to see if I can do something about it? I mean she hates me now but I could try." I whisper rubbing Y/N back gently. She nodded and lead the way to her car. We drove to Y/N new house and she led me inside and to Avery's door. I took a deep breath and walked in seeing Avery sitting on her window seat looking out the window. She ignored my presence and I sighed.
"Hey Av." I said and her head snapped to me. She ran to me and into my arms automatically turning to tears.
"Im so sorry!" she cried
I gently brought her over to her bed letting her snuggle into me still crying as I rubbed her back trying to comfort her the best I could. When she finally calmed down I started to talk.
"Its ok babe. I understand. It was hard when my mom and dad had divorced, I understand.
She sniffed again and looked up to me staring at me with her mossy green eyes.
"Im sorry for how I acted at your house. I think I said all that stuff because I thought I would never see you again and I wanted to push you away before you could leave me."
"Oh no no no love, I would never leave you! Not even if I wanted to no no no." I said pulling her into my arms again and held her tightly
"Can you be in my life again dad?" she asked smiling softly. I gave a soft chuckle and nodded holding her close again.
"Yes Avery, anything for you love."


I took a deep breath and held the small box in my hand. I knocked on Y/N new houses door. I waited a moment before I heard footsteps walk and open the door and I saw Y/N face
"Liam, Hi." She said smiling softly
"Hello, how are you, im not intrupting something am I?"
"Oh no, Im just making Henry and I some dinner, would you like to join?"
"Oh I couldn't but um can is peak to Henry please?"
"Yeah of course , come on in." I walked in the house and Y/N led me to where Henry was playing with dinosaurs making them fight and attack each other.
"Hey little guy." I said sitting down next to him on the carpeted floor
"Hi." He said continuing to play and ignoring me.
"I, uh got you something Henry." He looked over to me and saw the wrapped box in my hand. He put his dinosaurs down and scooted closer to me.
"So I know you are upset that I took your crayons so look what I got you." I handed him the package and he opened the wrapping. I saw his dark mahogany eyes turn bright as he looked at the gift.
"Wow!! 50 new crayons!!!" He said showing me a toothy grin
"Thanks daddy!!" He leaped in my arms and I held him tightly. He pulled away slightly and looked at the box again
"When I come to your house we will have to color a lot, but only as long as you don't take my crayon again!!!!" He said
"Ok Henry, that's a deal." I said pulling him back into me and holding him close


I sat alone watching home videos of when I was still married to Y/N and when Nikki still wanted me around. Its been a few months since the last I seen Nikki at the mall. She didn't call or write me but I guess I don't blame her. Today was her birthday and Y/N called telling me to come to her birthday party at 6. I was beyond nervous. I mean, Nikki didn't want me around anymore and she didn't react well the last time I saw her, so how was she gonna react now? It was 5:30 when I had realized it was already time to go. I had already got her present, it included a dream catcher necklace with her birthstone in the middle and a long letter that I had written. I hopped in the car and drove off to Y/N's house.
I knocked and Jason, Y/N's boyfriend, had answered the door
"Louis!! Nice to see you come in!!" He opened the door wide
I walked in and saw Y/N's family and Jacks. I saw my parents and some of Nikki's friends. I noticed Nikki laughing and it brought a smile to my face. She had looked over and seen me and she just watched me. I smiled and waved. She quickly looked away and continued to talk with her friends. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.
The whole party just felt uncomfortable to me. I was ignored by my daughter, Y/N's family talked to me but it was awkward between us and Jason's family would give me a quick nod. My parents had left early and I wish I would have followed their lead.
Everyone had started to head out but I had yet to wish Nikki Happy Birthday or give her the present. I finally got up and looked for her, again to see her with her friends. I cleared my throat and Nikki turned to me.
"May I talk to you for a minute?" Nikki stood there for a moment before she told her friends she would be right back.
"What?" She said softly following me into an abandoned room
"I just wanted to tell my daughter Happy Birthday and that I love you no matter what. And to give you this." I pulled the small necklace box from my jacket pocket and the letter.
She stared at the box and took it from my hand. She opened it slowly and her eyes widened. She must have remembered. Whenever she was little I would always put a Dream catcher over her bed so they would catch the bad dreams and keep her safe. Then she started to read the letter I watched as she sniffled and looked up to me with tears streaming down her face
"Im sorry dad." She cried going into my arms
"Shh alright babe its alright."


Its been a week since my son had seen me. Its hard not being able to see your child that you love so much. It was around 12 o'clock on a Friday night when awoke to the sound of a loud bang on my front door. I groaned and hoped the person knocking would leave to let me sleep but luck was not on my side and the knocking was persistent. I finally struggled my way out of my warm bed, pulled on some sweat pants and went to the front door.
"Hello?" I asked answering the door, and suddenly feeling something wrap around my leg. I looked down to see feathery blond hair and a small body wrapped around my calf tightly. I looked up and saw Y/N's tired eyes staring back. I raised a questioning eyebrow and she sighed giving me a small smile.
"He said there were monsters under his bed, but I wasn't big, brave or scary enough to get the monsters to leave." She yawned
"So why are you here?"
"Because he said only daddy could save him from the monsters." She smiled
I looked back down at my son and smiled. I picked him up and he snuggled into my shoulder.
"Its ok buddy ill protect ya."
"Ok" he whispered yawning and snuggling deeper
I looked back at Y/N. "Are you ok to drive back home?"
"Yeah Im good. Call me in the morning when he needs to be picked up."
"Ok" I heard Blake start to snore lightly and I waved goodbye to his mom. I walked back into the house and into Blake's small room. I put him on his bed and tucked him in giving him a kiss on the forehead.
"Night, buddy."
I started to walk out when I heard a small whimper
"Please don't leave daddy im scared."
"Alright, scoot over." Blake scooted over and we snuggled keeping each other safe from the monsters.


10 years. Its 10been years since Alex has come to visit me or talk to me. I heard from his mother that he had a daughter and he had gotten married to a beautiful wife named Amanda. I have never seen them or heard them talk. His mother and I had talked about the divorce and we talked about Alex. He had just turned 25, last week and I wanted to send him a present but she said he wouldn't even give her his address. Alex had shut me out of his life and partial let his mother slip away too. I was eating breakfast when I heard my phone ring. I pulled myself up from my seat and walked and picked up the cordless phone.
"Hi, may I ask who this is?"
"Dad its me Alex." I stayed silent replying the sentence over and over in my head.
"Hello? Dad you there?"
"Yes im here. Is this really you?" I heard a light chuckle and realized it was Alex. I started to cry into the phone from hearing the voice I had prayed and begged to hear every night and every day.
"Oh Dad please don't cry! We really need to talk can we meet up somewhere?"
"Yeah yeah of course come to my house please." I sniffled smiling
"Yes sir, ill be there soon." With that the phone clicked and I went to get ready.
30 minutes later I heard the doorbell ring and I opened it to see my son standing there. Tall, strong and smiling.
"Hey dad."
I pulled him into my arms and felt the tears streaming down my cheeks. I pulled away and grabbed his face
"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too dad."
"Please sit sit." He sat down on the couch and I poured him some tea.
"So what brings you here after 10 years?" I asked trying not to be rude. He shifted uncomfortable
"Well as you may have heard from mom, I have a daughter now named Maddy, and I was thinking about how I would feel if she did what I did to you and just left. And I realized I would be broken so I thought I should apopligize for the way I acted and how I treated you the last 10 years."
"Its fine but I will only forgive you on one term." I said smiling
"what?" Alex asked slightly confused
"You let me see and meet Maddy and your new wife." I smiled brightly pulling him in for another hug.
"Of course dad, of course."

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