148. you and the boys have a sleepover and you wake up in his bed

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Liam: You wake up extremely comfortable. You're surrounded by blankets and pillows, sunlight has begun to stream through the blinds. Sleepily, you remember where you were--Liam's flat. However, when you look beside you the only reminder that he'd been there was a small imprint of his muscular frame. Just as you're about to climb out of bed and see where everyone's gone, he returns back into the room quietly as if to not wake you up. "G'morning Liam," you say sleepily, giving him a wave. He's a bit startled but he turns around with a smile. He's got basketball shorts, trainers and a tank top as well as his iPod in his hand. He must've been out for a run. You let your eyes linger on his arms and how very muscular they look before realizing you must look like a mess--bedhead and pajamas. "Good morning, (Y/N)! Hope I didn't wake you up, I went out for a run," he sets his iPod down and smiles. "No! Didn't wake me up at all, I slept very well." you nod, examining your nails. "So did I! I've never had a better night's sleep, maybe because you were next to me," he says, but then his cheeks turn red. "I mean..." You laugh at his clear embarrassment and nod, climbing out of bed. "You should go shower, I'll make some breakfast for you and the boys, I've been dying to try this new banana pancake recipe," you chirp, attempting to smooth down your hair. "Oh, are you sure? You don't have to?" Liam says, holding the door open for you. "No, I insist. I'll get to cook the first proper breakfast in your new flat," you reply, passing a very sleepy looking Louis in the hallway and waving. "Did someone say breakfast?" Niall calls out from somewhere in the house, causing you three to laugh. 

Niall: "Wow, (Y/N) and Niall are asleep on the bed, I ship them so hard" Louis snorts from the floor making Harry chuckle. you realize you must've fallen asleep during the movie. Blinking your eyes, you also realize not only had you fallen asleep during the movie--you'd fallen asleep on top of Niall. Quickly, you get up, your cheeks pink. You'd fallen asleep with your head on his lap and you were basically on top of him like he was a mattress. You also realize you'd been sleeping on his bare chest (not that you minded at ALL), but it suddenly seemed very affectionate for your best friend and you to be sleeping like that. "Oh my God! Sorry for using you as a human mattress," you say quickly, scooting off of him. Niall had woken up when you'd shifted and he lets out a yawn. "Oh, I seriously didn't mind at all. I'll be your human mattress and/or pillow any day," he replies lightly, sitting up and rustling his hair. His cheeks are kind of red, too and he's got a certain kind of smile. "You boys sleep well on the floor and sleeping bags?" you lean over the bed and notice Zayn fast asleep on Liam's lap and the Larry duo wide awake and on their phones. "I didn't sleep well, I kept hearing you talking in your sleep, (Y/N)," Louis smirks, giving Harry a knowing look. "No way! I don't talk in my sleep!" you exclaim, shaking your head. "You do!" Harry grins. "You were all 'Oooh Niall, Niall you're sooo sexy'." You burst out laughing and so does Niall. "Kidding," Louis chirps, shaking his head. "Anyways, this all night movie thing didn't work. All of you fell asleep before the second movie was even half over, you all suck." You shrug and stretch your arms, leaning back on the mattress next to Niall. "Who cares? I'm still sleepy," you mumble, burying your face on Niall's pillow. "Oh! Me too, me too!" Niall says quickly, even though he's wide awake. You feel him plop down next to you and you see Louis roll his eyes. 

Harry: Harry's alarm clock goes off bright and early- five A.M. You know you don't have to wake up, since you're not recording, but you decide to anyway. Harry would certainly need help waking up the boys. Harry stirs sleepily next to you, letting out a groan--he hated waking up early. His arm was around your shoulders, which was pretty comfortable and you didn't really want to get up either. But the boys had a commitment. "Harry, c'mon we have to get up and wake up the boys," you nudge his shoulder and he groans and shuts his eyes. "Harry!" you sit on his chest and shakes his shoulders, causing him to smile and his eyes to open. "What a pleasant thing to see when I wake up, (Y/N) on top of me," he jokes, fighting back a yawn. You roll your eyes but smile, grabbing his hand and pulling him out from beneath the covers. "So, I'll wake up Liam and Louis," you claim quickly, knowing the two are the easiest (and most pleasant) to get up in the morning of the four. "No fair! Zayn will bite my head off and Niall will, too!" Harry sighs, looking at the Ziall pair lying side by side on the couch, both of them lost in sleep. "At least Zayn stopped snoring?" you offer, climbing over a few blankets and heading to Liam first. "Liam, babe, wake up," you say softly, shaking his shoulder. He wakes up with a smile and rubs the sleep from his eyes. "Thanks for waking me up, good morning," he climbs off the couch and yawns, noticing the other three boys are sleeping. "Louis, wake up," you climb over to Louis on the sofa and he just turns away, keeping his eyes shut. "Booobies," you whisper into Louis' ear, causing him to laugh and wake up reluctantly. "How dare you use my immature sense of humor to awaken me from my slumber," Louis jokes, reaching over and messing up your hair. "Now Niall and Zayn have to be woken up," you say, turning to Harry with a raised eyebrow. "They're going to be so cranky!" Harry protests, frowning at the blonde and brunette sleeping softly. "How about we all wake them up together?" Louis offers, a devilish grin spreading across his face. "One, two, THREE!" Louis shouts, the four of you push the couch that the Ziall pair had been sleeping on, tipping it over and sending the two sprawling on the carpet. "What t' fuck?" Niall mumbles, rubbing his head. Zayn lets out a groan but keeps his eyes shut and tries to go back to sleep. The four of you burst into laughter at the two, then Liam helps Niall up and you threaten to dump ice water on Zayn before he quickly jumps up and adjusts his hair. "Rude," he mumbles under his breathe, although he's got a small smile. 

Louis: "Good morning, butternut," you chirp, keeping your comfy spot in his arms. He wraps his arms around you tighter, pulling you closer and sighs. "Good morning." His voice sounds really cute, you've got a total weakness for Louis' morning voice. "Your voice sounds nice in the mornings, it's kind of crackly," you muse, leaning your head against his chest. He laughs quietly and shrugs. "Do you? Does my voice of the morning turn you on?" he teases, leaning on his elbow and looking at you. "Oh, of course. So does your massive case of bedhead," you laugh, nodding towards his auburn hair that's sticking up at all angles. "Speaking of bedhead," he leans over and smooths down a strand of your hair, his blue eyes glittering. "Louis and (Y/N), rocking the bedhead since," you check the clock. "Since 9 AM." He laughs and lets out a yawn, wiggling his toes. "So, which of the boys do you think is going to have the worst hangover?" you ask, remembering the boys camped out just down the hall. "Oh, Niall for sure. He was downing those pints like water," Louis rolls his eyes and laughs, climbing out of bed and grabbing your hand. "Should we fuck with them?" you ask, the two of you exchanging a mischievous grin. "Do you even need to ask?" he replies, the two of you quietly sneaking to the living room. "I'll do the light, you do the pans," you say, heading towards the large blue curtains that block off the bright sunlight. Louis heads to the kitchen and grabs two pots. He gives you a nod and you pull open the fabric, sending nearly-blinding sunlight floating into the living room. "Fuck!" Niall shouts, covering his eyes with his hands. Louis begins to bang pots together, causing all the boys (except Liam, who's laughing) to grab their heads and groan. "Have a lovely hangover!" you chirp, running over and giving Louis a high-five. 

Zayn: You wake up to someone's arms around you. You panic for a second before remembering it's just Zayn, which causes your cheeks to grow hot. You're awake, but he's not yet--he's a late sleeper. You carefully (and very reluctantly) slide his arms off of you, sliding out of bed. Even though you'd (really) love to stay and sleep in his arms, you had to go to work later and you had a long drive back home. Zayn lets out an unhappy and annoyed groan, making you feel a bit guilty. "Come back," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes. He gives you the puppy dog face (Damn, Liam's been teaching them well) and you sigh. Maybe you'd be a little late for work...screw it! "Fine, only because you're cute and I'm still sleepy, too," you decide, climbing back into the bed. He smiles a victorious smile before resuming the comfortable and cozy position of his arms around you. "GOOD MORNING SLEEPING BEAUTIES!" Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall all come sprinting into the room a while later causing you both to grumble and slowly wake up. "No! Don't wake up, yet!" Niall says quickly, shaking his head. "We were going to sing the 'Wake Up' song!" Liam sighs, nodding towards Niall's guitar. Zayn laughs at the memory and you remember vaguely hearing the song on YouTube. "Okay, sing it for us then," Zayn yawns, sitting up but keeping his arm around your waist. "Okay, one, two three..." Louis begins.

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