200. You're best friends and he checks you out

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Louis: His eyes raked over the length of your body as you exited the dressing room in another tight blue dress, "How does this one look Lou?" You asked pushing your hair behind your ears as you stared down at the dress. He bit down on his lip roughly pushing down the groan that nearly spilled from his lips and opted to nod his head. "So its better than the black one?" You asked with a raised brow turning around toward the mirror smoothing your hands down the front of the dress. He couldn't control his gaze, not able to tear them away from your hips, "Much better...you don't need me anymore right because I'd really like to get out of here." He ran his hand over his face quickly with a shake of his head as he couldn't get the image of your body out of his head.

Niall: "Hand me that towel." You mumbled with your teeth slightly chattering as another cold breeze clashed into your body. Quickly running the towel through his hair he tossed it over to you and you instantly began wiping away the water on your body. His brows knitted together as he watched you run his towel over your shivering body. He ran his tongue over his lips slowly as you leaned over to clear the water from your legs before you stood up straighter tossing the towel back at him. "Don't look at me like that mate." You said with a small chuckle as you caught his eyes still locked on your exposed figure, "S'not cool. We're like siblings. So cut it out." You shook your head still laughing as you knocked shoulders with him as you began back into your house.

Zayn: "Whoa." Liam said with raised brows causing the others to follow his gaze. "Wow...who would have thunk it? Our little [Y/N] in something other than jeans and sneakers." Louis said letting out a small chuckle as he glanced back at the guys. A smile made its way to Zayn's lips as he watched you scowl trying to pull down your skirt a bit. He liked what he saw, but not that he didn't before it was just a different look. "She looks good." Zayn commented as he watched you slip a sweater over your bare arms, "Really good." He mumbled not noticing the look Louis was giving him as the others headed toward the front door with you following. "If I didn't know any better mate I'd say you were checking [Y/N] out just now." Louis said with a grin playing at his lips as Zayn shook his head in response. "Nah man...just caught me by surprise s'all mate." Zayn spoke under his breath as he followed after you.

Harry: He glanced down once again, his eyes slightly widening as his eyes were trained on your chest through your extremely tight top. With a subtle shake of his head he let his eyes trail back up to yours as you continued on with your story he no longer knew what was going on. He bit down on his lower lip as he forced his eyes to stay glued to yours rather than your chest, "You alright Harry?" You asked with furrowed brows taking in his demeanor. "M'good...do you uh-do you maybe want my jumper for when we get inside? S'always a bit cold in the theatre." He sent his hand through his curly mop as you nodded your head. "Knew I forgot something. But you were rushing me you bum and it literally slipped my mind to bring something." You playfully narrowed your eyes up at him as you crossed your arms under your chest. "You can put it on now." He shot you a tiny smile pulling it over his head and handing it over to you.

Liam: He looked up over his laptop at you as you continued dancing along to the music you had blasting in his flat. He juggled between watching the movie on his computer screen and watching your body move with the music, taking notice on how well you moved. "S'no fun dancing alone Li." You complained with a tiny frown tugging at your lips, but nonetheless you continued moving. Liam shrugged his shoulders in response, letting his tongue run over his lips as you turned away from him once more, "You could always sit down and watch the movie with me...you know like we planned." He chuckled tearing his eyes off your body and back to his movie as you scoffed. "I just don't want to watch that movie. If you I dunno put on something we both liked I'd be watching it with you." You said with your hands on your hips.

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