325. You And The Boys Play Never Have I ever

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Niall: "Never have I ever...kissed a boy," Niall offers, raising his eyebrow and looking around the circle. You take a sip of your drink and nearly spit it out when Harry, Louis and Zayn all take a sip as well. "Explanation?" Niall asks, laughing. "Drunk," Zayn offers, looking at Liam sheepishly. "Curious," Harry and Louis reply in unison. This game was certainly interesting, especially since it was very late and the answers getting shocking. "Never have I ever...punched someone, and not like joking around, like punching punching" you quip. All the boys take a sip of their drinks, except for Louis. "Niall? Who'd you punch?" you ask incredulously. He shrugs and looks at the ground. "I know why!" Liam chimes in, nudging the blonde with a smile. Niall elbows Liam but Liam continues. "He punched this guy for calling you a whore last week." You look at Niall and he nods, confirming this. "Aww, that's so sweet," you reply, leaning on his shoulder. 

Liam: "Come plaaaaay, Liam!" Louis calls, holding up a six pack of beers and gesturing towards where you and the boys (minus Liam) are waiting to play a game of Never Have I Ever. "You don't have to drink beer, you can drink a Coke or something instead," Zayn offers, holding up a soda. "Fine, fine," Liam plops down next to you and snatches the can from Zayn. "Excellent. Now, let us begin the fine game of Never Have I Ever," Louis chimes, holding his drink up in a toast. "You start, Li Li." Liam taps his fingers on the carpet as he thinks. "Never have I ever...gotten so drunk I couldn't stand," he says with a smirk. "You've never gotten drunk, period! Well played," Harry laughs as everyone in the circle takes a swig of their drink. Liam looks at you curiously and raises an eyebrow. "Hey, it was my eighteenth birthday in London, had to live it up," you reply with a shrug and a wink. "Ah! I remember that," Niall adds with a laugh. "(Y/N) is a crazy fun drunk," Louis adds. "She is," Liam concludes, kissing your cheek. "But she's just as fun sober." You smile and snuggle into his arms. "Aw! Way to ruin a fun game with being all couple-y and sweet!" Louis teases, tossing a bottle cap at him. "Lou! Leave them alone, let them be cute," Zayn scolds, tossing the bottle cap back at Louis. 

Louis: "Never Have I Ever had a boyfriend," Harry says with a laugh, looking at you. "Ha! Clever," you reply, sticking out your tongue as you're the only one in the circle to take a swig. "Lou's turn!" Niall quips. "Never Have I Ever...cried during a movie," Louis says. Everyone in the circle takes another swig and Liam gasps. "NEVER cried during a movie?" You shake your head. "Liar!" Zayn sticks out his tongue. "You must be heartless!" Louis shrugs, "Nah, just never felt sad enough to cry during a movie." You jump up and grab the television remote. "That's it. I'm putting on the Titanic, and you WILL cry Lou!" The other boys nod. "Yeah! Mission make Louis cry!" Niall sings. "I'm getting that trending," Liam laughs, typing away at his phone. "Hash-tag MakeLouisCry" 

Harry: "Never have I ever been handcuffed," Zayn says with a yawn, the game of Never Have I Ever had been going on for a while, but all of you were determined to play until someone's drink was empty. No one takes a swig except Harry. "Curly! You were handcuffed?" Liam asks, shocked. "Do tell us more about your handcuffing experience," Louis comments. Harry plushes and breaks into a cheeky grin. "Don't want to talk about it." Zayn crosses his arms and nudges Harry with his elbow. "Were you like, arrested?" Harry shakes his head and meets your gaze and you wink. The boys notice you and Harry's look and Niall laughs. "Ewww! Nevermind, don't tell," Louis says, covering his eyes. "We don't want to know about your kinky bedroom games," Liam adds, shaking his head. "I didn't saaaay anything," Harry laughs and you nod with a smirk. "Moving right along..." you say after a few moments. 

Zayn: "My drink's almost empty! You guys are rigging this game," Zayn complains, shaking his nearly empty glass. "Never Have I Ever gotten a tattoo," Liam smirks and Zayn shoots him a glare. Your eyes dart to Zayn and Harry as they both take a sip, but you see Niall taking a hesitant sip as well. "NIALL? You have a tattoo? Awesome, man!" Zayn claps Niall on the back and Niall's cheeks turn red. "What's it of?" you inquire. "When did you get it?" Liam asks with concern. "Where is it?" Harry adds, waggling his eyebrows with a laugh. "Um..." Niall sloshes his drink around in the glass. You all stare at him expectantly. "Nah, just fuckin with you," he says after a moment, laughing. "You shoulda seen your faces!" You laugh and the other boys join, adding in eye rolls and tossing stray napkins and pretzels at the blonde. "Zayn has like one more sip left!" you exclaim, noticing his near empty glass. It's your turn, and you think of something he's surely done. "Never Have I Ever...sung a high note in 'Tell Me a Lie'" you say smugly. The boys all laugh as Zayn finishes off his drink and shakes his head at you with a smile. "Well played, babe. Well played."

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