208. Too Small For Two.

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Liam: A blush crept up your neck as your legs brushed against each other's from the closeness due to the small bed, "Sorry..." You mumbled running a hand over your slightly heated face slowly. "S'fine...its gonna keep happening." He said with a small chuckle slipping past his lips and you felt it simply because your backs were pressed against each other's. "Is...is this uncomfortable for you?" You asked quietly as you began chewing on your lower lip and he shrugged. "Not really but---but it'd probably be more comfortable if I like had my arm around you or something." He said between a yawn and you nodded even though he couldn't see you. "Okay..." You whispered, "you can if it'll make sleep more comfortable." You finished and in a matter of seconds his arm was closing around your stomach and his breath was now hitting the back of your neck. "Goodnight [Y/N]."

Niall: His legs tangled with yours as his grip on your shoulder tightened to refrain from you ending up on the floor, "Stop moving." He mumbled tiredly into your hair and you let out a small groan. "We're better off on the floor Ni." You complained prying your eyes open and blinking slowly to adjust your eyes to the darkness of the room. "Just go to sleep [Y/N]. S'only for the night." He spoke slowly letting his eyes fall shut and his breathing became steady moments later. A small frown took over your tired lips but you nodded against his chest nonetheless, "Fine." You muttered into his shirt and pressing your face closer to his body if possible. You ran your fingers along his exposed hip until your eyes grew heavy to the point where you could no longer hold them open.

Louis: "We should have picked the couch..." He sighed as you nodded in agreement. "I think they all knew this bed was small probably why no one objected." You grumbled and he let out a chuckle in response. "Oh well nothing we can do about it now," He let out a yawn draping his arm over your waist, "I mean its not bad the closeness I mean, but the bed's hard as crap." He spoke under his breath as he pulled you in closer to him pressing his lips to the back of your neck. A content sigh slipped past your lips as you pressed your back closer to his bare chest as you felt the sleep taking over your body, "I love you." He whispered against your skin before he too began to fall asleep.

Zayn: You listened to his steady breathing as he was curled up in the twin-sized bed only pressing your back more into the wall. You poked at his back hoping it would get him to move up, but it didn't work so you soon just gave up. You contemplated wrapping your arm around him to at least get a little comfortable, but no. You let out a deep breath before you decided to climb over him, "Where are you going?" He asked making you jump at the sound of his sleepy voice. "Oh...um I was...you can have the bed I'm just gonna sleep on the floor." You mumbled fixing the pillow underneath your arm as you now stood in front of the bed and he shook his head tiredly extending his arm out to you beckoning you back in bed. "Get back in the bed [Y/N]...you can sleep in the front yeah." He let out a yawn as you slipped back in bed and he closed his arm around you.

Harry: You let out a groan as his long limbs collided with yours and he placed his head on your chest, "Harry move..." You grumbled as his curly mop tickled the underside of your chin. You gave his body a small push but it only made him curl closer to your body and another groan fell from your lips, "Harry get off me...I don't even like you." You grumbled with your teeth clenched. "I like you." He mumbled into your shirt with his eyes still glued shut. You debated on whether or not to push him off, but you thought against it and just stopped fighting it and let him cuddle you as he fell further into slumber. You didn't know if you stopped fighting because you were tired or because he sprang it on you that he liked you regardless of how you felt for him.

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