152. hes already got a girlfriend

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Zayn: “Go away!” You cooed, tilting your controller as if it would actually make your player better. You were versing Zayn in a simple, yet dramatic game of Fifa on the game-set, and you were definitely loosing. “You suck at this, Y/N” Zayn chuckles, expertly dodging and manuvering his way around the field. “Screw you” You mumble and continue to play on. Halfway through, his phone starts buzzing like mad. He ignores the first call and continues to play until, three times later, he sighs and picks up. “Rick, if this is you, I told you I have the day off today—-oh hi babe”. You resist the urge to roll your eyes as you lean back into the couch. “Yeah it was great—i’m with Y/N” Zayn held the phone to his chest and mouthed ‘She says Hi!’”. You grin back at him before letting the smile fade from your face. “Sorry love,” Zayn shrugs after he hangs up, “I’m meeting her for a coffee, raincheck?”. “Sure” You murmur, trying to draw the disappointment from your voice. “Whats wrong, Y/N?” He asks, slipping into his jacket. “Nothing. You have two days off this month, please, spend it with H/GF/N. As per usual” You groan, getting off the couch and walking over to the kitchen. “Y/N I—” “Just go Zayn, you wouldn’t wanna be late for her, would you?”

Louis: “And then, Louis, being his typical clumsy self, spilt the coffee all down the front of my dress!” Louis’s newly found girlfriend chattered away, laughing as he pulled his arm around her shoulders. You gritted your teeth together and nodded, forcing a smile. Great. It was even more great because the day he met ‘her’ was the day you were planning on telling him how you felt. Well. That backfired just a little. Harry, beside you, chuckled along and sipped on his tea. “So, H/GF/N,” You spat with distaste, watching as she innocently looked up to you and grinned, “What is it you do again?”. Her jaw dropped slightly and she looked down at the table, “I—I actually help part-time down at the Royal Children’s Hospital…the rest of the time i’m just studying in UNI, I guess” She shrugged, looking kind of ashamed. “Babe” Louis beamed, leaning in and kissing her cheek before turning to you, “Isn’t she amazing?!”. “Yeah. Fabulous. Anyone want more tea?” You asked, guesting to their cups, not really giving any time for an answer before you stormed into the kitchen. You watched Harry nod to Louis before jogging over to you. “Whats up with you, Y/N?” He asked softly as you went to fill the kettle up. “She isn’t that pretty right?” You said, ignoring his question completely, staring at Louis and H/GF/N giggling away to each other. “Eh, i’ve seen better” Harry shrugged, leaning back on the counter and examining the two, “But seriously whats up?”. “He chose her” You snapped, grabbing your cup, “That’s whats up”

Harry: “What the hell is wrong with you?!” You shouted to Harry after having pulled him into the alleyway to the side of the club you were attending. Harry had just been swapping spit with a total random in one of the booths, and you’d just about had enough. “Did we just have this conversation about this?! You said you didn’t want to be portrayed as a man-whore right?! God Harry—-” “Whoa whoa whoa, what?” Harry interrupted, putting his hands up to silence you, “Who said anything about me being a man-whore? I think it’s relatively normal for a guy to kiss his girlfriend, don’t you?”. “Wait what? Girlfriend?”. “That girl was H/GF/N, Y/N. She’s my girlfriend? Has been for three weeks now…” Harry draws on, talking to you as if you were a slow kindergartener. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?!” You growled, feeling your insides churn. Fabulous. This was just fucking fabulous. “Because I thought you knew?!”. “Oh my god, Harry!” You sigh in frustration, walking back into the club and straight to the bar. As you watched Harry walk back over to his ‘girlfriend’ and re-start the make out session you turned to the barista, “Give me anything strong enough to kill emotions, yeah?”. The guy nodded and got to work. Another random next to you cleared his throat, “Rough night?”. “You’ve no idea”. “Wanna dance the trouble away?” He asked, nodding his head to the dancefloor. You shrugged. He was cute, he looked fun. This night was surly about to get interesting.

Liam: “Can’t I just have some juice?” You asked Liam, shouting through the house as he packed for tour next week. You decided to ‘apartment sit’ his flat for the time he would be away, so you were just going over the rules and what not. “Sure. And don’t forget this little fella” Liam smirked, walking into the kitchen with Loki tucked under his arm. “Ohh, of course not!” You chuckle, slipping the dog into your hands and kissing it’s forehead. “I’m gonna miss you” Liam sighed, his lips playing into a smile. “I’ll miss you too, Liam” You whispered back, still hugging the dog close. “I was talking to Loki, but, i’ll miss you too, Y/N”. You pushed him away jokingly before the doorbell rang, “Oh! I’ll get it! I need to practice anyway!”. You skipped over to the door and wrenched it open, “Hello MTV welcome to my cr—oh hello, who are you?” You asked the brunette beauty waiting at the door. “I’m H/GF/N? Here for Liam?” She asked, looking behind your shoulder as you heard someone clear their throat. “Y/N, this is H/GF/N, my girlfriend” Liam beamed, walking over and bringing her into the house. “Don’t worry I won’t be around a lot, i’m touring with Li” She giggled, leaning into his side as he hugged her. “Oh, okay. Uh. Nice to meet you, I guess?” You mumbled, setting the dog down and shaking her hand. Liam shot you a look, somewhat apologetic and somewhat remorseful but you shook it. The next day, Liam had left for tour you sat there staring at Loki on the couch. “That son of a bitch!” You finished your little rant and laid back, “So Loki, how do you feel about making some long distance expensive calls?!”

Niall: “I hope you don’t mind, i’ve invited H/GF/N” Niall called to you, checking off the things he got for the party tonight. “Why would I mind, she’s your girlfriend” You manage out without rolling your eyes, much. H/GF/N was a total slut. More than you could imagine. And a total barbie. But he didn’t see it. He saw the cutesy, blondey, beautiful girl who stole his heart. Right before you had the chance to steal it first. You stepped down from the ladder and went to the fridge. “She’s so amazing, Y/N, honestly, i’m so excited she’s coming!” Niall grinned as he too walked in, grabbing a beer from the fridge and softly shutting the door. “Yeah?” You gulped, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Oh yeah, god she’s so awesome. I love her hair, her personality. She’s so funny, Y/N, no one has ever made me laugh as much as she has!” He continued and boom. That last part. That was a low blow. “Whatever” You murmured, walking over and grabbing your jacket, “Sorry Niall. I can’t make it tonight, I’m busy. Okay. Don’t try and call me. Bye” You shouted to him as you walked through his house, and right out the front door.

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