207. Little Spoon

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Liam: His head rested on your chest while you idly ran your fingers along his back and he let out a small yawn, "I don't feel like moving." He mumbled into your shirt. You shrugged your shoulders with a smile tugging at your lips, "So don't...I don't want you to move." You spoke softly letting your fingers trail up where you began playing with the hairs that met at the nape of his neck and he let out a sigh draping his arm over the middle of your stomach. "Alright I wont then." He let his eyes flutter shut as you tightened your grip around his back and leaned forward to press your lips to the top of his head.

Louis: You pulled him in closer to you, tangling your legs with his as you continued listening to his steady breathing. He always fell asleep so quickly while in your arms, even with all of the complaining about not liking to be the little spoon, but you both knew he liked it. A smile took over your tired lips as his hands closed over yours, "I love you..." He whispered as you nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck gently placing tiny kisses until you reached his jaw. "Love you too." You spoke slowly against his skin as you felt the sleep start to take over your body.

Niall: "My arm's numb..." You mumbled glancing over at Niall's still asleep form lying on top of your arm. You used your free hand to tap his shoulder repeatedly until he reluctantly pried his eyes open. "Huh?" He asked between a yawn peering over his shoulder at you. "My arm babe...get up." You grumbled not trying to pull your arm free again. "You woke me up for that." He groaned lifting up a bit so you could quickly move your arm, "I never woke you up when my arm was dead..." He whined letting his head fall back down on his pillow before easily slipping back into slumber.

Zayn: "You alright?" You asked taking your lower lip between your teeth as you pulled his body closer and he sniffled once again. "M'fine babe...you shouldn't even be this close to me you'll get sick too." He said nasally with a small chuckle, which soon turned into a cough. Shrugging in response you moved your head closer, sharing the pillow with him, "Clearly I don't care Z, or else you'd be quarantined." You pointed out with a grin playing on your lips, "Since I'm already this close a kiss couldn't do me much harm." You finished glancing down at him since his head was tucked underneath your chin and he was curled in a fetal position.

Harry: You couldn't stop the smile from forming on your lips as you glanced down at how the two of you were laying. You were set in between his legs with his head settled comfortably on your chest and he was holding onto you for dear life. You let your arm loosen from around him to brush some of the curly mop out of his sleeping face. You lazily ran your fingers through his hair as you stared down at him, taking in his slightly parted lips. As much as you were enjoying the closeness and his cuteness you remembered you had to get up. You struggled trying to untangle yourself from him, but nonetheless you were soon free and able to get ready for work.

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