229. Youre in love with someone else

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Niall: He let out a dry chuckle pulling his lower lip between his teeth as he fiddled with the invitation for a few moments before letting it fall down to the table. "You going?" Harry asked softly biting down on the corner of his lip. "For what?" Niall retorted tearing his eyes off the envelope to look over at Harry, "Probably be best if I didn't go anyway right." He sighed running his hand over his face slowly as Harry nodded his head. "Have-have you at least talked to her?" Harry asked with a raised brow as Niall shook his head in response. "Haven't been answering her calls...I think if I talk t her I'll end up telling her you know. And then I'll ruin things." Niall muttered shrugging his shoulders, "Don't want t lose her completely Harry. So um I-I'll just deal with her getting married to someone else."

Zayn: He shrugged the hand off his shoulder as he tore his eyes off you and your boyfriend, "I'll be back." He spoke under his breath as he turned away and pushed his way through the mass of people until he was standing outside with his hands shoved into the front of his jean pockets. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and let his chin drop to his chest, "Just be happy for her." He mumbled to himself in a shaky voice, "Go back in there and be happy for her...be happy for your best friend." He continued talking to himself in a hushed tone as he leaned back against the brick wall with his eyes shut. A hand came down on his shoulder once more forcing him to pry his eyes open and look up, "You-you should have told her mate." Louis bit down on the inside of his cheek, "You should have told [Y/N} a long time ago how you felt because you're hurting now and-" "M'fine Louis." Zayn cut in making Louis let out a sigh but he nodded his head nonetheless. "How long are you going t keep trying t convince yourself that man?"

Harry: He sat there with a forced smile on his lips nodding his head every few seconds as you continued on about your boyfriend of 9 months. "Oh god Harry, I think I'm in love with him." You said burying your face into your hands to cover up both the grin and the pinkish tint along your cheeks. Harry let out a humorless chuckle with a shake of his head as the forced smile fell from his face, "M'happy for ya, [Y/N}." He mumbled running his tongue quickly over his chapped lips, "Ah I should be heading out, have t meet up with Gem in a bit." He lied wiping his hands on the fronts of his jeans as he quickly rose from his spot beside you. You glanced up from your hands with your lower lip jutted out, "Aw Harry stay, matter of fact have Gemma come over so we can all hang out." You pouted and he shook his head. "Can't. Sorry [Y/N." He shot you a weak smile before he pressed his lips to the top of your head and made his way over to the front door, letting himself out. The tiny smile that he'd plastered on his lips vanishing in no time.

Liam: "She has a boyfriend Liam..." Zayn chewed on his lower lip as his eyes raked over Liam's face slowly, "she loves-" "I know. I know." Liam frowned bringing the bottle to his lips and downing a mouthful of beer, "She loves him I know...but I love her Z." He mumbled bringing his free hand up to wipe at his eyes, "I really-what am I supposed to do mate? S'not like I can just shut off my feelings. I can't do fuck all about it." He shook his head taking a few more big gulps of beer until the bottle was empty and placed it down on the table. "I dunno mate you-you have t move on or tell her." Zayn suggested as he sent his fingers through his hair quickly. "I can't..." Liam admitted quietly the frown on his lips deepening, "I can't do that...but I know I have t because she doesn't love me back."

Louis: He laid flat on the bed with his hands folded behind his head as he stared blankly at the ceiling. He wanted to blame it all on someone else, it was easier that way, but this was his fault. He did this all by himself, he lost you all because of himself. He swallowed the lump that was sitting at the back of his throat, "I'm an idiot." He choked out taking one hand from behind his head to wipe at his face slowly. "I'll never get her back...why would she even think about coming back?" He let out a dry chuckle shaking his head a bit, "She's got the perfect chap now...why would she leave him t come back to me?" He continued talking to himself in a hushed tone. "I always fuck things up." He frowned bringing his teeth down upon his lower lip roughly.

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