153. your child doesnt want to see him/want him any more (his pov)

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Harry: I watched as my little girl had grown up and had said she would always love me and want me to be her prince. But now I watch as she glares at me and shouts out curses and throwing things at me.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! YOUR A HORRIBLE PERSON!! I TRUSTED YOU!! YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WOULD MAKE IT THROUGH!!" Avery yelled at me throwing clothes in a suitcase and throwing gifts I had given her of places I had traveled, at me.
"Avery please I know this is hard to understand but its what needed to be done!" I said trying to duck out of the way of flying objects
"ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!?! THIS HAD TO BE DONE?? You know what im done with you!!! Im leaving to live with mom and im not coming back to visit, I don't want you to be in my life anymore, goodbye dad" She spit the last word out like venom. I tried to run after her and be able to hold her and tell her everything I wanted too, but she was already gone. I ran into the closed door and slammed my fist against it, knowing I had lost the most important person in my life and I let her just sleep from my fingers

Liam: I placed my head against the door feeling the tears start to form in my eyes. I listened as my ex-wife sat down with henry, my 5 year old son, telling him about how parents don't always stay together even though they used to love each other very much. I heard my wife finish explain on how we were no longer going to be together when I heard the sweet voice of my son
"Do I still have to see daddy if we move?"
"Yes babe, we can still see daddy if you want too."
"No, I don't want to see daddy, I don't like daddy, he stole my crayon yesterday."
I heard as y/n chuckle slightly, "Just because he stole your crayon doesn't mean you don't want him."
"Well I don't want to come over here anymore I love you more anyway."
My heart cracked, now even my own son doesn't want me

Louis: I was walking around the mall for the first time since the divorce with Y/N. I hadn't really been able to go back since this is where we first met. As I walked around I spotted a familiar face. MY eyes brightened when I noticed it was my daughter and my ex-wife. When Nikki had caught my eyes, her eyes widened and they turned into a soft glare in my direction. Nikki has been bitter ever since the divorce with me, but I don't blame her. Y/N turned in her seat and saw me. She gave me a soft smile waving me over to where they were. I hesitantly walked over and stood by their table. Y/N smiled up at me
"Hey Lou!" She smiled offering me a seat. I nodded over to her and looked over at Nikki, she didn't look my way.
"Hi Y/N hello Nikki." Nikki ignored me and got up leaving me and her mother. I looked to her mother who had a sad face on.
"What was that?" I asked confused
"She's mad Louis, every since the divorce she doesn't speak about you, everytime I bring up going to your house for her to stay the weekend she gets cold. Yesterday I overheard her on the phone with one of her friends and I heard her say she doesn't want you anymore. Louis she feels as if you left her and she is hurt." Y/N said with tears in her eyes since it broke her heart seeing her daughter this way
I sat silently with Y/N and she gently patted my hand. MY little girl doesn't want me anymore? My pride and joy is broken because of me. I smiled at Y/N
"Thanks for telling me Y/N ill leave you and Nikki alone then, have fun." I say softly getting up trying to leave the mall without being seen crying.


I was on the phone with my ex-wife trying to sort out schedules to take little Blake, our son, every weekend so I could still see him. She was driving Blake to soccer and we had decided he would come over afterwards. I heard her ask Blake and I heard the little voice over the phone
"Hey babe! How about you go to daddy's house after soccer practice?"
"NO!! I don't want daddy!! He isn't fun." I heard Blake say breaking my heart slightly
"Oh honey ! He is fun youll do so much fun stuff!!" Y/N tried to reason
"NO!" Your son yells loudly
"Blake please don't -" she was interrupted by more screaming of how blake didn't want me
I blinked back the tears and whispered into the phone
"Its fine, Y/N just keep he can come over another time"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, tell him I love 'im will ya? Thanks I gotta go." I hung up and threw the phone onto the couch, letting the tears fall


"I don't want to see you anymore dad." I heard my son say one afternoon, while he stayed at my house for the weekend
"What Alex why not?" I sat straight up from the seat I was sitting in and looked at him
"I cant stand looking at you knowing that you broke moms heart." He said softly rubbing his neck awkwardly
"It was a mutual decision Alex, we both agreed we didn't feel that way anymore."
"NO that's what you thought!" He suddenly screamed "I cant stand, standing here knowing you only thought of yourself while signing the divorce paper, you broke me and mom! She cried every night for 4 weeks after the divorce!" He yelled making his face turn bright red
"Alex I-"
" Dad I know you didn't realize it but I cant do this anymore and act like im ok."
I sighed and ran my finger through my hair trying to keep back the tears.
"Ok son, if that's what you really want."
He shook his head yes and walked away from me. I felt the tears fall down my cheek and I sniffled knowing I had lost my baby boy all because I didn't pay attention.

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