178. he picks you up from school

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Harry: It was ridiculously cold when the bell for home time rang. You shake your head at the fact that you wore your school skirt rather than pants, sighing at the thought of having to walk back home in this weather. As you exit the gates you rub your hands up and down your bare arms and kiss your friends on the cheek goodbye before you take off down the street. You're not even a few feet away from school when you hear that all too familiar deep voice call your name. You turn and look back, confusion on your face when you see Harry walk over to you. "Hey love," he smiles widely, greeting you with a kiss. "Harry, hi," you smile. A few people gasp when they see him - mainly girls who stop and pull their phones out and a few of the guys seem to glare at him and his expensive car. "Thought I'd come pick you up since I had the rest of the day off. Wanna go grab something to eat in the city?" He asks, and you're about to say yes when he stares down at your legs. "What are you doing wearing a skirt in this weather? You've got goose bumps," he points out, rubbing your arms. "Here," he pulls his coat off in one quick motion. "Harry," you laugh, "you don't have to. You'll get cold." "Better me than you, love," he kisses you again, pulling the warm black coat on for you that looked far too big on you. "You look better in it that me anyway," he smirks, hand on the small of your back as he guides you to his car. "Hi Harry" and "Oh my god is that Harry Styles?" and "Harry, I love you," can be heard as you walk to the vehicle, your boy smiling politely at them and giving them a friendly wave before holding the door open for you.

Niall: "Uh, ladies, do you know where (Y/N) is?" Niall cringes, leaning against your car. "Who?" One girl answers. "Can you just sign this please?" She shoves some paper and a pen in his face. Niall had simply wanted to come get you from school when suddenly someone called out his name and crowded him around your car. He tried texting you and you said you'd be out in a second; not knowing the kind of havoc that was going on in the parking lot. "(Y/N). My girlfriend," Niall signs the paper, "have you seen her? I kinda need her..." He says worriedly, the tight space beginning to take a toll on him. "Never heard of her. I could be your girlfriend though," she winks at him. "Um, no thanks," Niall cringes again at the sight of her, when suddenly he hears your voice. "Niall?" You whisper at the back of the crowd. "Babe!" He calls. "Can you give me a hand?" He gestures to the crowd. "Um, can you guys give us some space, please?" You smile, trying to be friendly. Most people apologise and move along, however the flirting girl stuck around. "So, can I get your number as well?" She leans in close to him, while you stand behind the two of them rolling your eyes. "No," Niall tries to back away. "So you're gonna for that instead?" She points at you. "She has a name. Pay my girl a little respect," Niall scoffs. "Shut up Sandy," you open your car door. "Yeah, Sandy, shut up," Niall climbs in, leaning in to kiss you.

Zayn: "Hey, there you - baby, what's wrong?" Zayn's face drops when he sees the look on your face. You had just finished one of the biggest exams of your last couple months of high school - the exams that pretty much determine whether or not you'll get into university. Your English teacher stops rubbing your back, looking up from your spot on the bench. "Uh, her exam... I'll let you do your job. It'll be okay, (Y/N)," she leaves and says goodbye. "Thanks," Zayn nods at her, before settling down next to you. "Darling? Hey?" He wraps an arm around you. "What happened, (Y/N)?" You shake your head in your hands. "I messed up. I literally handed in like, half a page. Who does that? I screwed up so bad," you let out a sob. "Oh, baby," Zayn quickly pulls you into his lap, "Don't worry about that. You're the smartest person I know, one little exam isn't gonna do anything. Any university would be lucky to have you. Just take a deep breath for me," he guides and you do so, "that's a good girl. Just relax. I'm sure it'll all work out, you don't need to stress," he kisses you lightly. "I promise you this isn't something you need to worry about, please don't be upset," he wipes away your tears. "Thank you," you smile, sighing into his neck. "Let me take you home, baby. That's why I'm here. Better we'll go to my place and I'll cheer you up with whatever you want. Movies, food, you name it," he promises. "Okay," you smile wider this time, the sadness slowly washing away. "That's my girl," you both sit up, Zayn guiding you to his car in the parking lot. "You got a good boy there," your English teacher comments from the other side of the hallway, "don't let that one go," she smiles.

Louis: 'Baaaabe.'

'Reply to me!'

'Don't you love me anymore? ):'

You giggle at the last next Louis sent you, only having enough time to quickly look over at them and not reply as your History teacher was usually strict. "And what's so funny about the assassination of JFK, (Y/N)?" Your teacher slowly walks up to your desk. "Uh, what?" You shrink back in your chair. "No, I just-" He takes your phone from your desk, placing it on top of his as you groan. Your teacher continues talking when suddenly there's a loud buzzing, your phone keeps going off over and over again and you're positive it's Louis. Finally the vibration ends after almost ten minutes but the silence is cut off from your rather loud ring tone, disrupting the class, your friends looking over at your with knowing smirks. "(Y/N)," your teacher shakes his head, "just pick it up already," he instructs. "Thanks," you squeak, grabbing your phone in a hurry and leaning against a wall in the hallway. "Louis, I told you not to call me during school," you scold, though you can't help but laugh. "Hey now, I just wanted to hear my girl's voice. And it'd be even better if I could see your pretty face..." His voice trails off, and you can pretty much vision what's going on. "You're in parking lot, aren't you?" You reply dryly. "Why yes I am. Come out, babe, it's a Friday anyway." "How is that an excuse?" You laugh, when suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder. It's your teacher, and he's holding your bag and books and you're sure he's going to send you to the principal. "Is that your boyfriend? One... Wonder... One something?" He tries to work it out. "One Direction," you offer, phone still to your ear. "Right, right, my daughter loves them," he hands your belongings to you. "You can leave. I guess you don't get to see him a lot, which is a shame. Have fun. Tell your boyfriend this is the first and last time this will happen," he speaks up at the last point, making sure Louis can hear him through the phone. "I will, sir," you giggle, "thank you!"

Liam: You left school with a jump in your step, knowing that Liam would be picking you up and you'd be spending the afternoon together. You searched for his car when all of a sudden you're getting shoved aside. "Guys, come on, Liam's right over there," a girl screeches, pulling a bunch of friends along with her. You shake your head, knowing something's about to go wrong, and you sigh at the sight of a large crowd around Liam's car. "(Y/N)!" Liam spots you. "Get in, baby," he smiles. "I'll try," you mouth, trying to make your way to his car, but failing to due to all the people pushing and shoving. One girl goes too far and shoves you to the ground, your leg immediately scraping on the pavement. "Shit," you swear, feeling a strong hang pull you up. "(Y/N), are you okay, baby? God, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault," he mutters. "It's not, Liam, let's just get inside." Liam nods, getting you in the car before he turns to the girl who hurt you. "Hey," he greets. "Hey," she smiles widely. "Don't you ever touch my girlfriend again, you hear me? You're fortunate enough to get to go to school with her and spend all day with her. Consider yourself lucky," he scoffs, rubbing your sore leg as you leave the girl dumbfounded.

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