297.He Wants To Be Naughty While You Study

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Harry: You sat on the bed with your heavy book open in your lap as you read aloud to yourself, though you were still quiet. You felt Harry's hand rubbing your back, but you ignored it and continued with your studies, since this was rather important to your testing that was coming up. Everything was fine until Harry sat up and wrapped his arms around your from behind, kissing over your neck, "Come play with me, babe." Harry whispered to you as he tried to close your book, "Harry, I'm busy." You complained as he tried to take your book now, "But, Baaaaaabe, I wanna play a game." He whispered in your ear, trying to pull your shirt up. "Harry," you couldn't help but giggle at this point, "Come on, babe. You can study later." Harry whispered to you as you looked back at him, "Only if you'll do that one thing that you promise last time." You told him, closing your book as he pushed his lips to yours, nodding and pushing your things out of the way.

Niall: You sat on the couch doing your homework as Niall laid back on the couch, playing with his guitar. You didn't noticed he had moved until he sat up and began kissing your cheek and neck, "Y/N," He sang, poking you gently as you waved him off. "Niall, i'm busy." You told him, but he didn't seem to care. "Too busy for me?" He asked with a pout. You shook your head and kissed his lips, just expecting a quick peck, but Niall wasn't having that. He gently pulled you onto him, kissing you passionately, and though you hadn't studied, you couldn't help but giggle and go along with him-- I mean, who can resist Nialler?

Zayn: Zayn always thought intelligence was sexy, so whenever you studied in front of him, you had to expect this. You sat on the bed, turning the page and beginning to read again as Zayn came up to ear and whispered, "Hey, baby, why don't we play a game? You can be the naughty school girl in need of some extra credit and I can be the sexy English teacher." His voice was just enough to make you melt, but you shook your head. "I'm not an English major." You told him with a smile. "Too bad, Boo." Zayn said, before asking again. "Play with me?" He asked, smiling. "Mr.Malik, you are impossible." You told him before pushing your lips to his and dropping the pen from your hand.

Liam: "My baby is studying and shes so smart and beautiful." Liam sang as you did your work and you couldn't help but smile and turn over to him. "What do you want?" You asked with a smiled, tapping his fingers. "A kiss." He told you, smiling as he pushed his lips to yours. You expected it to be quick, but he pushed you back at bit, making his kiss much more passionate and cut you off each time you tried to tell him you had to study with a laugh, "Liam!" You giggled one more time, smiling at him before you gave up and dropped your books and your paper.

Louis: You didn't really want to read this book, but If you wanted to pass this class you didn't have a choice. You quietly read to yourself before you felt a gentle duckling on her neck, and kissing on your collarbone. "Take a break for an hour or two." Louis asked you, taking the book from your hands. "Maybe we try something a bit more fun." Louis smirked as he kissed over your shoulder again. You wanted to tell him that you needed to study and that this was important, but the kisses he was now placing onto your lips, shushed you immediately, and without any argument you took the book from him and threw it, a smirk on your face and against his lips.

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