240. Just friends

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Niall: He pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek before you pulled away with your nose scrunched up and slipped away into the kitchen. He let his eyes trail over to the grinning git beside him and a sigh fell from his lips, "Don't even start Harry." Niall shook his head watching as the grin began to disappear from Harry's lips and he was trying to pull an innocent look. "Dunno what you're going on about...but-" "But nothing Harry." Niall sighed once more returning his gaze to the movie playing on the television. "Fine...I just wish you two would sort out your little situation. The cuteness is kind of sickening." Harry shrugged sitting back in his seat to get comfortable. "S'no situation." "Right cause you're just friends. Got it."

Harry: "The way you look at her mate." Liam said with a shake of his head as he took in the soft expression on his face. "Huh?" Harry muttered tearing his eyes off you to look over at Liam before raising his cup to his lips. A small chuckle left Liam's lips as he shook his head once more, "You look at her as if she hung up the moon or something...as cliché as that sounds mate." "A bit cliché yeah. And I look at her as I do all my friends Liam...stop." Harry muttered with the brim of the cup still at his lips before taking a large gulp, finishing off his drink. "Well I'd hope you don't look at me like that mate." Liam said with his brows raised as he bit back a grin. "Shut up Liam." Harry rolled his eyes letting out a small cough to cover up his laughter, "She's my friend."

Liam: He pulled you into a tight embrace nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, "Wish you could come with me." He mumbled with his lips pressed to your skin. Your hands fisted the back of his shirt as you tried to pull him closer, "I wish I could too...call me yeah." You muttered before letting your arms fall from around him and he took a step back shooting you a sad smile. "Alright...just answer when I call no matter what time it is okay." He said with a raised brow and you shook your head letting out a small chuckle. "Right because if you call me at 3 in the morning I'm supposed to jump out of my sleep to talk?" You asked with laughter still in your voice and he nodded, "S'not happening Li. That only goes for girlfriends, not best friends. Best friends like sleep. Remember that! I enjoy my sleep Liam." You joked nudging his shoulder a bit before pulling him into another quick embrace.

Louis: With a smile he leaned in a pressed his lips chastely to yours, "S'bout time you got here." He muttered draping his arm around your shoulders pulling you in a bit closer to him. "Aw Lou did you miss me?" You asked letting out a giggle as you reached up to pinching his cheek and he rolled his eyes. "Something like that...I'm gonna get you something t drink alright." He let his arm fall from around you and stalked off in the direction toward the kitchen and Zayn's arm replacing yours. "You two are so dense..."He mumbled but you could still hear him over the blaring music, "Tell him how you feel [Y/N]...unless you rather the two of you continue to just be friends." He shook his head offering you a tiny smile.

Zayn: "We're just friends." You mumbled with his lips still pressed to yours as he held you up against the wall and he let out a small groan into your mouth while your fingers tugged at the hairs on the nape of his neck. He pulled away from the kiss with your lower lip between his teeth before running his tongue over his lips and lowering them onto your neck, "Yeah yeah yeah...I know." He spoke into your skin. You tugged harder at the ends of his hair, "We shouldn't do this..." You let out a low whimper as he nipped at your neck before sucking a bruise into it, "friends-they don't...they don't do things like this." You stammered as he pressed his body to yours clearing the little bit of space there once was. "I know." He whispered pulling away from your neck only to press his lips to yours once again.

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