300.He Sneaks Into Your House And You're Caught

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Zayn: Your dad thought that Zayn's tattoos and smoking was a bad influence on you, so he said no and plus, he was big on you doing well in school. You hated having to sneak around like this, but you couldn't help but smile as you opened the back door to let Zayn in your house. He took your hand and the both of you went to sneak up to your room, but before you could even get half way up the stairs, you bumped into your father. "Mr. y/l/n." Zayn said quickly as his eyes went wide. "What is he doing in my house, y/n. We talked about this." Your father said and before you could speak, Zayn was talking. "Sir, I love your daughter, and i'm not making her do anything that she doesn't want to. I'm sorry that i'm not a doctor, but I know that I can give her more love than any doctor ever could." Zayn said, and you could sense that both of you were terrified of your father, but you were also both surprised when your father spoke up. "Any boy willing to stand up to me for my daughter is better than any doctor I can think of. Have fun, kids." Your dad said, waving the two of you upstairs. "But, Malik, If you even think about touching my little girl in a way that you shouldn't it'll be the last move you make." Your father warned as the two of you ran upstairs, smiling widely.

Harry: You and Harry were on your bed, doing a mixture of wrestling, tickling fighting and kissing, and though it was very physical, never sensual or sexual, except for maybe the last kiss. You gently used Harry's necklace to pull him to your lips, passionately kissing before your dad opened the door and stood there with wide eyes. "Y/N!" He screamed as Harry quickly jumped from you and you sat up on you bed. "Daddy," you tried, biting down on your lip. "What were you two doing?! Why is he in my house?! Why is he in your room?!" He asked, his eyes wider with each question as he built up more anger. "I'm really sorry, Mr. y/l/n. I really just couldn't wait another minute without seeing your daughter....I mean, you have to know what I'm talking about, right? Like, when you first got married to your wife, or even we you were just young and in love and when you got to see your girlfriend and she was just beautiful and it felt like it was only you two there, even though you were in a roomful of people and she just made you feel like flying and dancing because you were so happy that you had something so beautiful and she was yours -- or, well, you wanted to belong to each other and you were just so in love and- I'm sorry, I should go." Your dad shook his head, "No. Stay. Just...don't make babies? Please?" Your dad asked, shuddering a bit as Harry turned around and smiled at you widely as you mouthed to him, 'I love you.'

Liam: Liam was very cautious about coming into your house as you two sat on the couch, he looked around cautiously. "This doesn't feel right." He told you as you held his hands, "It'll be alright, honey. Just come talk to me. We haven't talked in a long time." You told him, leaning up against him. "Tell me why you love me?" You asked as he played with your hair. "Well, you're beautiful for starters, but, you're cute. I don't mean like looks, but you giggle a lot and it's really adorable, and you're better at math than me, and you're funny, and you're almost always smiling. I can't really explain it love, but my heart just starts racing when I see you, and I just can't stop myself from smiling and I look at you and I say to myself, 'I love her and I couldn't stop for anything or anyone' and I think about what I would do if I was to ever lose you, and how I wouldn't let any force hurt you in anyway, and how I wanted to be there for you, for ever and always. I love how happy you make me and I just, you're perfect to me, y/n. Something about you just makes me all...I don't know. Happy?" Liam asked, smiling down at you before you both heard a voice. "To be honest, I was going to tell you to leave, Mr. Payne, mainly because I thought you were a hormonal teenage boy only wanting my daughter for one thing, and while I still don't know if I trust you completely...I don't mind if you want to continue to date my daughter." Your mom told you, "And i'm sure her father wouldn't mind either." She told you, smiling, even though your father thought differently. "Actually, I do mind," He began, but your mom stopped him by standing on her tip toes and whispering in his ear before she giggled and they both ran up the stairs after your dad quickly said, "On second thought...When are you getting married?!" You shook your head, kissing Liam's lips. "Gross." You mumbled.

Niall: Things were going fine up in your room with Niall, and he was amazing at staying quiet, but there was little problem. "Baby, I'm hungry." Niall whined, bouncing on your bed. "What do you want?" You asked him, standing up on your bed and preparing to go downstairs and get Niall something to eat. "I don't know." He said with a shrug, "Fine. Be quiet." You said as you opened the door and made him lead the way downstairs to the kitchen. You both made is their sucessfully, but your mother did as well. "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N! What did we talk about, young lady?!" She asked you, covering herself with a robe before Niall spoke up. "It's my fault, ma'am." Niall said, clearing his throat. "Have you ever felt incomplete because you hadn't someone who meant so much to you in a long time? Like, you just didn't feel like you without them? It was messing with my brain, and I wasn't eating right -- and I never refuse food. Like, the person just made you so happy and you couldn't stop from smiling and seeing their smile just made things so much better and when you were them, you forget about anything else, and you just want to be with them forever and never let go the things that you have.I'm sorry. I just love her and missed her and I guess I'll be leaving now and i'll just feel empty again. I wouldn't want her to disobey her parents wishes for me." Niall said, turning to kiss your cheek. "I love you." He told you, squeezing his hand gently. "Horan?" Your mother called him. "Yes, Ma'am?" He asked, walking to get his jacket. "You can stay." She said, causing both of you turn to each and smile widely, "No sex." She felt the need to add, and you only rolled your eyes, hugging her. "Thank you, mom." You whispered. "No, thank that boyfriend of yours. He's a good kid." You both turned to see Niall, digging through the refrigerator. "I think I'll keep him."

Louis: You were supposed to be babysitting your little brother since your parents left you alone with him and when Louis found out they were gone, he quickly came over. As soon as you answered to door Louis gave you a small kiss and soon the two of you were running around the house and laughing, laughing so loud that you hadn't noticed your dad came home until he slammed the door and yelled your name. "Uh-oh." You both said, looking over at each other and walking downstairs. "Daddy, I can explain." You rushed out, but he stopped you. "Don't. I just want him out of my house, I swear, if I found out you had sex, I will kill you both." Your dad said, but Louis spoke up. "That's just it, Sir. Me and your daughter just want a relationship, not relations. I love your daughter,Sir, and if she doesn't want sex, neither do I. I can only imagine how you must feel and i'm sorry to go against you, but until your daughter or myself want to call it quits, i'm going to continue to see her, and I hope that she'll want to see me, too." Louis said, taking a deep breath. Your dad took a long breath before he told you both, "Tomlinson, just make sure my little girl is happy?" Your dad asked, "Always." Louis whispered, kissing your forehead.

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